Thursday, March 27, 2014

Anti-Semitism On The Rise

The first half of the last century was plagued with deep seated hatred of Jews. This hatred culminated in the Holocaust, with millions of European Jews killed by the Nazi regime ruled by Adolf Hitler. For the next several decades, anti-Semitism declined in most areas of the world, even in the areas where the Holocaust occurred. In fact, many governments passed laws aimed at protecting their Jewish citizens. Various organizations developed to educate and increase awareness and acceptance of the Jewish people.

A new US poll reflects that 80% of respondents fear a rise in ant-Semitism around the world, fear anti-Jewish  violence and fear new attempts to eradicate the Jewish people. Americans of all ages, income groups, ethnic groups, religions, political ideologies, and regions, fear a “Second Holocaust” may be coming if world leaders do not take decisive action to stop Iran before it is too late.

Jews continue to be relatively safe in America because of Judeo-Christian founding and our God-given liberty. However, increased anti-Semitism is being reported in the U.S. I believe it will continue to rise in the U.S. 
A 2013 report by the European Jewish Congress and Tel Aviv University, documents a 30% increase in serious anti-Semitic incidents.
These incidents include everything from violent attacks on Jews, to vandalism of Jewish cemeteries and places of worship. The aforementioned report states that 40% of anti-Jewish attacks involved physical violence.

Indiana University Professor of Jewish Studies, Joel Rosenfeld, states that considering its history, anti-Semitism is always a potential problem.
Interestingly, the Internet has allowed anti-Semitic groups to recruit followers who might not openly attend a meeting or group. Such sites as, and, dispense anti-Jewish propaganda and promote hatred of the Jews and Israel.

Recently, Facebook came under fire from a group known as Stop Hate on Facebook. This group claimed that FB allows ant-Semitic groups to flourish on Facebook while sanctioning other hate speech and quickly 
removing the FB pages.

The rise of Islamic extremism has contributed to this upsurge in anti-Semitism. In a PEW Research Poll, 2011, those polled in Muslim-majority nations harbored overwhelmingly negative attitudes toward Jews. Well, like, we didn’t know this already.
The emblem of the Muslim Brotherhood
“The Muslim Brotherhood (MB), with an 80 year track record of Jewish hatred”, is viewed by Rabbi Abraham Cooper, the associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal center, as the greatest Anti-Semitic threat.
Not only does the MB have enormous impact in the Middle East, Muslims all over the world are influenced by their venom. MB leaders repeatedly call for the annihilation of the Jews and the Jewish state. 

In Islamist Pakistan, where there are virtually no Jews living, anti-Semitism flourishes. Hamas and Fatah leaders have flatly stated they will not accept a Jewish state. The Ayatollahs’ in Iran, call for the complete destruction of the Jews and Israel, and consider themselves at war with the Jews. While the two largest factions of Islam, Shia and Sunni, do not agree on much, they do share a mutual hatred of the Jewish people and a desire to eradicate Israel.

In Greece, Hungary, and the Ukraine, neo-Nazis and anti-Semites are openly serving in parliament and official bodies. The Golden Dome Party of Greece openly uses German Nazi Party emblems and publicly holds to anti-Semitic doctrine. Despite 500,000 Hungarian Jews dying in the Holocaust, the Neo-Nazi Jobbik party has gained 17% of the parliament seats.
Svodoba in Ukraine

Svodoba, a neo-Nazi political group in the Ukraine, won 37 seats in parliament in the last election. Reports of growing ant-Semitism are coming out of Latin America as well.

Now 50% of Jews in anti-Semitic areas are considering emigrating to Israel or other more tolerant areas.

It should also be noted that despite the atrocities committed by ruthless dictators in countries like North Korea and others, Israel has been targeted by the United Nations with more “allegations” of human rights violations, than any other country.
Today’s anti-Semitism may converge with anti-Zionism, a refusal to recognize the State of Israel’s right to exist.
The Boycott, Divest, Sanction (BDS) movement seeks to delegitimize the Jewish state through economic means.
Many Christians are anti-Jewish because they are replacement theologists. They believe the Church has replaced the Jewish people and the Jewish nation as the apple of God’s eye. They are also believe God's promises to the Jews apply to the Church. 

Friends, we Christians need to remember that prophetically, God predicted the hatred and persecution of the Jews throughout history. It was always satan’s mission to destroy the Jews in order to wipe out Jesus’s/Yeshua’s bloodline. Satan has always hated the Jews and always will.

The Book of Deuteronomy details the punishment of Israel for disobedience and idolatry. God clearly states in the Bible that he will bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel. God also prophesied the restoration of Israel and that the Jews would return there and flourish.  Ultimately the land will be under the righteous rule of Jesus Christ, the son of David.  

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