Four times in the last eight years now,
Israelis have woken up to rocket wars.
Some border
incident happens around daybreak and by noon there are hundreds of rockets
flying in all directions. It can be quite dizzying!
But you do not
just wake up to a rocket war. It takes a lot of time and money and manpower and
material and expertise to build up such a large rocket arsenal as that now
possessed by Hamas. This did not happen overnight! It had to be planned and
implemented over a long period of time.
So there is an
extensive background behind this latest rocket war between Hamas and Israel.
And the explanation for the current hostilities does not begin with the three
Jewish yeshiva students kidnapped and killed by a Hebron terror cell in June.
That was certainly a spark, but
the real cause can be traced all the way back to the Iran-Iraq War in the
The bloody
conflict between Saddam's battalions and Khomeini's columns lasted eight long
years and basically ended in a stalemate. But as with most wars, new tactics
and weaponry were introduced and hard lessons were learned, to be studied and
applied in the next war.
Two new wrinkles
came out of that Iran-Iraq stand-off which are fueling today's hostilities in
and around Gaza.
The March of
First, Iran
started sending indoctrinated soldiers on suicide missions for the sake of
Allah. The 'soldiers' in this case were waves of young boys promised a harem of
virgins in paradise for sweeping through Iraqi mine fields with their bare
Iran swiftly
exported this new/old tactic of martyrdom operations to Lebanon, as
demonstrated by the driver who plowed his explosives-laden truck into the US
Marine barracks in October 1983, killing 241 American servicemen. In doing so,
Tehran passed the practice on to its Shi'ite proxy militia in Lebanon,
Hizbullah, who would later school Hamas on its virtues when some 400 operatives
of the Palestinian terror faction were temporarily deported to south Lebanon in
December 1992.
The day the Oslo
Accords were signed the following September, the deal required Israel - at the
PLO's insistence - to take back in the Hamas deportees. Within a few short
years, Oslo would begin collapsing under the carnage wrought by the march of
Palestinian suicide bombers.
Israel finally found
ways to confront this threat, but Hamas still employs the tactic in other ways.
The population of Gaza today is either brainwashed into viewing death for an
Islamic Palestine as life's highest aspiration, or they are held hostage by
those who want to force such martyrdom upon them.
Truth be told,
most Gazans do not want to serve as human shields to protect Hamas cadres and
their military assets. But these poor folks are powerless to prevent it. And
how, pray tell, is Israel supposed to distinguish between the willing and the
coerced human shields from 5000 feet overhead?
Terror from the
The second
innovation of the Iran-Iraq war involved a new/old weapon of mass terror - the
ballistic missile. This 'discovery' was not made in the Revolutionary Guards'
R&D labs. Instead, it
was learned the hard way when Saddam Hussein decided one day to start randomly
lobbing his quiver of Russian-made Scud missiles at Iran's major cities.
Some initially
scoffed at the idea of using a weapon designed to target an enemy's military
bases on non-threatening civilians hundreds of miles from the battlefront. But the impact on the Iranian
people was devastating, as the Scuds sowed panic and fear in Tehran and other
population centers. The national morale sank and Iran was soon seeking a way
out of the conflict.
After the war,
the Ayatollahs decided they needed this terror weapon in their own arsenal -
and in particular to deploy it in their religiously-driven campaign to
eliminate Israel. So they
started developing their Shihab series of medium-range ballistic missiles to
threaten Israel from afar, plus an array of shorter-range rockets that were
then delivered to Hizbullah in Lebanon to deploy along Israel’s northern front.
Iran’s thinking involved a move away from confronting
Israel with conventional armed forces, since Israel had defeated all such Arab
foes over its first three decades by always taking the fight to the enemy’s
territory. Rather, Tehran sought to bypass the traditional order of battle
against IDF forces and hit straight at Israel’s civilian heartland.
In this
strategy’s first real test, Hizbullah used its lethal rocket armory with
devastating effect in the Second Lebanon War of summer 2006. In that 34-day
conflict, more than 4,000 rockets were fired into northern Israel, keeping over
one million civilians huddled in bomb shelters for more than a month during the
heat of summer.
Many of the
rockets were Syrian-made Grads with extra-lethal fragmentation warheads – a poor man’s cluster bomb meant
to rip through human flesh. The casualty count mounted to 165 Israelis dead,
including over 40 civilians. The confrontation ended in a draw, but Hizbullah’s popularity soared in
the Arab world for striking terror in Israel’s suddenly vulnerable homeland.
With its rocket
caches somewhat depleted, Hizbullah has used effective weapons smuggling
operations ever since to rebuild its arsenal now to over 150,000 rockets and missiles of various ranges
– despite UN Security Council ban on this very activity. This represents a
larger weapons stockpile than is possessed by most nations in the world.
Meantime, Hamas
also became a major client of Iran in the late 1990s after its political bureau
was evicted from Amman and found a new home in Damascus, another ally of
Tehran. The Revolutionary Guards began funneling missiles and launchers into
Gaza, and helped Hamas develop its own rocket manufacturing capabilities. In
pursuing this partnership, Iran’s
goal was to eventually threaten Israel’s entire civilian population with
overlapping firepower from both the north and south using proxy militias
entrenched among civilians living close to its borders.
Thus the
home-made Kassams began flying across the Gaza border early in the second
Palestinian intifada, and their
rate increased four-fold following Israel’s Disengagement from Gaza in 2005.
Eager to
increase its rocket range, Hamas has made or smuggled in longer-range
munitions, such as the J80 and M305 missile series introduced in the recent
fighting. The rocket barrages fired by Hamas into central Israel over recent
days mark only the third time ever that greater Tel Aviv has come under serious
military attack – the others being the 1991 Gulf War and a couple rudimentary
Egyptian air sorties in 1948.
Israel was on to the Iranian plans long ago and began developing with American
assistance a multi-layered anti-missile defense system which includes the Iron
Dome, David’s Sling (nearing deployment), Arrow II and III, Patriot III,
advanced radars and other components. For both sides it has been a race – of Iran’s blunt
offensive punch against Israel’s defensive genius. And Israel is coming out
just ahead of the game.
After stopping
the march of suicide bombers in the West Bank, Israel is now hoping to defang
the Hamas rocket threat in Gaza. But to effectively deal with this danger may
require a risky and prolonged IDF ground incursion into Gaza to root out the
rocket factories, and their storage and launch sites – all hidden in tunnels
and bunkers, and under homes, mosques, schools and hospitals.
It used to take
a lot of time and effort for Hamas to recruit a single suicide bomber,
indoctrinate and train them, and then dispatch him (or her) on an unsavory
mission. Families had to be paid, minds warped, cowards culled out.
Today, every rocket fired by Hamas is a
cheap version of yesterday’s suicide bomber and it bears the indelible stamp
‘Made in Iran.’ And these missiles are launched from among Gazans who are being
involuntarily recruited for martyrdom missions as human shields.
Let’s hope the
whole world wakes up to this cruel reality.
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