Vaccine MANDATE and Vaccine Passport Bill -HB435
Well Done Patriots!!
We won for now!
HB 435, a terrible, oppressive “Chamber/Leadership Bill” mandating vaccines and passports
being rammed through the House Wednesday was removed from the schedule and did not receive a vote!
You stopped it!
This bill is being sent back to a committee after it goes to Rules and Reference.
Bravo! You are re-claiming your rights and taking back control over your government!
But we cannot quit now – this is not a sprint but rather a marathon.
Vigilance is still needed and we must realize what's at stake and stay in this fight.
Keep telling them to SIGN the Discharge for HB248 in the clerk’s office!
As insider Rep Nino Vitale suggested – every day make those calls!
So please keep calling and identifying as a member of the
SW Ohio Coalition for Medical Freedom....
Speaker Cupp 614-466-9624
--------------------------------- Warren County --------------------------------
HD 62 Scott Lipps 614- 644- 6023
--------------------------------- Hamilton County ---------------------------------------------
HD29 Cindy Abrams 614-466-9091 LEADERSHIP
HD30 – Bill Seitz 614-466-8258 LEADERSHIP
HD27 Brinkman 614-644-6886
----------------------------- Montgomery County ----------------------------
HD40 Phil Plummer 614-644-8051
HD41 Andrea White 614-644-6008
HD42 Tom Young 614-466-6504
------------------------- Clermont County -------------------------
HD65 Jean Schmidt 614-466-8134
HD66 Adam Bird 614-644-6034
--------------------------------Preble County ----------------------------------------
HD43 Rodney Creech 614-466-2960 CO SPONSOR of HBH248 - now flip flopping –.
-------------------------- Green County --------------------------------
HD73 Brian Lampton 614-644-6020
--------------------------------Miami County ---------------------------
HD 80 - Jena Powell 614-466-8114
------------------------------- Butler County ----------------------------
HD 53 Thomas Hall 614-644- 5094
From Patriot America:
What the Ohio House did Tuesday in moving forward a bill (out of the Health Committee) that virtually no member had either read or anyone in the public had seen, is absolutely ludicrous.
They rammed through a bill in only 24 hours after watching
you lose your jobs over the last 18 months. This bill was introduced
just days ago. House bill 248 was introduced seven months ago!
They actually believe they have the right to know about your antibodies and your personal health information. They believe that you should be tested weekly if not daily at your job.
This is absolute tyranny and a travesty.
The arrogance by which Speaker Bob Cupp and Health Chair Scott Lipps are running the show is stunning! The bill has massive flaws including the fact that it only lasts for just over one year.
Cupp and Lipps are the two most inept, weak leaders in Ohio political history. Think about it. That’s just enough time for Mike Dewine to get back in the office (we can't let that happen!) and mandate
vaxx-sine passports statewide.
House bill 248 needs to pass immediately. Luckily they didn't have the votes to pass it Wednesday. (Thank goodness, bc of your calls!)
The new “watered down fake bill sponsor” House majority leader Bill Seitz literally told Rep. Jennifer Gross, “If you promise not to work against this bill, we will let you out of the doghouse.” Think about a statement like that. Think about the sexism, the abuse, the disrespect of a standing member who is a nurse practitioner and a 27-year veteran. Rep Gross is the ONLY House member with the moral standing to fight for your health. Both Rep. Rick Carfagna and Rep. Seitz
are hypocrites and need to be removed from office. HB 435 is a bill that does nothing to help you and works against the health of the people of Ohio. It would allow public schools to demand vaccine mandates! Outrageous!
PASS HB 248 or you will hear loud and clear from us in Feb Primaries!
They're coming for our kids, and yet, the Elites
don't have to get the shot!
Do you think DeWine will keep our kids safe from
forced vaccines???
Please rise up and defend our children! Call these legislators and tell them to sign the Discharge Petition
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