Sunday, April 14, 2013

Is The Government Planning An Adverse Economic Event?


a friend of mine, Gwyne has begun a prayer campaign to thwart Satan's plans and that God's plans prevail on April 25th. Friends, Gwyne says we must take the QUEEN ESTHER APPROACH. We must pray and plead that we be spared judgement. Gwyne is joining our ministry as an internet broadcaster with her program called "Passport to Heaven". You can hear her program beginning tomorrow evening @

 I received information from a trusted source and trusted friend that our illustrious government is planning on an economic collapse for all of us, and it will occur on or about April 25, 2013. Notice I said, "planning." It has all been orchestrated by the Obama administration and his NWO cronies.
The information came from an unnamed source embedded within the current regime.
The best advice I can give anyone is to stock up on food, preferably staples such as beans, rice, flour and sugar. All of these can be purchased in quantity relatively cheap right NOW, but don't wait until the week of April 25th to do it! 
Their plan is simple: All banks will shut down for at least 2 weeks. If you don't have ample money withdrawn from your bank, you will be out of luck until the banks open again. Debit cards won't work, and neither will credit cards. We're recommending that you withdraw as much money as will be required to tide you over for a 3 week period; more if at all possible.
If the information turns out to be inaccurate, it will have cost you nothing but a minor inconvenience to get prepared. On the other hand, if it is highly accurate and you didn't prepare, you have our condolences. Forewarned is forearmed.
My source’s grandfather was considered a wealthy man when the stock market collapsed in 1929. Banks shut down nationwide. He lost EVERYTHING, and never again until the day he died was he ever able to accumulate that much wealth. He didn't have the benefit of an insider giving him advance warning. You DO.
What you do with this information is up to you. No one will be forcing you to do it. It won't cost you anything to be "prepared." But it COULD cost you everything if you don't prepare for it IMMEDIATELY.
Whatever you do to protect your financial assets, DO IT NOW! The rest is up to you, just don't say we didn't warn you. Gold may be the best investment you can ever make with your cash assets because its value isn't going down any time soon.
It could very well lead to rioting in the streets. This same thing happened in Argentina and the results were grim. To fully understand the ramifications of the possibilities, simply watch the full-length video  documentary below. Below is the video about the Argentina financial collapse.

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