Reader comment: “Thou shalt not bear false witness.” Granted, this
situation looks bleak for Judge Moore but bearing false witness has been around
since before the time of Moses as God deemed to make it one of the Ten
(One of the accusers against Moore should note
that child proof car locks were not around in 1977 like she claims………..
Friends, this whole matter with Judge Moore smells of dirty "cesspool"politics from the presstitutes and the Washington Ministry of Propaganda, Goebbels would be proud of them; above, documents reveal Judge Moore's signature was forged, see the article below.
Even the "cesspool" Republicans are piling on and don't want him on Capitol Hill because they realize he is not corrupt like they are. I find it interesting that the "Washington Compost" can dig up "dirt" on Christian conservatives but they can't seem to find anything on "lefty and swamper heathens" like Senator Menendez.
Known for his insightful take on politics, journalist and author Thomas
Wictor believes Judge Roy Moore’s signature in Gloria Allred
accuser Beverly Young Nelson’s yearbook is a forgery.
The sevens in 1977 to the right of “Christmas,” are very different from
the sevens in the date (12-22-77) above “Old Hickory House.”
“Look at the two versions of the number “7,”
tweeted Wictor.
“”12-22-77” and “Olde Hickory House” were written
by a different person,” he added.
Next, Wictor points out
“the “R” and “y” in “Roy,”” are not written the same way.
The inflection of the “Y” is more pronounced in Moore’ signature as
Chief Justice. The “R” is noticeably longer in the signature of
Chief Justice, as well.
Photo credits: Thomas

“”Old Hickory House” in Gadsden was never called
“Olde Hickory House.” The person who forged the signature got the name wrong,”
claims Wictor.
The “forged,” signature also ends with “D.A.”
There’s one problem…
Moore was a Deputy District Attorney (DDA) at this
“During his legal career, Judge Moore became the
first full-time Deputy District Attorney in Etowah County, Alabama, and served
in this position from 1977 until 1982. In 1984, Judge Moore undertook private
practice of law in Gadsden, Alabama,” states Moore’s
bio on his campaign website.
“The accuser to this day calls him the District
Attorney. He was NEVER District attorney. He was DEPUTY DA. DDA,” says
When pressed on whether
he truly believes the signature is a forgery, Wictor replied, “In my opinion,
the signature is forged. The “Olde Hickory House” and date were DEFINITELY
written by someone else. No question whatsoever.”
Then there’s this– Who signs a yearbook in December?
MOORE: “Thank ya’ll for
being here tonight. Thank-you to all the people have came out at this late hour
and for being here. I want to address what’s been brought out on television
today by Gloria Allred and a client she has about things I allegedly did. I want
to make it perfectly clear, the people of Alabama know me, they know my
character, they know what I’ve stood for in the political world for over
40-years. I can tell you without hesitation, this is absolutely false. I never
did what she said I did. I don’t even know the woman. I don’t know anything
about her. I don’t even know where the restaurant is or was. If you look at
this situation you’ll see because I’m eleven or ten points or eleven points
ahead, this race being just 28 days off, that this is a political maneuver and
has nothing to do with reality. It’s all about politics.”

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