The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Monday, September 16, 2024

ABC Whistleblower Provided a SWORN AFFIDAVIT That Kamala RIGGED The DEBATE! Sept. 16, 2024


Nero taught "ComeAllah" how to cheat 

An Employee of ABC News who Blew the Whistle on the Trump-Harris Debate being **RIGGED** has been KILLED in a car accident near Bethesda, MD.   I HAVE the Sworn Affidavit provided BEFORE the ABC News Debate; which outlines the rigging BEFORE the debate took place!

A Sworn AFFIDAVIT, which appears below, from a long-time ABC News Employee, proves that ABC News conspired with the Kamala Harris for President Campaign, to literally RIG the Presidential Debate between Harris and Trump.   The AFFIDAVIT was sent one full day BEFORE the debate, to Speaker Johnson at the US House of Representatives, and by Certified mail and FedEx, so as to prove the date of its filing.

The Harris Campaign demanded Trump be "Fact-Checked" to interrupt his answers during the Debate, and that a whole series of questions COULD NOT BE ASKED of Kamala Harris!

The dirt on Harris is real, and the Whistle-Blower from ABC News who filed this AFFIDAVIT was KILLED in a car accident, near Bethesda, MD, Friday night ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 

Houthis Fire Ballistic Missile at Tel Aviv, Sept. 16, 2024


Missile Flew UNDETECTED for 1800km and HIT TARGET

Houthis Say New ‘Hypersonic Ballistic Missile’ Used To Strike Tel Aviv, Warn Of More Strikes

45,120 views • Sep 15, 2024

What The Hell Was This "Other Incident"? Sept. 16, 2024 was not an earthquake as Volcano Discovery reported

Above-Ground "Incident" (Explosion) 2.7 magnitude in Washington State,

Did some nation send a Message to the US?

If so the missile passed right over our Navy Base in Bremerton

Routh Had Ukrainian Azov Nazi Connections! Sept. 16, 2024


Well, the text above tells me why he had a "weapons of mass destruction" conviction. He wanted to kill Putin and start a nuclear world war aka Sarajevo June 28,  1914 

Watchman comment: I am speaking now as a former special agent and counter-terrorism intelligence analyst. Routh should have been on someone’s radar screen with a weapons of mass destruction conviction!  

I agree with Snowden, Routh’s background is similar to Lee Oswald’s intelligence background.

How did Routh know about Trump’s location, when such information is kept secret?

Why would Routh use an inaccurate Ak-47 assault weapon rather than an accurate deer rifle? Did someone set him up to fail, (patsy), or is he a total “dumb ass”? I assume he is probably both like Lee Oswald.

Did the “deep state” recruit Routh in prison?

How could Routh, a convicted felon, claim to pay $1,200.00 to his recruits to go to Ukraine?

Thank God, Gov. Ron DeSantis and the state of Florida will investigate Routh and this attempted assassination because we sure as hell can’t trust the FBI and so-called “Secret” Service.

It seems to me the Manchurian Kandidates (MK Ultras) are coming out of the woodwork now. In a weird way, this is a positive sign that the “deep state” is desperate and panicking because they know Trump is going to win the election! Another example, the Cheney "deep state" family endorsements of "ComeAllah".  

There will be other attempts on Trump, RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. 

I will repeat again, an attractive blonde haired woman will try to kill Trump.

Finally, I am making an assumption that the charges leveled against Ryan Routh aka "Perp 2" on Infowars/Alex Jones are accurate. 

It appears Routh Went To Ukraine and Worked For The Nazi Azov Battalion. Per Routh’s Facebook account he was given a rank and served with the “Storm” Battalion Unit A7788.

Routh also bragged about recruiting people to go fight in Ukraine, including Afghanis.

Routh also appeared in a Azov Battalion propaganda video in May 2022.

Newsweek interviewed Routh in 2022 and he begged Americans to go fight in Ukraine against the Russians.

Routh’s social media accounts disclosed he is a rabid anti-Trump Democrat with pro-Ukrainian Nazi sympathies.

He was a registered Democrat who made 19 Democratic contributions.

In 2023 Routh met with the U.S. Helsinki Commission and spoke in support of Ukraine. The U.S. Commission is led by members of Congress.

Per Candace Owens and another person, Routh was convicted of a “weapon of mass destruction” in North Carolina 20 years ago! Watchman comment: No pun intended but this is bombshell information. This fact alone should have put Routh on someone’s intel watch list.

Ryan Routh aka "Perp 2" and counting

Routh text to Nero

A Spiritual Dimension To The 2nd TRUMP ASSASSINATION Attempt, Sept. 16, 2024


18 Sept. 2024, The 7th Anniversary THE GREATEST END TIMES SIGN

7 is God's number

30,826 views Streamed live 11 hours ago 

Rev 12 Woman in Heaven on Jubilee 5777

The Revelation 12 Celestial Woman in Labor Pain is the most detailed astronomical sign recorded in the entire Bible and may be the greatest sign in the sky since Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. It came on 18 September 2017 and preceded major events like the defeat of ISIS, turning the tide against anti-Christian policies, and recognition of Jerusalem. This video explores in depth the meaning and timing of this sign. What does the Bible say the "woman in birth pangs" alludes to in terms of end time events?

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 14, 2024


The Weather Gods Who Want Us to Believe They Can Make Rain on Demand" (from Mother Jones News). "Amazon rainforest drier than Sahara as drought hits Brazil" (from the Daily Express US). "Great Barrier Reef already been dealt its death blow" (from RNZ News). Man's interference with nature has done irreparable damage,

how much longer can civilization survive without a functional planet? The latest installment of Global Alert News is below.

Major X 4.5 Solar Flare Erupts.  Very Interesting website for some people ðŸ˜Š  I believe this is where your “Climate Change” comes from: Geomagnetic storms, Space Weather, Solar Flares, Pole Shifts,  and so on. (Genesis 1:14-19)

The Earth bombarded with Solar winds


Here Comes The PetroYuan! Sept. 15, 2024

Images, Parables Blog, Photos, John Legend, Maoz Israel, Sept. 15, 2024

God's Plan of the Ages - Part 6

Shalom, Watchman!


Did you catch last week’s article about the current events among the Druze community in Israel? Now discover their ancient backstory. 


Step into the fascinating world of the Druze—a secretive religious community with a rich history. No one can join and if you leave you can never come back.  


The Druze faith, deeply guarded and known only by a select few, traces back to a mystic leader and a powerful ally from centuries past. Their unique beliefs, including reincarnation with an emphasis of God’s oneness, set them apart in the Middle East.


Read or listen more about "The Mysterious Origin of the Druze" and their persevering faith in the latest Maoz Israel Report article.


No wonder John Legend is triggered at the Haiti immigrants in Ohio story, he’s from Springfield Ohio! & he has quite the connection with the Clinton Foundation and their work in Haiti… what a coincidence.

What kind of skeletons does Legend have in his closet?


 (sounds like an ode to Satan to me)

What can you buy with the ultimate sacrifice

If you don't believe in the afterlife?

Oh I still grieve rememberin' what you were like

Now what good is a dream when the dreamer dies?

Some are better than good

Greater than great

Some are misunderstood

And they get told to wait by

All of the greatest

Greatest of all

Were chasing their fading star

Who'll be the latest

The latest to fall?

We're marching into the dark

What if your life was just in the day to day

And after you're gone the world stays the same? Ooh

Why should you love what you're gonna lose anyway?

Oh I've imagined one hundred ways

Some are just no good

Some will let it just fade

Some are misunderstood

We'll just have to wait, 'cause

All of the greatest

Greatest of all

Were chasing their fading star

Who'll be the latest

The latest to fall?

We're marching into the dark

Oh heaven knows where we are

Chasing the fading stars

Heaven knows where we are

Motioning to the dark

Some are better than good

And greater than great

Some are misunderstood

They get told to wait, oh

Some are just no good

Some will let it just fade

Some are misunderstood

We'll just have to wait, 'cause

All of the greatest

Greatest of all

Were chasing their fading star

Wanna know who?

Who'll be the latest

The latest to fall? (Oh)

We're marching into the dark (I wanna go marching into the dark)

all of the greatest

Greatest of all

Were chasing their fading star (were chasing their fading star)

Who'll be the latest

Latest to fall?

Marching into the dark

The False Prophet Blasphemes Again! Sept. 15, 2024



Pope Francis just announced the ONE WORLD RELIGION!

79,461 views Sep 13, 2024

censored by the pope!

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Who Was Private Ron Knouse? Sept. 14, 2024

In 1991, at the end of Desert Storm, a 19 yr. old US Army Cavalry Scout Private who had just spent 8 months at war sat out on a street at Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia.   He sat there on his duffle bag with his Battalion around him for 4 days waiting for the buses to come and take him to the King Fahad Airport so he could go home.

Unfortunately, the politicians of the day never planned for how to bring so many soldiers home after the war ended so there was a shortage of planes. Politicians are great at talking, but terrible at doing.

Finally, the buses came and took the young man to the airport. The planes waiting were from Tower Air. The owner of Tower Air had volunteered his planes and staff to bring soldiers home for the cost of fuel only. Happily, the young veteran got home just in time for Easter weekend in 1991 and spent that time emotionally healing with friends and family surrounding him.

 That Private was me, Ron Knouse.

 The owner of Tower Air was - Donald J Trump.

Who Really Are the MAGA People? Sept. 14, 2024


The Best Campaign Ad of September?:

Meet Allen Dulles: Fascist Spymaster (2015), Sept. 14, 2024

Ronaldus Magnus at his best, God we miss him! Sept. 14, 2024



Reagan’s Last Joke… 

Ronaldus sums up our current situation!

Watchman comments: I urge everyone to go see the movie "Reagan," the movie will show you how far we have declined with our current crop of narcissistic, sociopathic and war mongering politicians who are hell bent on leading the world toward nuclear war and the utter destruction of the USA! 

The movie brought tears to my eyes concerning the declining state of our  former great constitutional republic.


1,264,692 views • Jul 10, 2024

During Reagan’s last public speech, he tells the tail of a “pure” woman getting married for the fourth time.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Warren Buffett Insider FIRE SALES 50% of Berkshire Stock ($139M), Sept. 13, 2024

Goose Murdered in Columbus, Ohio! (political satire) Sept. 13, 2024


The “murdered” Goose was in Columbus, Ohio not Springfield, Ohio. Go to 1 minute 8 second mark on the video to see the “brutal” photo. You must be 18 to view the photo because what is good for the Gander is not good for the Ohio Goose!


New details uncovered about viral goose photo as Springfield’s immigration surges!


131,894 views • Sep 12, 2024

The picture was posted to social media and Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said it caught the attention of the Ohio Department of Natural Resources.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Nuclear War Alert! Sept. 12, 2024


Do the "Deep State Dems and NEOCONS know they will lose the November election and hence are leading the U.S. into nuclear war with Russia? 

Putin: "NATO, you are declaring war on Russia! We will respond"  

Sep 12, 2024

End the War Machine

20,247 views Sep 12, 2024

Let's put an end to the war machine. Donate now to support my efforts