The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Monday, September 9, 2024

RFK Jr. Sept. 9, 2024


Dear Kennedy Volunteers,
First and foremost, a heartfelt thank you. Your tireless efforts and dedication have propelled this campaign’s core issues into the forefront of political discourse. Whether it was making phone calls, tabling at farmers markets, waving banners from overpasses, collecting signatures, or knocking on doors, one thing is clear: we wouldn’t be at this pivotal moment without your hard work and unwavering commitment.
This movement was founded on a unifying set of principles: rebuilding the middle class, defending free speech, ending the forever wars, dismantling the corporate capture of our agencies, and tackling the chronic disease epidemic. These existential issues have united the most ideologically diverse coalition of volunteers and supporters in American history. Democrats, Republicans, and Independents alike recognized that coming together for the common good is more important than what divides us.
In that same spirit of unity, the Trump-Kennedy alliance was formed. A Trump presidency will send Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and our movement’s agenda directly into Washington, DC—a powerful coalition that will send the neocons and entrenched special interests packing.
Our message has never been stronger, but our work is not yet done. With just two months left, we need to mobilize our MAHA alliance to bring this movement across the finish line and elect Donald Trump. If you believe in sending Mr. Kennedy and our agenda to Washington, DC, we invite you to join us for a discussion on the next phase of the campaign, how to amplify MAHA, and to express our deep gratitude for your incredible work over the past two years.
Thank you again for all you have done—and all that is still ahead.


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