Catholic Church today makes traditional believers despair.

In a video for the
pro-abortion and pro-LGBT website, the dean of the Jesuit School of Theology at
California’s Santa Clara University, Fr. Kevin O’Brien, dismisses the notion that there is a
“war on Christmas”. O’Brien says (LifeSiteNews):
“I don’t think Jesus would care
much about whether we say Merry Christmas or not. It should not be
about litmus tests, about whether I say ‘Happy Holidays’ or ‘Merry Christmas.’
To me, that’s an easy way out to prove your Christianity. We have to be careful
about the language we use in a pluralistic society like ourselves, because in
it we encounter people of different faith traditions” to whom we should listen
and respect, as Pope Francis instructed.
More distressing
than a Jesuit theology school dean airily dismissing the reality of a war on
Christmas is a social justice Nativity display at the Vatican, which is deemed
too “sexually provocative” and banned from Facebook.
anything about the Vatican exhibit that isn’t found in traditional Nativity

Here’s a close-up of
what Facebook deems to be too “sexually provocative” —
a naked man supposedly being offered clothing by a charitable pilgrim.

Facebook rejected an ad featuring
the image of the Nativity scene with the following justification: “Your ad
can’t include images that are sexually suggestive or provocative.”
But Pope Francis says the manger scene, the work of Antonio
Cantone, is a depiction of the corporal works of mercy — those of feeding the
hungry, visiting the sick and imprisoned, burying the dead and clothing the
naked, which is where naked guy comes in:
year’s Nativity scene, executed in the typical style of Neapolitan art, is
inspired by the works of mercy. They remind us that the Lord has told us:
‘Whatever you wish men to do to you, you also do to them’ (Mt 7.12). The crib
is the suggestive place where we contemplate Jesus who, taking upon himself the
miseries of man, invites us to do likewise, through acts of mercy.”
Blah, blah, blah.
Many on social media
are not fooled by the “works of mercy” crapola. They note the vague (or not so
vague) homo-eroticism of naked guy’s languid pose, and point out that naked guy
is more prominent than what should be the focus of a Nativity scene — baby
Jesus. (Source: Breitbart)
Indeed, I am hard
pressed to even find baby Jesus in the scene. Can you?
If I were still a Roman Catholic I would be ashamed of this Vatican Nativity scene. God help us!
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