Friday, January 15, 2016

The Super Shemitah Jubilee Crash Has Begun!

Friends, I hope you have heeded God's and my warnings over the last 6 to 9 months about the looming financial crash. Remember, in regards to the banks you are now a creditor, not a depositor! All you have at the bank is an IOU! 

God’s PERFECT Time Clock points to a World Stock Market TOP arriving EXACTLY on July 20, 2015 and December 2015 into 2016 is to ushers in a CRASH COLLAPSE resulting in the CRASH OF THE CENTURY that is then to be followed by the TRUE SHEMITAH date in 2016. The YEAR OF JUBILEE is to be a JUBILEE for those who hold PHYSICAL Gold and Silver with new all-time highs and why SHEMITAH September 2015 was postponed by God. Watch Bo Polny, a Christian, talk about the Super Shemitah Jubilee year.

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