The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Friday, June 21, 2024

RFK JR., RIGGED DEBATE, June 21, 2024


RFK Jr. Proposes Sensible Abortion Limits and Assistance

RFK Jr. discusses the issue of abortion in America, elucidating his balanced stance and calling for a consensus approach. He advocates for legal abortion until fetal viability, followed by appropriate restrictions.

RFK Jr. emphasizes the significance of respecting maternal instincts and bodily autonomy while acknowledging the distressing nature of late-term abortions of healthy fetuses and the need to limit them. He pledges to listen to and incorporate diverse perspectives into his policies, introducing the "More Choices, More Life" initiative. It aims to address the economic factors contributing to abortions by providing universally affordable child care and support for mothers.





RFK Jr BARRED From 1st DEBATE Stage; Says CNN Is COLLUDING With Biden, Trump Against Him

17,165 views Premiered 8 hours ago

“CNN Is Rigged The Debate Rules”

16,098 views Jun 19, 2024

I only need 34% of the vote to win

17,257 views Jun 18, 2024


RFK Jr. on Young Turks: Vaccine Crossfire

32,816 views Jun 19, 2024

RFK Jr. Podcast with Dustin Kittle

Jun 21, 2024

All Eyes On Kennedy For President

21K views 2 days ago

RFK Jr.: They Love Us Hating Each Other

11,594 views Jun 18, 2024

RFK Jr.: Only An Outsider Can Tackle America’s Real Issues

10,926 views Jun 18, 2024

November 5 will be here before we know it. With that in mind, I want to share an important message.
With political tensions rising and the campaign rancor getting more personal, more vicious and uglier, I am focused on what the American people care about – peace, freedom and prosperity.
The major parties keep ratcheting up the political tension, but they do not address the needs, desires and solutions that make everyday Americans’ lives better. Instead of uniting, they divide.
I will not contribute to that kind of dirty politics. While the other campaigns fight for party power, I will fight for power to be returned to you, the people.
Running as an independent, I am able to focus on the issues and solutions that make your life better, not pay them lip service.
I intend to unite the country by focusing on innovative solutions that transcend party lines, like:
  • Restoring the middle class with good jobs and affordable home ownership;
  • Revitalizing small businesses;
  • Ending the chronic disease epidemic affecting half our children;
  • Securing our borders – especially from the drug cartels;
  • Protecting our rivers and shorelines; and
  • Freeing federal agencies from corporate control.
These are not partisan issues; they are American issues—issues that require us to come together for the common good.
The fact that November 5 will soon be upon us only underscores the urgency of our mission together.
If you believe in these goals too, then please support my campaign and help me change American politics and restore the American Dream.
Together we can restore our great country, not only when I get into the White House but also on my way there. Join me and show your independence!
Help Me Change American Politics
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Common Sense Weekly

Welcome back! In this edition:

  • Will Indigenous voters hold the key to New Mexico? Learn about the Kennedys' legacy that could swing the state for RFK Jr.

  • Seeking common ground on abortion? Understand RFK Jr.'s innovative "More Choices, More Life" initiative

  • Is multipolarity the path to American renewal? Check out RFK Jr.'s realpolitik approach that could restore the nation's moral and economic leadership

All these and more. Let's start!

Kennedy Quadruples TN Signature Requirement

Kennedy's presidential campaign achieves a significant milestone by submitting 1,025 signatures, nearly quadrupling the requirement for ballot access in Tennessee. The Kennedy-Shanahan ticket has now officially secured ballot access in eight states and collected enough signatures in 13 others, totaling 289 electoral votes or 54% of the nationwide total.

A recent Zogby poll positions RFK Jr. as the first independent candidate to defeat both major party candidates in head-to-head matchups.

Shape Tomorrow with RFK Jr: Your Voice, Your Vote

Contribute to a brighter future through action:

🗳️ Secure ballot access for RFK Jr across the nation.

💡 Volunteer for a campaign that represents your values.

🌍 Build a more inclusive, united future together.

🤝 Join forces with fellow advocates in your community.

🎉 Be part of a movement that fights for all Americans.

Join RFK Jr. LIVE for a TikTok Town Hall: Healing the Chronic Disease Epidemic

Tomorrow at 5pm PT join RFK Jr. LIVE for a TikTok Town Hall: Healing The Chronic Disease Epidemic, during which he’ll answer questions and discuss difficult topics related to chronic disease, the obesity & diabetes epidemics, toxins in our food & water supplies, Big Pharma, and Big Ag.

Click Here To Register

Indigenous Voters Set to Swing New Mexico for RFK Jr.

A 90-year-old Pueblo lady recalls the Kennedys' legacy and their long-standing relationship with Pueblo and Indigenous communities spanning 64 years. The sentiment gathered from her suggests that Indigenous folks are eager to rekindle their relationship with the Kennedys and back RFK Jr.'s candidacy. This development holds significant weight, as New Mexico boasts the highest percentage of Hispanic voters and the third-highest proportion of Native Americans at 12% among all U.S. states.

RFK Jr.'s Pandemic Pledge: No More Lies, No More Secrets

RFK Jr. exposes COVID lies, lambasting Dr. Anthony Fauci's deception on virus origins, masks, and vaccines. He highlights NIH funding for Wuhan Lab gain-of-function research, condemning pandemic censorship and vowing to tackle agency capture as president. RFK Jr. also emphasizes the importance of transparency in democracy, the exposure of lies and secrets, and the need to challenge official narratives on COVID-19 topics, such as the efficacy of social distancing and transmission claims.

 RFK Jr. draws parallels between President Nixon's realpolitik approach during the Cold War and the current need for the U.S. to accept a multipolar world order. He argues that clinging to the delusion of being the world's sole superpower has led to overextended military commitments, neglect of domestic infrastructure, and a loss of moral authority abroad.

Key Points:

  • International cooperation is necessary to address global threats such as bioweapons, nuclear proliferation, AI weapons, and ecological tipping points

  • America's true greatness lies in its national character, free markets, and Constitution

  • The U.S. can reclaim its position as a moral and economic leader by redirecting military spending towards rebuilding the nation

We removed your comment
We are currently facing a massive censorship campaign.
This follows Facebook’s Meta censorship effort, including throttling down the biographical film about RFK Jr.
The overwhelming reports from thousands of you highlight a deeply troubling pattern of suppression on Meta’s platforms, Facebook and Instagram.
Today, we’re facing a new wave of deplatforming. Comments urging CNN to let Bobby debate are being systematically removed from social media platforms (see screenshot).

Here’s how you can help:
  1. Fight Back on Social Media: Use the hashtags #protestcnn and #letbobbydebate to support RFK Jr. and fight censorship.
  2. Call out Censorship! If your posts are taken down, please send details to Your reports are vital as they contribute to our ongoing legal efforts and help us track the widespread muzzling of RFK Jr.
  3. Donate Now: Nothing is as helpful as your donation–as it fuels our legal battles against blatant censorship by Big Tech. Every dollar keeps our message alive and strong. Donate Now.
Censorship is bigger than our Presidential campaign–it’s about the rights of a free people to participate in a free country.
Currently we are pursuing legal action against Facebook’s Meta in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. With your help today, we will continue to stand firm in our resolve to not let our voices be silenced.
Together we can win. Together we can ensure every American has equal access to the digital public square.
Thank you for standing with us.
Together, we are powerful.
Team Kennedy

RFK Jr.: Only An Outsider Can Tackle America’s Real Issues
A corrupt system, fueled by the merger of state and corporate power, produces bad policies.
Skyrocketing debt, $34 trillion and climbing.
Our soil in shambles.
Food that’s poisoning our children.
A chronic disease epidemic that’s both killing people and bankrupting us.
That’s what we’ve gotten under Trump and Biden, and that’s what Americans will get more of if either win this election.
When I’m president, I can and will tackle corporate capture. And I won’t stay silent about the issues that deeply affect Americans.

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