The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

RFK Jr. Doesn't Eat Dogs, July, 7, 2024


Kennedy-Shanahan 24

The battle against corrupt political interests is getting nasty.
The DNC smear attack machine is back with a nasty hit piece against Robert F. Kennedy Jr. in Vanity Fair. This article, filled with distortions and misleading information, is yet another tactic by the DNC political machine to undermine our campaign.
One of the most egregious claims in the article is a baseless reference to a rumor that RFK Jr. once ate a dog. This ridiculous and unfounded accusation is an apparent attempt to distract from his policies and achievements.
The article’s timing and tone are no coincidence.
A week after wrongfully being kept off the presidential debate stage, the DNC political machine is trying to destroy RFK Jr.! They will stop at nothing to smear his character and divert attention from the real issues at hand.
After President Biden's miserable debate performance, Democrats know they are in trouble with many calling for him to step down.
Whether Biden is replaced as the Democrat candidate or not, the DNC machine knows this will be a razor-thin election. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is poised to make history and win the White House!
The last thing the DNC wants is a Kennedy on a ballot who is leading among the 51% of Americans who consider themselves independent!
With your support, we can overcome the media smears and bring about the change our country desperately needs.
On to victory,
Team Kennedy
P.S. Even with historic polling numbers, 20% of the electorate is still unaware Bobby is running for President. Help Team Kennedy fight the smears today!

Corporate Media's Illusion: Joe Biden as "Sharp and Focused"
Mike AdamsDon't believe what you say with your own eyes, the media says. Joe Biden is "sharp and focused" and in those moments when he doesn't seem cognitively aware, it's just his "style" choice, according to the New York Times.

This must be the most shameless, stupid and insane gaslighting efforts in the history of our country. The media is trying to tell you that a broken down dementia patient is capable of running the United States of America.

Today's Brighteon Broadcast News covers the media's latest insanity, plus news about a popular weight drug causing people to lose their eyesight.

Find the full episode (and today's interview with Bradlee Dean) here.
This is our moment to bend the arc of history towards peace.
I stand before you at a pivotal moment, where our choice will not only define America's path but also our legacy in the world. It's time to embrace a profound transformation in how we define strength and leadership on the global stage.
Our nation has reached its limit on what military dominance can achieve. We've spent nearly one trillion dollars annually on defense while our cities, railways, and water systems crumble, and our economy falters.
We have neglected our communities and our infrastructure for too long, and it's time to bring our focus home.
As President, I am committed to revitalizing the true sources of our strength. The commitment to end America's role as the world's policeman is not just a policy—it's a promise.
"America can not be an empire abroad and continue to be democracy at home."
—Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
The crisis in Ukraine exemplifies the urgent need for change.
My goal is clear: to bring peace to the Ukrainian people, not to use them as pawns in a larger game. I will work tirelessly for a diplomatic resolution that respects the independence and freedom of the Ukrainian people, setting a precedent for how America engages with the world.
Inspired by the unfulfilled promise of my uncle, President John F. Kennedy, we will strive to dismantle the old paradigms of Cold War thinking and imperial overreach.
Finally, it is crucial to recognize that corrupt systems within our government have perpetuated war for profit by fostering division among us, maintaining control by keeping us at war with each other. This destructive cycle must end.
We will lead by example, promoting peace and championing the dignity of all nations and peoples. We will bring our troops home and halt the endless cycle of unnecessary conflicts that drain our nation's resources and morale.
Our military will return to its noblest duty: defending our borders and securing our peace.
This is more than a campaign; it's a movement to redefine American greatness through the power of peace and integrity.
End Forever Wars
Your generous gift will help me heal our nation and inspire the world.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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