McLuhan was fond of pointing out that whatever is happening in the present
moment is already obsolete. So, in the current exposure of celebrities' sexual
crimes, what is on the horizon?
It is the
further FORMALIZATION of sexual relationships.
example, this would result in more detailed assurances between two people that
they are entering into a consensual arrangement. If that sounds bizarre, it is.
Because sex isn't a contract.
fear of accusations can make it so.
therefore, will enter into a wider trend of MACHINE connections.
In the
same way that Facebook, with its "likes," has become a reductionist
norm mechanizing social relationships, sex can become a reduced process.
This is
not an accident.
is the leading edge of Globalism, which plans societies according to function
and every person's place in a blueprint---will find a greater home in sex. This
suits controllers, who want to eliminate spontaneity---unpredictable
happenings---in favor of organization.
"reasoning" will go something like this: "Well, you see what
occurred when sex was linked with freedom. Abuse and violence. To eliminate the
abuse, we have to define and regulate sex. We have to make more rules about
When sex
is reduced to "procedure," it's eventually easier to promote the act
of procreation as something that should take place in a lab or a factory, as
Huxley described in Brave New World.
Abuse is
made into a wide-ranging generality. Another example: "Well, we have a few
mentally ill people who are shooting up schools and churches. Therefore, we
need to screen the whole population, starting at a very early age, for
potential mental disorders. And we need to take away guns from everyone (except
determined criminals and the police)..."
"There are twenty confirmed cases of Swine Flu in the world. Therefore, we
have to declare this is a global pandemic and immediately vaccinate at least a
few hundred million people..."
Specific is intentionally ballooned into a massive Generality, new rules are
imposed, and Freedom is further gobbled up by Control.
If anyone
objects, he is reminded of dangers and abuses, and he is declared an outlier.
This is
all part of the craft of propaganda. Operatives ask themselves, "What
abhorrent event can we use to float a generality that will shrink individual
schools are shrinking students' minds to the size of peanuts, these students
are vulnerable to all sorts of non-rational arguments. For example: "If
you oppose the screening of 300 million Americans for mental disorders, you're
in favor of the schizoid killers who are gunning down parishioners in
So when I
write that logic is a vital subject which ought to be taught in schools, I'm
not just making an academic abstract point.
Far from
we're co-workers. We want to have sex with each other. But there are obvious
problems. I think we should go to Human Resources and talk with them and have
them consult with the lawyers..."
Yes. But impossible? Don't be so sure.
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