Sunday, January 17, 2016

Middle East, Bible Prophecy, and Illuminati Update Jan. 18, 2016

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Pastor Farag prays concerning the 12 Marines involved in the helicopter collision off the North Shore of Oahu; then he sorts through everything that happened during a super busy week on the calendar of Bible prophecy in the video below.

WHAT IS GOING ON IN HOLLYWOOD 2016...Illuminati... new world order.... martial law signs in movies end times prophecy in the video below.

Pastor Russell talks about Saeed Abedini being freed from prison; Iran releases the 10 American sailors; Obama's last 'State of Union' address; Stock market in turmoil; 51,000 refugees poured into Germany over the last two weeks; Christian persecution reaches global high; 'In God we trust' (law suit) to be removed from US-money; the US debt nearly reached 19 trillion and is impossible to repay, all discussed in the video below.

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