Sunday, July 26, 2020

Watchman's First 2020 Electoral Vote Prediction

2016 Presidential Election Actual Results


As you probably already know I predicted Trump’s election in the pre-convention summer of 2016. Well, below is my first electoral vote prediction for the 2020 Presidential election. As in 2016 with "Killary" I do not believe "Sleepy Joe" can win the South or almost all the states from the Mississippi River to the "left coast".

I believe it will be a “law and order” election with a Trump sweep (barring massive vote fraud via mail in ballots). 

In 2016 Trump received 306 electoral votes. Barring a "yuge" catastrophe I believe Trump will add the following states to his 2016 electoral count.
2016 electoral vote                            306
Oregon                                                    7
Nevada                                                    6
New Mexico                                            5
Minnesota                                             10
Maine                                                      4
New Hampshire                                      4
Total                                                    342                

THANK YOU YESHUA, below is my article from 2016

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