Above, the Center for Disease Control Illuminati playing card
officials on December 19, 2017 ended a moratorium imposed three years ago on funding
research that alters germs to make them more lethal.
work can now proceed, said Dr.
Francis S. Collins, the head of the National Institutes of Health, but
only if a scientific panel decides that the benefits justify the risks.
scientists are eager to pursue these studies because they may show, for example,
how a bird flu could mutate to more easily infect humans, or could yield clues
to making a better vaccine.
Critics say these researchers risk
creating a monster germ that could escape the lab and seed a pandemic.
a government panel will require that researchers show that their studies in
this area are scientifically sound and that they will be done in a
high-security lab.
The pathogen to be modified must pose a
serious health threat, and the work must produce knowledge, such as a vaccine, that would benefit humans. Finally, there must be no safer way
to do the research.
see this as a rigorous policy,” Dr. Collins said. “We want to be sure we’re
doing this right.”
In October 2014, all federal funding was
halted on efforts to make three viruses more dangerous: the flu virus, and
those causing Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) and severe acute
respiratory syndrome (SARS).
the new regulations apply to any pathogen that could potentially cause a
pandemic. For example, they would apply to a request to create an Ebola virus
transmissible through the air, said Dr. Collins.
There has been a long, fierce debate about projects — known as “gain of function” research —
intended to make pathogens more deadly or more transmissible.
2011, an outcry arose when laboratories in Wisconsin and the Netherlands
revealed that they were trying to mutate the lethal H5N1 bird flu in ways that
would let it jump easily between ferrets, which are used to model human flu
Tensions rose in 2014 after the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention accidentally exposed lab workers to anthrax and
shipped a deadly flu virus to a laboratory that had asked for a benign strain.

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