The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

RFK Jr. July 24, 2024


Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Dear Watchman, 
If Kamala Harris finds herself leading the Democratic ticket, she faces a steep uphill battle, burdened by a disapproval rating that has soared to 54%, with some polls even nearing the 60% mark.
This unprecedented level of disapproval casts a looming shadow over the Democratic Party's prospects in the upcoming November elections. Here's why:
Kamala Harris has failed to carve out a distinct identity separate from President Biden’s policies and decisions. Consequently, she is equally culpable for multiple crises that have plagued the current administration, namely the economy, border, and Ukraine.
This alignment with Biden has amplified her unpopularity, making it evident that her chances of winning are as dismal as Biden's were.
RFK Jr. remains the only candidate that can beat Donald Trump in November!
Zogby Strategies' recent poll shows Robert F. Kennedy Jr. defeating President Donald Trump by 14 points in a head-to-head matchup, with a margin of error of just 2.8%.
Kennedy leads Trump by 14 points
We have a unique chance to elect Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the next president. Please consider donating $5 or $10 today to make this happen.
We need 100% participation from every supporter, no matter the amount. So we are asking all who’ve given before to give again. And if you’ve never given, now is the time.
Please let us hear from you today.
Team Kennedy
No trust, no fairness
Dear Watchman, 
In 2024, the mainstream media (MSM) covered up Joe Biden’s health crisis.
From January 2020 until May of 2023, the MSM covered up the health risks of COVID vaccines–and attacked those who questioned the efficacy of COVID vaccines.
And for decades, the MSM has covered up our national health crisis.
  • The current generation is the sickest in American history. In 1960 only 6% of American kids had a chronic health condition. Today it is 60%.
  • Rates of autoimmune disease, diabetes, ADD and ADHD, autism, obesity, asthma, food allergies, and other chronic health conditions have been skyrocketing.
Why did the mainstream media look the other way regarding Joe Biden’s health and yours?
Americans have relied on the Press to report the truth, to be fair and objective.
The MSM is failing you and millions of Americans. And their failure is hurting and killing millions of Americans.
With your support of Kennedy-Shanahan, you will catapult a Presidential ticket into the White House that will call out the Mainstream Media’s disinformation campaign regarding your health.
With your support of Kennedy-Shanahan, you will put a Presidential ticket into the White House that will prioritize your health, the health of your loved ones, and your family.
Support Kennedy-Shanahan today, and support your health today!
Support Kennedy-Shanahan Today
Thank you for your support!
Nicole Shanahan
Nicole Shanahan
Nicole Shanahan, Candidate for Vice President
People Before Politics - Country Before Party
Kennedy-Shanahan 24

Dear Watchman, 
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has unveiled a vital initiative: #AmericaStrong. #AmericaStrong#AmericaStrong#AmericaStrong#AmericaStrong, restore the prosperity of our people, and ensure that the upcoming election does not end with half of our citizens feeling alienated by the very country they love.
On July 12th, Kennedy introduced #AmericaStrong at FreedomFest to a standing ovation. He passionately called for an end to our “cold civil war” before our country descends into political violence. His words proved prophetic…
Less than 24 hours later, our former president was shot during a rally, and a great American dad in the audience lost his life shielding his family from harm.
Kennedy has consistently been ahead of the curve on issues such as mandates, lockdowns, corporate capture, and the erosion of our Constitutional freedoms. Now, he warns us of the peril of our internal division and offers #AmericaStrong as a path to healing.
“We’ve given the Democrats a chance to fix this country. We’ve given Republicans a chance,” Kennedy said. “What has not had a chance is a unity government, headed by an independent President beholden to no party, free from corporate influence, owing no favors to the Washington establishment, and ready to recruit the best ideas from both parties and from all those who have been left out.”
The America Strong platform will:
  • Appoint a cabinet comprising members of the Democratic and Republican parties, as well as Libertarians and people from outside any party.
  • Convene a cross-partisan advisory committee to propose and select Supreme Court judges.
  • Carefully examine whether any prosecutions of public and private officials were politically motivated and extend pardons to any people who have been politically persecuted.
  • Consider pardoning any past president and members of their families if charges against them next year were politically motivated.
  • Forbid the weaponization of the Justice Department, the IRS, or any other government agency to surveil or undermine political opponents or their supporters.
  • Give the American people a direct voice in guiding legislation and scrutinizing the budget through direct democracy initiatives.
Join the America Strong Movement
Kennedy first shared his America Strong platform at FreedomFest Vegas, one day before the attempted assassination of President Trump. During his keynote, he described a nation swiftly approaching a state of crisis—a crisis of trust in government, as well as a crisis of national division.
#AmericaStrong is the solution we need to bridge our divides and build a prosperous future for all Americans.
Dear Watchman,
If Kamala Harris finds herself leading the Democratic ticket, she faces a steep uphill battle, burdened by a disapproval rating that has soared to 54%, with some polls even nearing the 60% mark.
This unprecedented level of disapproval casts a looming shadow over the Democratic Party's prospects in the upcoming November elections. Here's why:
Kamala Harris has failed to carve out a distinct identity separate from President Biden’s policies and decisions. Consequently, she is equally culpable for multiple crises that have plagued the current administration, namely the economy, border, and Ukraine.
This alignment with Biden has amplified her unpopularity, making it evident that her chances of winning are as dismal as Biden's were.
RFK Jr. remains the only candidate that can beat Donald Trump in November!
Zogby Strategies' recent poll shows Robert F. Kennedy Jr. defeating President Donald Trump by 14 points in a head-to-head matchup, with a margin of error of just 2.8%.
Kennedy leads Trump by 14 points

Dear Watchman,
The latest polling data is in, and it’s a game changer.
Zogby Strategies' recent poll shows Robert F. Kennedy Jr. defeating President Donald Trump by 14 points in a head-to-head matchup, with a margin of error of just 2.8%.
Zogby Poll
Kennedy is also surging in a three-way race at 22%, gaining support from Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and the Green Party, solidifying his position as a formidable candidate polling!
This could signal the first independent president since George Washington.
Historically, independent candidates faced challenges, as seen in the 1992 election with Ross Perot. Exit polls showed that 40% of the electorate would have voted for Perot if they believed he could win. Kennedy's media portrayal as a "spoiler" echoes this narrative.
But this new data means that if people vote their conscience, Kennedy will win!
We have a unique chance to elect Robert F. Kennedy Jr. as the next president. To make this happen, we need to break free from media-induced beliefs and support his campaign.

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