The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Images, Scripture, CRU, Wanda Alger, Kamala Mosaic, July 31, 2024



The message of the gospel is not just the salvation of souls, but a reformation of hearts and lives within cultures and people groups. The only entity that can cut through the clamor of the culture and direct people to righteousness is the Church, the Ekklesia of God. And yet, the trend among woke pastors and celebrity ministers has been to avoid such messages that may divide their following or tarnish their popularity. The result has been immorality being legislated from our courts and perversity celebrated within our institutions. Because of silence from the pulpits, political agents are calling the shots and demanding submission from the masses. The Church needs to not only wake up, but step up.  CLICK TO READ MORE...

Did You read that Olympic Committee?

The true Olympian, Yeshua nailed it and we won His crown!

Building Life-Changing Friendships in the Everyday

Understanding the value of community to know others and share your love of Jesus doesn’t just happen – it takes intention.

People better start paying attention to what’s going on in other places 😮 This is in China where you need to have a “social credit score” of 550 in order to do things like charge their vehicle or use vending machines.

Do you know what this image of the "laughing hyena" represents? Answer at the bottom
Joe Biden "SR." said, and we thought "Corn Pop" was a bad dude, she makes the hair on my legs stand up like when the negro kids and my daughter touch my legs!

1. Promises to ban fracking and offshore drilling
2. Supports mediocrity over merit: "equal outcomes for all"
3. Wants more big government / deficit spending
4. Supports free healthcare and housing for illegals
5. Hoax peddler (Smollett, Charlottesville, Border agents whipped migrants, Russiagate, Biden is healthy)
6. Wants more funding for foreign wars
7. Race-baiter
8. BLM supporter
9. Supported Defund the Police
10. Supports woke DEI ideology
11. Was ranked as the "most liberal" Senator (100/100)
12. Wants to pack the Supreme Court
13. Supports ending the filibuster to pass radical legislation
14. Climate change zealot
15. Supports open borders
16. Wants to abolish ICE
17. Wants the government to legislate what you eat, including less red meat
18. Supports restricting the 2nd Amendment
19. Wants to replace private insurance with universal healthcare
20. Election denier

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