Sunday, January 17, 2016

IRS Re-hires Fired Employees

Image result for Internal Revenue Service
A Government Accounting Office report requested by Congress says that the IRS is still unconstitutionally targeting conservative groups based on religious and political views. The GAO Report states: “The control deficiencies increase the risk of selecting organizations for audit in an unfair manner — for example, based on an organization’s religious, educational, political, or other views.”
The report flies in the face of Obama administration assurances that the targeting had ended.
But it doesn’t end there, a separate report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration recently revealed that the IRS has “mistakenly” rehired 300 employees who had previously been fired for issues ranging from fraud and falsification of documents to unauthorized access to taxpayer information.
As a result, the Senate has proposed the “Ensuring Integrity in the IRS Workforce Act of 2016” to stop the rehiring of fired employees. According to the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ):
“It is absolutely absurd that legislation is needed to accomplish this commonsense reform.” 
“The IRS has clearly shown it cannot clean up its own act. The only way to protect the American people from this IRS is to abolish it. Watch Still's video below.

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