By: John Rappoport
You're walking
through a sea of misinformation, disinformation, lies, speculation, goofball
theories---and suddenly, the wise men behind the curtain decide to reach out
and hand you unvarnished facts that blow your mind. What's going on?
We have an entirely
new gambit in the UFO disclosure game.
(Dec.21): "[Musician Tom] DeLonge is currently working with former
Pentagon official Luis Elizondo at To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science,
which was founded by the ex-Blink guitarist." This is a new UFO research
and merchandising outfit.
DeLonge has taken it
upon himself to expose the truth about UFOs. His new partner, Luis Elizondo,
used to work for the Pentagon---and, boom, the mainstream press is suddenly
telling us that Elizondo headed up a super-secret, $22 million a year Dept. of
Defense UFO research group, from 2007 to 2012, the Advanced Aviation Threat
Identification Program (AATIP).
According to the NY
Times and The Independent, the program had, and still has, metal pieces from a
UFO(s), has been studying the pieces, and doesn't knew what they're made of.
The press has also
just released a 2004 Dept. of Defense jackpot video purporting to show a US
fighter jet off the coast of San Diego encountering a UFO, which hovers in
place, wiggles, dances around, and suddenly zooms away at a shocking velocity.
The Independent:
"Commander David Fravor and Lieutenant Commander Jim Slaight were on a
routine training mission 100 miles out into the Pacific when they were asked to
investigate the object."
Fravor told The New York Times the object was about 40ft long, had no plumes,
wings or rotors, and outpaced their F-18s. It was big enough to churn the sea
50ft below it, he said."
My, my. All these
revelations, all of a sudden. Bingo, bango, bongo.
Years of, "We
don't have any information, we don't have any comment on the subject," and
then, out of the blue, "Yes we do and here it is."

Let all the WHY NOW?
speculations begin.
I would point out
that, if this is a test to gauge public reaction to: THERE IS LIFE ELSEWHERE IN
THE UNIVERSE AND A FEW OF THEM SHOWED UP HERE---the result of the test appears
to be, so far: "Are we having the beef stew again tonight?"
This is interesting.
People aren't crowding into the streets and going wild. There are no parades.
Presidents of countries aren't holding major press conferences. I did read a
piece about Trump drinking water again and possibly having trouble sipping it.
"That's nice. Is
this Blue Bloods a repeat? I think I saw it a few months ago."
Another tidbit on the
secret Pentagon program: it was brought into being by Nevada Senator Harry
Reid. He and a couple of his senate pals managed to divert a little chunk of
black budget Pentagon money to set it up. (More yawns from the public.)
Understand: In the
press stories of the past few days, there are no leaks. The Pentagon is the
source. They're admitting it. They're pushing the story. They're permitting a
pilot, who no doubt has been bound by non-disclosure agreements, to go public
and talk to mainstream media.
As with all planned
releases of this magnitude, there are always "after-analyses." It's
standard. How did the public respond? What % of the press and the public appear
to have bought the story? Are there serious doubters? Who are they? What are
they saying?

In this case, the
report might read: "Very few people seem to care."
This in itself is
informative. People are on overload. They're in a trance state below the level
where a claimed revelation about Life in the Universe stirs them from their
basic hypnotic state. Also, alternatively, many people are so cynical they
don't believe what the government is telling them.
Now, if Robert
Mueller can connect a UFO to the Russians, and then to Trump, and the election,
more people might respond.
The Pentagon claims
it shut down the UFO research program in 2012, because other priorities were
more important. Really? They captured a UFO on film doing things in space no
craft on Earth can do, and they have pieces of metal from a UFO (how did they
acquire them?) which they can't analyze and are most likely not from this
Earth---and yet they shut down the program because it was inconsequential?
One of the point men
for spreading the current UFO stories is Ralph Blumenthal of the NY Times.
The Independent:
"'They [the Pentagon] have some material from these [UFO] objects that is
being studied, so that scientists can try to figure out what accounts for
their amazing properties,' Ralph Blumenthal, one of the authors of the New York Times
report, told MSNBC. Mr. Blumenthal said the DoD 'do not know' what the
materials are made of. It's some sort of compound they do not recognise,' he
I have a bit of
personal experience with Mr. Blumenthal. In 1993, he wrote a shocking story for
the Times about the first bombing attack on the Twin Towers in New York. It
focused on an FBI asset and informant, Emad Salem, who asserted that he had
been instrumental in putting together the bombing plot. His handlers at the FBI
were supposed to supply him with fake bombing materials, so there would be no
explosion---however, at the last moment, they gave him actual live material. At
the subsequent trial of the defendants, Salem was absent. He didn't testify.
I got in touch with
reporter Blumenthal some years later and asked him what happened to Salem and
why he wasn't allow to tell his story in the courtroom. Blumenthal got angry
with me. He told me I didn't understand his article. And that was that. In my
opinion, he was backing away from his own reporting.
So now, with his UFO
revelations, I have a few doubts.
It's likely that, as
Tom DeLonge and his Pentagon partner, Luis Elizondo, move forward, promoting
their To the Stars Academy (whatever that turns out to be---a movie production
company, a school, a store for UFO merchandise), they will be releasing new
info on the US government UFO discoveries. So far, no one at the Pentagon is
explaining why they've decided to make their revelations public now.
The military is not
in the habit of doing the public great favors that involve secret programs.
If what the Pentagon
is handing over to the mainstream press is legitimate and true Disclosure, it
is most certainly a limited hangout on what they really know. And they will to
continue to release more info, to see how the public responds, at every step.
But they will also
seek to own the story and shape it any way they want to. Through their media
fronts, they'll sculpt the conclusions that "should be made."
For example, suppose
they go as far as this: 50 years ago, they found an alien body at a UFO crash
site in the desert. Here are photos. The anatomy of the corpse is definitely
not human. Since then, no other alien bodies have been seen, located, or
True? False? Who
would know? Because they are the source of the story. Which is the way they
want it to be.
If someone wants us
to look at the truth, they disclose all the data and they open up all the
files, and they allow us to see the material evidence up close and personal, so
independent analyses can be performed. What are the odds that this will happen?
When has this ever happened?
If anything,
positioning themselves as the central source of the UFO story pushes citizen
research into the background. Which is never a good thing.
I fully understand
there will be many explanations, offered by many people, about why the Pentagon
is releasing this information now. Here is one possibility: the secret program
was really a tiny research effort; the Dept. of Defense has actually spent
extraordinary amounts of money in this effort, over a long period of
time---some of it from the trillions of dollars in the budget "they can't
account for." Thus, they admit to a $22 million program, as a limited
OWN THE UFO STORY. Going directly to mainstream news with it, where naïve
reporters and reporters who are their assets will cover it exactly as the
Pentagon intends---this is a major part of what is going on.
The psyop aspect of
the Pentagon revelations is all about testing and gauging public response.
Imagine that the Dept. of Defense eventually states they did find an alien body
decades ago---and then the majority reaction is: "That's fantastic. Did
you see my car keys? I can't find them."
Not only would that
inform psyop professionals about the UFO reaction, it would also let them know
their decades of work, on many fronts, aimed at deadening, overloading,
distracting, and shortening public awareness has been an overall success.
The most astounding
information barely causes a ripple.
"This is
wonderful. In many cases, we don't have to figure out whether the public
believes or doesn't believe what we tell them. They're in a state of mind that
is 'lower than belief.' The majority can't form beliefs or non-beliefs. They're
firmly embedded in a passive, repetitive, Pavlovian zone..."
In this regard, I
refer you to my years of research on the effects of medical drugs, and for
starters, my September 13 article, "How many drug prescriptions do doctors
write per year?":
Medical News Today
reports that, in 2011, there was a modest uptick in the number of prescriptions
written in the US.
The increase brought
the total to: 4.02 billion.
Yes, in 2011, doctors
wrote 4.02 billion prescriptions for drugs in America.
The Medical News
Today article concluded, "...the industry should be heartened by the
growth of the number of prescriptions and spending." Yes, I'm sure the
drug industry is popping champagne corks.
We're talking about
prescriptions here. We're not talking about the number of pills Americans took.
We're also not counting over-the-counter drugs or vaccine shots.
A population drugged
to the gills is passive....
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