Above, from the movie "Dr. Strangelove"
I feel Stanley Kubrick was cinematic genius who revealed through his sublime movie clues knowledge about the "deep state" or if you will the military industrial complex as Ike called it, secret Illuminati societies, the Apollo moon landing, MK Ultra mind control and pedophilia. In fact, Kubrick said the world was run by pedophiles. He also said it was very dangerous to get very close to people with immense power.
He did not invent front screen projection but he was the world's foremost cinematic genius using front screen projection and you can clearly see the front screen projection in his movies and in my opinion the Apollo moon landings. Today, front screen projection is obsolete and professionals use green screens for "special effects" and movie stunts.
I find it interesting that Stanley died 666 days before January 1, 2001. Of course, "2001, A Space Odyssey" was one of his most famous movies.
I feel his death could have been a ritual sacrifice by the Illuminati because he revealed too much in his movie "Eyes Wide Shut".
I hope you enjoy the videos below about Kubrick. Also if you utilize my blog's search engine you will find other Kubrick articles and videos.
I think the song "Under the Masonic Moon" is cool.
James Corbett, "The Kubrick Question"; it contains part of the interview of Stanley Kubrick in 1966. Go to the 22 minutes and 40 mark on the video to hear part of the "mockumentary" where Stanley's wife Christiana, Alexander Haig, Henry Kissinger, Donald Rumsfeld and General Vernon Walters discuss filming the first steps on the moon in a studio. I think it is creepy. Why would these powerful people take time to make a mockumentary, what were they trying to hide?Watch the interesting video below.
Secrets hidden in the films of Stanley Kubrick.
Jay Weidner's Kubrick's Odyssey, part 1
Jay Weidner's Kubrick's Odyssey, part 2
Jay Weidner's Kubrick's Odyssey, part 3
Jay Weidner's Kubrick's Odyssey, part 4
Jay Weidner's Kubrick's Odyssey, part 5

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