Sunday, July 26, 2020

National Security Briefing Tonight At 7:30PM

Sunday, July 26: An Online National Security Briefing with Brad Johnson, Americans for Intelligence Reform

Sat, Jul 25

July 25, 2020
**** Reminder: Tomorrow****

You are Invited to an Online Security
Briefing with Brad Johnson

Sunday, July 26th, at 7:30 pm EDT.
Brad Johnson retired as a Senior Operations Officer and Chief of Station with the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations. He has served domestically and abroad with numerous assignments often during periods of armed conflict. He has served overseas in direct support of the War against Terrorism.

Brad is a certified senior expert in Counterintelligence issues with extensive direct experience in the field. He is a senior expert in surveillance and surveillance detection issues.
He has proven expertise in dangerous operational environments with the highest level of training and extensive direct experience in tradecraft for dangerous areas. His proven expertise also extends to denied operational environments (most difficult and restrictive) with the highest levels of training offered anywhere in the USG or the world and extensive direct experience.

Brad managed the overseas portion of the Persons Indicted For War Crimes (PIFWC) program and has served overseas as Chief of Station multiple times.

He is an enrolled member of The Cherokee Nation, a Federally Recognized Tribe. Since his retirement from the CIA, Brad has run a successful intelligence related training company.

In the summer of 2017, Brad founded the non-profit organization Americans for Intelligence Reform to create awareness for political corruption and diminished capabilities within the intelligence community and to raise support CIA families who have lost a family member in the performance of their duties. Brad interviews on various news programs. He also speaks at universities, churches and other functions.
In recent years, the CIA has become far more involved in advancing a political agenda and has become involved in domestic political issues. The CIA has lost sight of the reason for it’s own existence and that is to protect the United States of America, its citizens and policies.

Our last webinar with Alex Newman was all about the Deep State and who is Behind the Deep State. This webinar is a perfect follow up.

Let's find out just how much our Intel Agencies have been involved in Deep State operations.
Are You Ready to Connect the Following Dots?

  • Crossfire Hurricane
  • General Flynn
  • Russian Collusion
  • Ukranian Hoax
  • Impeachments
  • Lockdowns
  • Riots
  • Insurrection

How about some Older Dots?

  • "The Purge"
  • Extortion 17
  • Benghazi
  • Obama's Support of the Muslim Brotherhood
  • Presidential Study Directive-11

There will be Much, Much, More...

Watch the video below, it's a quick message from Brad about
our next webinar, Sunday, July 26th, at 7:30 pm EDT.
In order to join us on Online for our
National Security Briefing,
you must register at the link below: 

If you need to contact us, do so at: 
Red-Green Axis EXPOSED shines the light on the threats we face from the Far Left (Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Technocrats) and Islamist groups in the U.S. These groups comprise the Red-Green AxisThey use various agendas to achieve one overarching goal: the subversion of the U.S. constitution, otherwise known as the:

"Fundamental Transformation of the United States of America."

Bring your questions, there is no guarantee of a recording of this webinar.

We hope you will join us and invite others as well.

Dan, Bev & Jim
 Click on the link below to find recordings of all of our webinars.

PLEASE add both email addresses: & to your Safe Sender list, Address Book, etc.
Make sure the emails don't go to your spam folder. 

But Please only reply to:

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