Tuesday, March 25, 2014

End Times News and Gospel Message 29 Mar 14

Obama has rejected Israel as a Jewish State, and will not require the Palestinians to recognize Israel as Jewish in the current negotiations for a permanent peace treaty. 

"The United States believes there is no need for the Palestinian Authority (PA) to recognize Israel as a Jewish state as part of a peace agreement," State Department Spokeswoman Jen Psaki said last week Saturday.
Psaki, who spoke to the PA-based Arabic-language Al-Quds newspaper, said, "The American position is clear, Israel is a Jewish state. However, we do not see a need that both sides recognize this position as part of the final agreement."

Psaki later denied she did an interview with Al Quds, but she did take a question from its Bureau Chief, Said Arakat.

Below is a video clip of the horrible movie Noah; Noah is almost completely non-Biblical produced by a Godless Jew.


Below is a video on ChrIslam

Dirty Bomb with Cesium

The UN’s nuclear watchdog has warned about the continuing threat of terrorists acquiring a 'dirty bomb' after revealing that 146 incidents of unauthorized contact with radioactive materials were reported last year. 'Even if they [stolen materials] can't be used for making a nuclear weapon, they can be used in radioactive dispersal devices, which is a concern', Denis Flory, deputy director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), told Reuters ahead of a nuclear security summit next week.
In the immediate aftermath of the attacks of 9/11/2001, news stories regularly raised the awful specter of terrorists using either 'dirty bombs' or small suitcase nukes. We endured these stories for almost two years, and then they mercifully disappeared from our news. Now, such stories are back.
Recent global instability in the Arab world means that risks of an uncontrolled spread of materials and the demand for them could be on the up again. As the use of nuclear technology widens and spreads to relatively poorly-secured areas, such as hospitals, the task for potential terrorists could become easier, according to the IAEA officials. The sophistication of technology available to terrorists is also possibly rising, though impossible to accurately monitor until they are caught.
What is the answer to this "terrible" problem?
"There is still a lot of work to do,” summed up Flory, ahead of a worldwide nuclear summit that will begin in The Hague next week. World leaders from 53 countries are expected to call for more international action to help prevent radical groups from obtaining atomic bombs.
The globalists constantly have five disasters in play and of course the answer to their global disasters and problems is international action. The five global disasters in play are:
1) Global Warming / Global Cooling / Global Climate Change
2) Global Terrorism
3) Global War
4) Global Economic Disaster
5) Global Virus Pandemic
The dirty bomb and proliferation of nuclear weapons newest global 'threat" would fall under "Global Terrorism", one of the most fundamental of created crises designed to frighten people into accepting a global dictatorship. Let us now examine why we should not need to fear a terrorist attack using any kind of a nuclear device.

When and if a nuclear terrorist attack does occur, all Americans must know that American officials working on behalf of the Illuminati, committed the terrorist act, just as they carried out the 9/11 attacks.
"If an internal nuclear attack ever occurs in this country without a major failure of our satellite assets...perhaps we should rethink just who the enemy really is..."
These opening words are shocking, and they are intended to be. The writer wanted all of us to know that America has the technical capability to stop any terrorist in his tracks if he ever dares try to sneak nuclear weapons into this country. Let us now review the rest of the story.
As you have probably heard from the major news networks, there is some concern about the so-called portable nuclear devices developed by the old USSR. Their former head of the KGB has confirmed the existence of 150 portable devices: 100 of which are presently unaccounted for, none of these devices are missing; we know exactly where these devices are located at any given point in time.
This is not classified but this is how I know this information. A series of satellites were put into orbit in 1989 and subsequently that carried special sensor devices that can detect high-velocity spin-off particles from enriched uranium.  These particles are essential for nuclear devices. Due to the small size and velocity of these particles, no amount of shielding can block them not even lead or subterranean bunkers. Radiation hazards from these particles are minimal due to limited quantity. Our satellites are fool-proof in detecting and pin-pointing the locations of enriched uranium throughout the world. This type of work is called hyper-spectral analysis and I worked this mission for the U.S. Army.
The mask is now off the stories that Bush and Blair lied to us about. We invaded Iraq based on a lie.
This deception is so very great that we are seeing Jesus' prophetic warnings that one of the hallmark characteristics of the End of the Age would be unparalleled and deceptive lying. Matthew 24:6-8 and 24:24 are coming true on a daily basis in our daily news. Friends, the End of the Age is upon us.
The original lies from the attacks of 9/11/2001 are being repeated again. We must remain vigilant to debunk this propaganda lie with the truth. As Jesus promised, "Know the truth, and the truth shall make you free".

Below is a video of the Cupid Drone that shoots a 80,000 volt taser at its target; it is going to be living hell during the "Great Trib".


Friends, the story below is truly the Bible tells us that in the "End Times" people will be cold -hearted and lack compassion for their fellow human beings. Aborted babies are being incinerated and used to heat hospitals in the United Kingdom. The news caused authorities to issue an instant ban on the "totally unacceptable" practice.

At least 15,500 aborted or miscarried babies were classified as clinical waste and subsequently incinerated, with some being used to heat English hospitals, Britain's Channel 4 revealed in its "Dispatches" series documentary that will air Monday night.

According to the report, as many as 10 employees at England's National Health Service admitted to having burned the fetal remains that had been mixed with rubbish, with two others employees saying that the aborted or miscarried bodies were used in the country's "waste-to-energy" plants to generate power for heat.

The report also found that parents who lost children early on in their pregnancy were not consulted by hospital staff as to what would happen to the unborn baby's remains, and received consultation that frequently lacked compassion.

UK Health Minister Dr. Dan Poulter called the practice "totally unacceptable,".

"That is why I have asked Professor Sir Bruce Keogh, NHS medical director, to write to all NHS hospital trusts, to make it clear that it must stop now," Poulter said.

"While the vast majority of hospitals are acting in the appropriate way, that must be the case for all hospitals and the Human Tissue Authority has now been asked to ensure that it acts on this issue without delay," Poulter added with regards to the treatment of parents.

English actress and former Britain’s Got Talent star Amanda Holden, who took part in the documentary, was taken aback by what the investigation unearthed,

"I was shocked at some of the discoveries I made during filming," Holden said in a preview clip. "The mothers I spoke to said that despite the best intentions of individual nurses and doctors, they sometimes felt that hospitals weren’t as compassionate as they should be towards them."

Between 2011 and 2013, the "waste to energy" facility at Ipswich Hospital, reportedly incinerated 1,101 fetuses, while Addenbrooke’s in Cambridge, one of the nation's leading hospitals, incinerated 797 babies below 13 weeks gestation at their own "waste to energy" plant, the Telegraph noted. According to the newspaper, the mothers had been told their aborted or miscarried babies were going to be "cremated."

Despite ongoing talks and negotiations between Iran and the West over the Iranian nuclear program, Israel is taking no chances. Based on recent statements by senior military officers, a whopping amount of at least 10 billion shekels ($2.89 billion) has been set aside by Israel for a potential unilateral military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities in 2014.
The information comes from three Knesset members who attended joint committee hearings on Israel Defense Forces (IDF) plans held in January and February. This decision effectively retains the same budgetary allocation made in 2013 for the possible strike, and reflects the determination of the Israeli government not to be bound by the interim accord that was reached between Iran and the Western nations. And as second-round talks on a permanent accord resumed over the past few weeks in Vienna, Austria, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has continued to reiterate this viewpoint:  “…letting Iran enrich uranium would open up the floodgates…That must not happen. And we will make sure it does not happen.”
The Israeli government decision is based on the stated need to ensure its self defense, even as it becomes clearer that the U.S is not going to lead the campaign against Iran or to be a dependable ally for a military solution against Iran.
Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon said, “Israel will do what it must to defend itself…We thought that the one who needs to lead the campaign against Iran is the U.S…we (now) have to behave as if we can only rely on ourselves…Weakness certainly does not pay in the world, no one can replace the U.S. as the world's policeman. I hope the U.S. will come to its senses."
Ya'alon made these comments with reference to the crisis in the Ukraine as an example of declining U.S. influence globally, given that Russian President Vladimir Putin seems unimpressed with President Obama's warnings.
The latest round of talks involves the European Union, Iran and top diplomats of the six ‘P5+1’ powers(U.S., U.K., France, Russia, China and Germany) working towards brokering a permanent accord by July.  
Iranian media reported that officials with the Iranian delegation said this round of talks will focus on how much uranium enrichment Iran will be permitted as part of a final accord, along with the future of the heavy water plant at Arak and the lifting of sanctions. As usual Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammed Jawad Zarif said that Iran is not seeking nuclear weapons and said the West’s suspicions will threaten Iran’s national security. Zarif said Iran must convince the West that it is not seeking nuclear arms, based on an unpublicized fatwa ostensibly written by supreme leader Ali Khamenei forbidding production of nuclear weapons.

A Nimitz class aircraft carrier and the fake Iranian carrier
The fake aircraft carrier
Iran is constructing a large-scale replica of a U.S. military aircraft carrier, complete with fake U.S-style airplanes, near the southern port city of Bandar Abbas.
The mock super-carrier seems to have been modeled off of an American Nimitz-class (CVN 68) carrier, down to the number “68″ painted on the flight deck, though its intended use remains a mystery.
According to one U.S. official, the mock-up is more akin to a Hollywood set than an actual warship.
The U.S. government does not believe the carrier is functional, or that Iran is even capable of building an aircraft carrier.
The purpose of the fake carrier is unknown, perhaps Iran is planning to destroy it in a propaganda move. The Iranian government has blown up target barges in the past and aired the footage on its state-run media.
Nimitz-class carriers are the centerpiece of U.S. naval forces, and the largest warships in the world. Few countries have nuclear-powered carriers in their fleets.
The revelation that Iran is constructing this mock carrier comes at a potentially pivotal moment in U.S.-Iranian relations.
Back in November, negotiations between Iran and a coalition of countries that includes the United States brought about an interim agreement over Iran’s nuclear program. Iran agreed to roll back parts of the program in exchange for an end to certain economic sanctions.
Negotiations on a larger deal are ongoing.
On Thursday, in a message to the Iranian people to commemorate the Persian new year, Obama said he is “committed to diplomacy” with Iran.
But amid the softened rhetoric, there is lingering mistrust in both countries.
In January, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the Obama administration has been mischaracterizing the terms of the agreement.

Hezbollah flag
On 25 March the situation in Israel got a little more tense and a little more uncertain. An IDF patrol was attacked in the Golan Heights, and Israel struck back. Such events are fairly common, sadly, but this one could spell the beginning of a new chapter in the history of the Middle East. Developments are still unfolding, but signs point not only to the erosion of the extended period of quiet between Syria and Israel, but also a significant change in the convoluted relationship between Damascus and Hezbollah.

Some background: Hezbollah was founded in 1982 by a group from inside Iran's Revolutionary Guard, together with Lebanese Shiite Clerics, the majority of whom received their religious instruction in the city of Qom, in Iran.

From its inception, the group received a frosty reception from the elder Assad, Hafez al-Assad (Bashar's late father). In fact, Hafez actually nurtured the rival Shiite Amal movement, and in 1987, sent tanks and other assets to fight Hezbollah directly.

These days, it seems that times, and circumstances have changed. With the passing of the elder Assad in 2000, his son Bashar has moved increasingly closer to Hezbollah. The younger Assad has actively armed the Shiite organization with every sort of rocket, missile, and weapon he can, in order to strengthen Syrian deterrence against hated Israel. Before the onset of the civil war, Bashar's assumption was that although Syria might be unable to reclaim the Golan Heights directly, Hezbollah could underscore the price of not reaching an accord with Damascus on that matter.

For years Bashar has assisted Hezbollah with training and equipment, always careful not to supply the group with sensitive weapons that would risk Israeli ire and wrath. This policy resulted in a huge supply of missiles, produced for Hezbollah but stored in secret locations around Syria, ready for the decisive moment (escalation vs. Israel), when it came.

The civil war in Syria has changed the game. It used to be the case that Syria saw Hezbollah as a net cost...a burden. Now it seems that it is the other way around. When Bashar's government began to falter under the rebel onslaught, he requested assistance from Hezbollah. That group's leader, Hassan Nasrallah flatly refused. It was only under pressure from Iran's supreme leader that the group ultimately complied, and since then, Hezbollah has committed itself to the curious task of saving President Bashar Assad.

The operation has been a success so far. Victories have come since the group's involvement, but it has also not been without cost, mostly in the form of support. Hezbollah formerly enjoyed widespread support across the Middle East. Now, in a significant shift, they have become al-Qaeda's favorite target in the region.

The biggest boon, however, has been that the Assad regime is now completely dependent on Hezbollah for its continued existence.

On its own, the Syrian Army has proved completely incapable of dealing with the rebel threat. Assad needs Hezbollah's continuous involvement, and since Nasrallah began getting involved, the tide has indeed been turning. There is now a “clear corridor” along the Lebanese border for Assad, and rebel supply lines have been disrupted.

Gone is the old Syrian perception that Lebanon was its playing field. In the new reality, Hezbollah increasingly sees Syria as its playing field, and recently Hezbollah has demanded, and begun to receive those aforementioned missiles that Syria had been storing. Assad now allows the group to operate anywhere it chooses, including the Golan Heights. 

This “green light” to go and do as it pleases could pose serious problems to Assad when the civil war finally ends, should Hezbollah opt to remain in Syria. Using their position and freedom to move, they could opt to take revenge against Israel, as, in fact, they began trying to do today.

It should be noted that Assad has something of an interest in punishing Israel as well, and making that nation pay for striking Syrian or Hezbollah targets. Still, the potential complications for Assad from the attack in the Golan are much more serious than they are for Hezbollah. At a time when his military is already reeling, the last thing he needs is an escalation with Israel.

As ever, the problem is that it is nearly impossible to know Assad's mind. As he has shown, his decision making is complicated. Enigmatic. It is also possible that one of Assad's subordinates will simply take matters into his own hands, and do something that could lead to a further escalation with Israel, which in turn, could lead to a significantly wider conflict. At this point, it is just impossible to say which direction he will turn.

This artist's concept puts solar system distances in perspective. The scale bar is in astronomical units, with each set distance beyond 1 AU representing 10 times the previous distance. One AU is the distance from the sun to the Earth, which is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers.  NASA's Voyager 1, humankind's most distant spacecraft, is around 125 AU.  Image via NASA/JPL-Caltech
Our God has created an incredible solar system. Below are 10 facts about God’s Solar System that I bet you did not know.
1. The hottest planet isn’t closest to the sun. Many people know that Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, well less than half of the Earth’s distance. It is no mystery, therefore, why people would assume that Mercury is the hottest planet. We know that Venus, the second planet away from the sun, is on the average 30 million miles farther from the sun than Mercury. The natural assumption is that being farther away, it must be cooler. But assumptions can be dangerous. For practical consideration, Mercury has no atmosphere, no warming blanket to help it maintain the sun’s heat. Venus, on the other hand, is shrouded by an unexpectedly thick atmosphere, about 100 times thicker than our own on Earth. This in itself would normally serve to prevent some of the sun’s energy from escaping back into space and thus raise the overall temperature of the planet. But in addition to the atmosphere’s thickness, it is composed almost entirely of carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas. The carbon dioxide freely lets solar energy in, but is far less transparent to the longer wavelength radiation emitted by the heated surface. Thus the temperature rises to a level far above what would be expected, making it the hottest planet. In fact the average temperature on Venus is about 875 degrees F, hot enough to melt tin and lead. The maximum temperature on Mercury, the planet closer to the sun, is about 800 degrees F. In addition, the lack of atmosphere causes Mercury’s surface temperature to vary by hundreds of degrees, whereas the thick mantle of carbon dioxide keeps the surface temperature of Venus steady, hardly varying at all, anywhere on the planet or any time of day or night!
Image via NASA
The night sky in 7 billion years when the Milky Way and Andromeda merge. Don't worry friends we won't be on the Earth.
2. Pluto is smaller than the USA. The greatest distance across the contiguous United States is nearly 2,900 miles (from Northern California to Maine). By the best current estimates, Pluto is just over 1400 miles across, less than half the width of the U.S. Certainly in size it is much smaller than any major planet, perhaps making it a bit easier to understand why a few years ago it was “demoted” from full planet status. It is now known as a “dwarf planet.”
3. George Lucas doesn’t know much about “asteroid fields.” In many science fiction movies, spacecraft are often endangered by pesky asteroid fields. In actuality, the only asteroid belt we are aware of exists between Mars and Jupiter, and although there are tens of thousands of asteroids in it (perhaps more), they are quite widely spaced and the likelihood of colliding with one is small. In fact, spacecraft must be deliberately and carefully guided to asteroids to have a chance of even photographing one. Given the presumed manner of creation, it is highly unlikely that spacefarers will ever encounter asteroid swarms or fields in deep space.
4. You can make volcanos using water as magma. Mention volcanoes and everyone immediately thinks of Mount St. Helens, Mount Vesuvius, or maybe the lava caldera of Mauna Loa in Hawaii. Volcanos require molten rock called lava (or “magma” when still underground), right? Not really. A volcano forms when an underground reservoir of a hot, fluid mineral or gas erupts onto the surface of a planet or other non-stellar astronomical body. The exact composition of the mineral can vary greatly. On Earth, most volcanoes sport lava (or magma) that has silicon, iron, magnesium, sodium, and a host of complicated minerals. The volcanoes of Jupiter’s moon Io appear to be composed mostly of sulfur and sulfur dioxide. But it can be simpler than that. On Saturn’s moon Enceladus, Neptune’s moon Triton, and others, the driving force is ice, good old frozen H20! Water expands when it freezes and enormous pressures can build up, just as in a “normal” volcano on Earth. When the ice erupts, a “cryovolcano” is formed. So volcanoes can operate on water as well as molten rock. By the way, we have relatively small scale eruptions of water on Earth called geysers. They are associated with superheated water that has come into contact with a hot reservoir of magma.
This illustration shows the collision paths of our Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda galaxy. The galaxies are moving toward each other under the inexorable pull of gravity between them. Also shown is a smaller galaxy, Triangulum, which may be part of the smashup.  Via NASA; ESA; A. Feild and R. van der Marel, STScI.
5. The edge of the solar system is 1,000 times farther away than Pluto. You might still think of the solar system as extending out to the orbit of the much-loved dwarf planet Pluto. Today we don’t even consider Pluto a full-fledged planet, but the impression remains. Still, we have discovered numerous objects orbiting the sun that are considerably farther than Pluto. These are “Trans-Neptunian Objects” (TNOs), or “Kuiper Belt Objects” (KBOs). The Kuiper Belt, the first of the sun’s two reservoirs of cometary material, is thought to extend to 50 or 60 astronomical units (AU, or the average distance of the Earth from the sun). An even farther part of the solar system, the huge but tenuous Oort comet cloud, may extend to 50,000 AU from the sun, or about half a light year – more than a thousand times farther than Pluto.
6. Almost everything on Earth is a rare element. The elemental composition of planet Earth is mostly iron, oxygen, silicon, magnesium, sulfur, nickel, calcium, sodium, and aluminum. While such elements have been detected in locations throughout the universe, they are merely trace elements, vastly overshadowed by the much greater abundances of hydrogen and helium. Thus Earth, for the most part, is composed of rare elements. This does not signify any special place for Earth, however. The cloud from which the Earth formed had a much higher abundance of hydrogen and helium, but being light gases, they were driven away into space by the sun’s heat as the Earth formed.
7. There are Mars rocks on Earth (and we didn’t bring here). Chemical analysis of meteorites found in Antarctica, the Sahara Desert, and elsewhere have been shown by various means to have originated on Mars. For example, some contain pockets of gas that is chemically identical to the martian atmosphere. These meteorites may have been blasted away from Mars due to a larger meteoroid or asteroid impact on Mars, or by a huge volcanic eruption, and later collided with Earth.
8. Jupiter has the biggest ocean of any planet. Orbiting in cold space five times farther from the sun than Earth, Jupiter retained much higher levels of hydrogen and helium when it formed than did our planet. In fact, Jupiter is mostly hydrogen and helium. Given the planet’s mass and chemical composition, physics demands that way down under the cold cloud tops, pressures rise to the point that the hydrogen must turn to liquid. In fact there should be a deep planetary ocean of liquid hydrogen. Computer models show that not only is this the largest ocean known in the solar system, but that it is about 40,000 km deep – roughly as deep as the Earth is around!
9. Even really small bodies can have moons. It was once thought that only objects as large as planets could have natural satellites or moons. In fact the existence of moons, or the capability of a planet to gravitationally control a moon in orbit, was sometimes used as part of the definition of what a planet truly is. It just didn’t seem reasonable that smaller celestial bodies had enough gravity to hold a moon. After all, Mercury and Venus have none at all, and Mars has only tiny moons. But in 1993, the Galileo probe passed the 20-mile wide asteroid Ida and discovered its one-mile wide moon, Dactyl. Since then moons have been discovered orbiting nearly 200 other minor planets, further complicating the definition of a “true” planet.

10. We live inside the sun. Normally we think of the sun as being that big, hot ball of light 93 million miles away. But actually, the sun’s outer atmosphere extends far beyond its visible surface. Our planet orbits within this tenuous atmosphere, and we see evidence of this when gusts of the solar wind generate the Northern and Southern Lights. In that sense, we definitely live “inside” the sun. But the solar atmosphere doesn’t end at Earth. Auroras have been observed on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and even distant Neptune. In fact, the outer solar atmosphere, called the “heliosphere,” is thought to extend at least 100 A.U. That’s nearly 10 billion miles. In fact the atmosphere is likely teardrop shaped due to the sun’s motion in space, with the “tail” extending tens to hundreds of billions of miles downwind.

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