Wednesday, March 26, 2014

MH370 The Trident Strikes Again

Amelia Earhart 
The mystery surrounding Malaysian flight MH370 continues, although overnight French satellites spotted more debris. Remember, even if the debris from the plane is found it doesn't rule out a mysterious Illuminati incident. It has been missing for 19 days and now CNN is posting the days the jet has been missing. The "lame stream" media did the same thing during the Iranian hostage crisis in 1979. 

Georgia Associate Professor Dr. John Knox specializes on atmospheric dynamics and aviation meteorology. He was asked if he could recall another plane incident similar to the disappearance of the Malaysian plane. He said the only case that was somewhat similar was the case of the Air France Flight 447. It disappeared in the Atlantic in 2009, as it traveled from Brazil to Paris, France. In that case, the plane stalled and fell into the Atlantic. Knox said: The bottom line is that Air France case was one where you would never expect a modern airliner to be able to put itself into a catastrophic stall and crash into the middle of the Atlantic, but that’s what happened. So, I think whatever happened in this case its going to be one of those who-would-have-thunk it cases that’s going to make us rethink airline safety.

Flight 370 went missing on the early morning hours of March 8, 2014. Initially, the biggest question on the disappearance of the plane was if it was weather related. But the main weather story across the Gulf of Thailand, South China Sea, and even the Indian Ocean that day was the area of high pressure providing warm, tranquil conditions. Very little wind shear was identified as you go up into the atmosphere, so turbulence was practically out of the question. The airplane used in Flight 370 – a Boeing 777 – was in an ideal situation for a non-turbulent flight. A Boeing 777 has computer-mediated controls, and it is also the first entirely computer-designed commercial aircraft. It is a very safe aircraft. For example, it contains two giant engines. If one engine fails, the other engine can substitute and sustain the aircraft in the air. 
I know this, probably all the people, except for one man, who boarded MH370 never dreamed it would be their last day on earth. This is why we must always be ready to face God. The clock is ticking down on all of us. 

A trident is a three-pronged spear. It is used for spear fishing and historically as a pole arm. The trident is the weapon of Poseidon, or Neptune, the god of the sea in classical mythology. In Hindu mythology it is the weapon of Shiva, known as trishula (Sanskrit for "triple-spear"). Shiva is the god of destruction.
The word "trident" comes from the French word trident, which in turn comes from the Latin word tridens or tridentis: tri "three" and dentes "teeth". Sanskrit trishula is compound of tri "three" + "thorn". The Greek equivalent is (tríaina), from Proto-Greek trianja (threefold) .

The trident in the Coat of Arms of Ukraine is known as Tryzub , the literal translation of "trident".

Two Navy Seals found dead on the Maersk Alabama worked for Trident Maritime Security

Alphonso Doss, U.S. Naval officer, was found dead on Feb 12. He had been dead 2 weeks. Doss was the man Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confessed to.He was a graduate student at Trident
  University International.
A double Trident was erected on the 9/11 memory site. The tridents came from the original facade of the World Trade Centers.

A combined pre planned un/nato exercise will take place
in the ukraine in JULY called Rapid TRIDENT

The Maserati Super Bowl ad is below.

1. I think this is the best theory concerning MH370. We received a "trident" Illuminati sneak preview with the Maserati ad at the Super Bowl. We were warned that a false flag incident was coming. The words in the ad were "We come out of the shadows and strike." The "trident" struck in the Ukraine and now has struck Malaysian airlines.The Illuminati "big wigs" are laughing at us today for not understanding their warning. Always remember they have satan's brazen pride. Watch the video below.

2. Another theory is that the flight was taken down by whichever nefarious organization you’d like to fill in the blank with (e.g. various governments, corporation, terrorism, defense industry, or just the good ole’ fashioned Illuminati who has tentacles in all of them). 
3. Over twenty Freescale Semiconductor employees were on board. Some claims are that opposing semiconductor companies would have a financial interest in taking out the flight.

Freescale is owned by Blackstone. One founder of Blackstone is a member of Skulls and Bones and other one was Chairman of Council on Foreign Relationships.
One of the co-investors for Freescale is Carlyle Group… Another claim is that it was taken down for insurance money, similar to the Titanic conspiracy theory. Here’s an update I’ll slide in that RedIceCreations posted. It’s about a letter that may or may not be legit and it talks about Freescale, the Rothschild ownership in Blackstone. 
Apparently the Rothschilds will retain some patent Freescale had in the works. Here is what one website wrote: “Have you pieced together the puzzle of missing flight 370 to Beijing China ?? If not, here are your missing pieces. Patents! Patents! Patents!
Four days after the missing flight MH370 a patent is approved by the Patent Office, 4 of the 5 Patent holders are Chinese employees of Freescale Semiconductor of Austin TX. Patent is divided up on 20% increments to 5 holders. Peidong Wang, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhijun Chen, Suzhou, China, (20%) Zhihong Cheng, Suzhou, China, (20%) Li Ying, Suzhou, China, (20%) Freescale Semiconductor (20%) If a patent holder dies, then the remaining holders equally share the dividends of the deceased if not disputed in a will. If 4 of the 5 dies, then the remaining 1 Patent holder gets 100% of the wealth of the patent. That remaining live Patent holder is Freescale Semiconductor. Who owns Freescale Semiconductor ??? Jacob Rothschild through Blackstone who owns Freescale. Here is your motive for the missing Beijing plane. All 4 Chinese members of the Patent were passengers on the missing plane. Patent holders can alter the proceeds legally by passing wealth to their heirs. However, they cannot do so until the Patent is approved. So when the plane went missing, the patent had not been approved. Thus, Rothschild gets 100% of Patent once Patent holders declared deceased.”

4. This theory claims that there is numerology at play here because of the occult importance of the number 777. The Malaysia Airlines aircraft flown on Flight MH370 was a Boeing 777 and we know that  Rihanna uses 777 symbolism in her music.

777 is a number important to the Illuminati and esoteric occult groups. The Qabalah book that Madonna, New Agers, and conspiracy theorists always refer to as a source of esoteric knowledge features a book called ’777.’ However, more importantly, occultist and magician Aleister Crowley referenced it in a document entitled “Liber 777 Vel Prolegoma Symbolica Ad Systemam Sceptico-Mysticae Viae Explicande, Fundamentum Hieroglyphicum Sanctissimorum Scientiae Summae”. The ’777′ is apparently important in the title of all of that, and it’s used in some magic rituals. 

"The Beast" Aleister Crowley
For example, the satanic Bible states that there are the remaining demons that all correspond to the Tree of Life to fill out the shadow “Other Side” of God’s good attributes. These demons were studied by many of the ‘forefathers’ of the occult and dark arts including Aleister Crowley (Liber 777) and Anton LaVey (the Satanic Bible).

5. Some people believe there are demonic portals or gateways to the demonic world. Mt. Hermon in Lebanon is one of the most famous and in close up photos forms a satanic goat head.

Vortex Points
As you can see from the sketch above there are several demonic portals in the region MH370 flew. Just draw a hexagram.
North Korea at night

6. One theory states that North Korea, or someone other nation, fired a missile and it accidentally took down the flight. Crazy North Korea is always available to blame, that is an easy one. That government is run by Godless thugs. For example, A China Southern Airlines aircraft carrying 220 passengers passed through the trajectory of a rocket launched seven minutes earlier by North Korea, a South Korean official said. Flight CZ628 was headed to Shenyang in Liaoning province after taking off from Narita airport in Japan when North Korea fired the missile at 4.17pm on Tuesday, South Korean defense ministry spokesman Kim Min-seok said. The jet was flying over international waters at an altitude of 10,000 metres at 4.24pm when it crossed the trajectory of the missile, which reached a height of 20 kilometres, Kim said. “The rocket could have hit the plane on its way down,” Kim said. “North Korea had not given any warning. It was an unexpected and immoral act that goes against international norms.
North Korea could have hijacked the flight. Is this feasible? Absolutely. MH370 was shown going north-east in the direction of North Korea just before disappearing, and North Korea has hijacked planes in the past. Remember Korean Air Lines YS-11? The Hermit Kingdom has a recorded history of terrorism and subterfuge.

However, except for low-flying cruise missiles and drones there are no missiles in existence that do not leave a radar impression. So radar operators and satellites would have seen the radar signature of a launched missile. Moreover, some of the debris, like seat cushions, would be seen floating for all to see. However in the last 19 days no terrorist or terrorist group has claimed responsibility for hi-jacking MH370.  

7. Then there is the two stolen passports. The two people who stole the passports were reportedly Iranians seeking asylum in Europe. Officials identified the men as Pouria Nour Mohammad Mehrdad, 18, and Delavar Syed Mohammad Reza, 29. These men have no ties to terrorism.
Jonti is in the middle

8. Then there is Jonti Roos, a woman said she was allowed in the cockpit by one of the pilots who flew the MH370 flight. Roos, who lives in Melbourne, came forward with photos of her posing with a man she claims is 27-year-old Fariq Abdul Hamid – the first officer on missing flight MH370. She said she and a friend were ready to board a flight from Phuket to Kuala Lumpur in 2011 when the two pilots asked if they would spend the duration of the international flight in the cockpit. Ms Roos says they were seated in the cockpit during takeoff and landing and that the pilots asked the girls to stay a few nights in Kuala Lumpur with them. “Throughout the entire flight they were talking to us and they were actually smoking throughout the flight, which I don’t think they’re allowed to do,” Ms Roos said.
9. An interesting  theory is that aliens snatched the plane with Star Trek tractor beam. This would be the largest number of simultaneous abductions at one time. It’s not so crazy because the plane literally disappeared, therefore it was not hijacked because it would still be on a radar. In my previous article on MH370 I have a radar playback that depicts dozens of planes in flight over the region at the time. The first peculiarity is seen in the lower left of the screen. A round object appears in the vicinity of Flight 370 (and amid several others), which the radar does not automatically “read” as airplane. Suddenly, this round object take the form of a “plane” on the radar screen and accelerates at a rate of speed that must be at least five times the speed of the surrounding planes, heading eastward, over the South China Sea – and just as suddenly the object stops and appears to hover in place. During this same time, there is some evidence that shortly after crossing the Malaysian Peninsula, Flight 370 was in trouble. The radar playback shows that the plane took three sharp turns: right, left, right at an altitude of 35,000 feet and at a speed of 473 knots – just before the radar readings instantly go from 35,000 feet to 0, with the plane still traveling at that speed for a few moments more, at 0 feet altitude before it vanishes from the screen. As of this writing, this plane remains missing, even though the sea is relatively shallow in the area where the plane went missing. As for the other object described here, it disappears as well. There have been no reports about this object or plane  was it a commercial airliner, like the many others in flight during the final moments preceding the disappearance of Flight 370. The object in question certainly didn’t behave like a commercial airliner. Regardless of whether or not this mystery object had anything to do with the demise of Flight 370 – what is evident is that the radar readings shown in this clip captured signals from what for now, can only be termed a UFO. By the way, just so you know where I stand on this subject. I believe aliens are satan’s demons.
Paul Weeks

10. There’s also the odd case of a man named Paul Weeks who gave his jewelry to his wife “in case something happens.” Here’s his story, his was a father-of-two who left his wedding ring and watch to give to his children in case something happened to him before boarding the missing Malaysia Airlines flight engineer Paul Weeks, 39, of Perth, Australia, was on the flight as he made his way to his first shift in a fly-in fly-out job. His wife Danica has revealed how he left the objects with her to give to their two boys if something was to happen to him. She said Paul said  “If something should happen to me then the wedding ring should go to the first son that gets married and then the watch to the second”.’
11. There are claims that the cell phones are still ringing; in fact one person said they called only to have their spouse pick up several times and immediately hang up each time. Unfortunately, the cell phones industry says this doesn’t indicate anything.

Family members of a few passengers aboard missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 are pushing the airline to search for the GPS location of their loved ones’ cellphones after saying they’d successfully placed calls to missing passengers’ mobile phones. A few family members said dialing the numbers resulted in ringing tones on the other end, even though the calls weren’t picked up. Bian Liangwei, sister of one of the passengers, said that she reached her older brother’s phone Monday afternoon. “If I could get through, the police could locate the position, and there is a chance he could still be alive,” she said. But industry experts say ringing phones don’t necessarily mean that the calls are going through. “The ringing is not actually ringing at the other phone yet,” industry analyst Jeff Kagan said. “It’s just telling you that the network is in the process of finding and connecting to it.” Locally placed calls may connect almost instantaneously, he said, but long-distance or international calls may “ring” several times before the phone is found or the system can’t find it and disconnects the call.

12.Then there is the similarity between this flight and a Korean Airlines 007 flight that took out a prominent anti-globalist Lawrence McDonald.
Malaysia’s military also believes that it tracked the aircraft 200 miles off course over the Strait of Malacca, a revelation that sparks memories of the disappearance of the Korean airliner carrying Rep. McDonald (D-Ga.) in 1983 during the final apex of Cold War tensions. Korean Air Lines Flight 007 was shot down by a Soviet Su-15 interceptor in the Sea of Japan after violating Soviet air space during its flight from Anchorage, Alaska to South Korea. McDonald, whose body was never recovered, was perhaps the staunchest anti-communist and anti-globalist in Congress at the time. This fact helped fuel the ongoing controversy over the circumstances surrounding the 007 flight. Very little if any, debris was ever found. After only 10 minutes after take-off, Flight 007 deviated from its assigned route and continued to fly in this direction for the next 5.5 hours, leading it straight into Soviet air where it was destroyed by a Kaliningrad R-8 missile. In my opinion, Congressman McDonald made some very powerful Iluminati enemies who had him and the other passengers on the plane murdered. 

13. Reportedly MH370 had 20 electronic experts on board 12 Chinese and 8 Malaysians. Reportedly they worked on stealth and cloaking military technology. I can see where some countries would want to capture or kill such experts in a covert operation to stop or gain their expert knowledge. 

14. Did the pilots land the aircraft somewhere else intentionally, after they manually turned off the transponder.  Some officials claim that the pilots were behind the disappearance of MH370. U.S. officials believe the flight continued for hours after the transponder turned off which prompted a search of the pilots’ homes.
15. This is my second favorite theory of a Manchuruan Kandidate (MK). We know that the Illuminati likes to preview and give us a “sneak peek” so to speak of their future operations and actions. Was the demise of MH370 predicted with the use of a MK Ultra in the film “Zoolander?” in the film Ben Stiller’s character is a supermodel who gets into the industry and finds that the only way to get ahead is to submit to Will Ferrell’s character’s brainwashing-mind control. In the film he MK Ultra programs Stiller to kill the Prime Minister of Malaysia (for no apparent reason). Was “Zoolander” previewing a MK ULtra type conspiracy involving Malaysia? Watch the video below.

16. Likewise a similar “sneak peek” occurs from Pitbull and Shakira where they sing and rap about “lighting up the sky and Malaysia” in the song “Get it Started”. Here is the lyric: Big news, Pitbull, Tom Cruise, Mumbai A lit up their December night like the fourth of July, vanilla sky Thriller in Manila, knocking them out like Pacquiao No Ali, no Frasier, but for now it’s off to Malaysia."Watch the video below.
"Lady Gag Me"
17. Lady Gaga, the New Ager and occultist, says she’s part Malaysian in Gypsy and we all know she’s got plenty of Illuminati-goddess symbolism in her music. Here is the lyric “ I’m American, I’m gypsy I’m Bangkok, Australian, Malaysia Sweden, Finland, Norway Be my home just for the day.”

18. Likewise a recent episode of Hawaii Five-0 featured a hijacking of an aircraft’s computer system. The episode was called ‘Akanahe’ Here is the narrative from the episode: …They trace Ian to the airport, where he sits with Grover’s daughter’s computer. He tells McGarrett and Grover that he has control of Flight 408 and will crash it unless they let him leave for Pago Pago. Grover mentions a deal, and Ian shoots back that he committed treason. There will be no deals. With help from Naval Intelligence, Catherine locates a second computer Ian is using to control the airline and manages to jam the signal. McGarrett and Grover then let Ian board the plane for Pago Pago, letting him believe he still has control of Flight 408. Once Ian is on board, McGarrett and Grover then also board to arrest him. They find the pink laptop on an empty seat, with no sign of Ian. Passengers tell them he went to the bathroom and never returned. Passengers on Flight 408 disembark safely…

19. Could a third or fourth person could have joined Zaharie and Fariq in the cockpit? Like most everything surrounding flight MH 370, that’s yet unknown. Malaysian authorities allege that someone did something not long after the flight took off from Kuala Lumpur and a voice signed off, communications systems were disabled, and the plane’s transponder was turned off. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak said Saturday that the device is situated between the pilots and can be shut off with a twist of the wrist. For a pilot to turn it off would seem reckless because the information it transmits gives the plane vital protection. It helps people on the ground locate the plane. Someone would have to know how to do it and also know the plane would lose that protection.

20. What about the apparent lack of visibility on radar? “Airline pilots are not trained for radar avoidance,” said aviation expert Keith Wolzinger, a former 777 pilot. They like to stay on the radar, because it protects their plane. Military pilots, he said, want to stay alive in combat and hence train to avoid radar. Maybe the pilots began flying at a low altitude?
21. Another theory churning up is that President Obama stole the flight and sent it to Diego Garcia, besides some people believe Obama is behind everything that is bad or goes bad and everything that is good. Obama makes Reagan's teflon melt.   Perhaps another government took the Boeing 777 somewhere.

 There are major gaps in the South-East Asian, and South Asian military and radar coverage and civilian co-operation especially in the Indian Ocean 1000 miles from Australia. As you sail south into the rough Winter waters towards Antarctica it gets worse and worse.
Four countries have advanced maritime reconnaissance capabilities operating in that huge territory:
a. China has with extensive coverage in South China sea up to the Straits of Malacca
b. The U.S. has its largest Asian base in Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean
c. Thailand has an extensive US-maintained maritime radar network covering the eastern part of the Bay of Bengal
d. India covers  the airspace from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands to the Lakshadeep in the Arabian sea.
None of these countries can possibly cover the entire vast territory that MH370 could have flew in and if it was an Illuminati plot to capture or murder the electronic experts on board that plane the planners knew in advance where the radar gaps were and flew the plane through a gap to its destination.  An Australiain official said it is not a needle in the haystack we are dealing with we can’t even find the haystack in this vast territory.
22.One of the most interesting theories is that something supernatural happened: Lemon on a website wrote, “Especially today, on a day when we deal with the supernatural,” Lemon said. “We go to church, the supernatural power of God…people are saying to me, why aren’t you talking about the possibility — and I’m just putting it out there — that something odd happened to this plane, something beyond our understanding?”
Friends, this is not beyond the realm of possibility, when the Rapture occurs the satan’s allies will need some type of explanation for why millions of people disappeared. So,it is possible that flight MH370 was training for the Rapture event.  “People roll their eyes at conspiracy theories, but conspiracy theorists ask the hardest, most outrageous questions, in short we think out of the box and many times our evidence is correct. Millions of people are watching InfoWars and the Youtube programs like the Watchman Report and reading this my blog for a reason.

23.You can say, MH370 crashed into the ocean and indeed a lot of debris has been spotted.  Why did MH370 keep going for seven hours? Why is there a man on board who gives his watch and his ring to his wife and says ‘Keep these for my boys in case something happens to me’? This man was a mechanical engineer. Something smells wrong.”

I do know this"
1. The Chinese are pissed at the Malaysians.
2. The "lame stream" media is having a feeding frenzy. 
2. The following nations have not fully cooperated with each other in the search: Thailand, Malaysia, India and China. In fact, all these nations and more do not want the U.S. Navy sailing in the Malacca Straits to stop pirates. 
3. It may be days, weeks, months or years until we find the Boeing 777 in those vast deep oceans. In fact, at this point I am chalking it up as another Illuminati incident. Perhaps the movie “Chariot” was a tip off for us.
4. This is an opportunity for the globalists to push for international unity and cooperation. 
5. Can you say Amelia Earhardt and “End Times”? I believe as we get closer to the Rapture and then  “End Times” we will see more strange and unaccountable incidents like MH370, Sandy Hook and the Aurora theater .  
6. Remember even if the plane is found it was still probably an Illuminati incident. 

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