It become customary 150
years ago for the people in the courtroom to rise from their seats out of
respect for the law. However, that respect was not for the government priest in the
black robe but rather for
the law book he carried under his arm -- the Holy Bible, the source of all the
common law (and the fact that there could be no crime without a
A reputable lawyer noted that although our enemies (Satan's
Chosen People) today still demand that the courtroom people must stand out
of respect for the "high priest" and even require the bailiff to
call for it; and while the human robots obey without question, I have ever
since contended that it is a modern-day subterfuge upon "We the
People," because no more do they carry the real law in their hands.
At Tupper Saussy's kangaroo court sentencing in Tennessee in '85, I
was escorted out by the U. S. Marshals for refusing to stand for the Agent of
Satan. (It was sooo obvious. I was on the front row and
easy to spot) At Edgar Steele's kangaroo court in Boise a decade or so ago, the
marshals told me to stand up, but before I could do so or tell them why I
wasn't complying, the judge was seated and the crisis was over, so they acquiesced.
At a Knoxville trial I was covering just a few years ago, the U. S.
Marshall accosted me (sitting on the back row yet) as I was busily writing
court notes, telling me to stand with the rest of the mob. I told him,
"I stand only for the Law."
He said, "So you think that the judge is not the law?"
I said, "No. He is not carrying the Bible under his arm, so he
cannot be representing the law. We Christians stand for the Law and not the
wouldn't have believed it. The devil's agent surrendered on the spot and walked
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