Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombing Looks Like A False Flag Event

When reading the article below keep the following Bible verses in mind.

It will be interesting to see if the New World Order is going to pin this event on a male, late teens to early 20s, or a young veteran and say he did it because he's unstable. They are going to find firearms and a NRA book in his home. They are going to say he used reloading powder for the explosion and that reloading powder shouldn't be for sale to the public. They are then going to say that because the powder in ammunition can be used for explosions that the number of rounds you can buy should be limited and taxed to help pay for these events. 

They probably won't find the suspect till later this week and the raid will probably occur on Friday. This was a staged event. There were innocent people hurt are but the event was planned by wicked people who care nothing about people.

God says in Revelation 17:17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his will, and to agree and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

In other words these evil people bent on doing wicked things are being cut in their own evil snare and will pay the price when Yeshua comes back.

God also says in Ephesians 6:12 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Friends, God does not want us to worry about these evil things. God is in control. God has his plan and satan has his and we know God ultimately wins. This just means we entering “End Times” and our redemption is drawing near.

Members of the Boston bomb squad had advanced notice of the bombing that took place at the marathon yesterday. As an eyewitness reported, once the bombs went off, officials began announcing, "this is just a drill!" This logically means they were all informed of the "bomb drill" beforehand.
According to Local15TV.com, a University of Mobile's Cross Country Coach said there were bomb-sniffing dogs at both the start and finish lines, long before any explosions went off. He said: "They kept making announcements on the loud speaker that it was just a drill and there was nothing to worry about. It seemed like there was some sort of threat, but they kept telling us it was just a drill."

The official story of the bombing is that terrorists detonated two bombs at the marathon finish line and that the Boston bomb squad magically located a third bomb one mile away, identified the bomb, rigged it with explosives and initiated a "controlled explosion" all in less than an hour! 

The official story sounds like nothing more than a cover story.

Here are some of the facts we know so far
1)   Bomb-sniffing dogs were present at the start of the race and the finish line, even before bombs went off.
2)   2) The NY Post reported the arrest of a "Saudi national" and that story has now been retracted. Again, this is a tactic of the New World Order to plant the idea in our mind to confuse us. For those Americans who do not listen carefully they now believe a Saudi national, a Muslim terrorists was the culprit. Also remember this, God is not the author of confusion, satan  is.
3)   Now the lame stream media is pushing a new narrative that blames "right-wing extremists" for the bombing. Patriots, there is not a shred of evidence to back that story up.
4)   It is impossible for a bomb squad to have located, analyzed, rigged and detonated the third bomb in under an hour, especially when it was located one mile away, at the Kennedy Presidential Library.
Why did the Boston bomb squad know all this in advance?
Given these facts, ask yourself: Who is the most likely culprit in the bombing?

The Boston bomb squad clearly had advanced notice of the presence of the bombs at the marathon, and they also had advanced notice of the location of the bomb at the Kennedy Presidential Library.

There are two reasonable explanations for this:

1) Someone called in a warning and threatened to bomb the event, which is why the bomb squad was on scene.

2) A New World Order bomb squad carried out the 
bombing as a false flag operation to achieve the following goals: put TSA on the streets, blame right wingers, blame a veteran/veterans  and increase the FBI/ATF bomb squad budget, etc.).

For explanation number one: If a credible threat had been called in, why didn't the Boston police cancel the marathon or try to warn runners about the security threat? Is it their policy to allow people to jog right into a massacre they've already been warned about?

For the second explanation, there are all sorts of reasons why the Boston bomb squad might have placed the bombs at the marathon. It could have been a drill that went terribly wrong (i.e. no explosions were planned but they accidentally went off), or it was the work of a higher power. Can you say the New World Order? It now appears this was a deliberate attempt to terrorize the American people and justify armed TSA agents on the streets for all future sporting events.

This looks more and more like a planned event to justify a TSA lock down
Although it's still a bit early to know for certain, this looks more and more like a planned event that was deployed by the Boston bomb squad or the Boston bomb squad were patsies used in this bombing that was called a "drill." This bombing is a pretext for the President to call for TSA agents to be on the streets at all future sporting events.

Patriots, get ready to lose more of freedom as the TSA begins to  occupy America. This has always been the goal of the New World Order and has always been the goal of Obama who is their puppet. Remember that back on the campaign trail, he announced he wanted to build a "civilian national security force." These people do not lie, they telegraph in advance their plans. They suffer from satan’s brazen pride.

Click here to watch the video where Obama says: "We've gotta have a civilian national security force that's just a powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded..."

The fastest way to build a domestic national security force is to stage domestic bombings and shootings as a pretext. More and more, that seems to be what unfolded today in Boston.

Remember, too, that DHS has now purchased over 2 billion rounds of ammunition to be used domestically, against the American people. The number was 1.6 but has now been upgraded to over 2 billion.

The real proof is in what happens next
Regardless of what you might think is behind this right now, the real proof will be found in what Obama calls for in response to the bombings.

First, if he calls for TSA on the streets of America to "keep everybody safe" at sporting events, then it's all clearly a false flag rolled out for a political purpose. It was all a pretext to justify a TSA lock down.

Second, if the bombing is used to frame and blame veterans, patriots or "right-wing extremists," then it's clearly a false flag, too. Veterans and patriots have been severely demonized by the Obama administration as well as the leftist media.

Third, if the administration avoids using the 
bombings to roll out its political agenda, then it might have legitimately been a random terrorist attack by a deranged individual. We'll have to wait and see what Obama calls for in reaction to the attacks in order to know their true political purpose.

Two bombs rocked the streets of Boston injuring 144 people and murdering three people. It's too early to know the cause of these explosions, but you can rest assured both the state and federal government will try to use this tragic event to blame whatever convenient enemies are most advantageous for the government.

No one has yet stepped forward to claim responsibility for the bombs, and no firearms were used in the attack. This was a somewhat different false flag effort by the government.

We should all be praying for the victims of this bombing as well as their families. Now, as we know government alerts and drills precede such evil events. Government drills were conducted by the government during 9/11 and on 7 July in London. 

Folks the Boston bomb squad was running a "controlled explosion" on the same day as the Boston Marathon.

The lame stream media is not reporting that a "controlled explosion" was under way on the same day as the marathon explosion.

As the Boston Globe tweeted yesterday, "Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities."

Some people believe this explosion might have been part of the demolition of another bomb. However, it seems unlikely that a bomb at the library, one mile away, could be so quickly located and rigged to be exploded by the bomb squad in less than one hour following the initial explosions at the marathon.

Bloomberg news reported, "This is very likely a terrorist attack."  The question is: Who are the terrorists? It's far too early to take an informed guess on all this.

However, it is indisputable that the FBI is actively engaged in carrying out bomb plots in the U.S., then halting them at the last minute to "catch the terrorists." This fact has been covered by the New York Times, among other publications. Also read the article
FBI 'entrapment' tactics questioned in web of phony terror plots and paid informants

Keep in mind I am in no way blaming the FBI for this. Ultimately, this act is way above their pay grade. Most men and women who work with the FBI are upstanding citizens who would be appalled at such acts. But it is theoretically possible that one of the FBI's "terror plots was turned into a live bomb instead of a dud. It is also possible the FBI or Boston bomb squad was infiltrated to do this bombing or outside parties piggy backed the Boston bomb squad and FBI information and used the bomb drill as a perfect cover. 

This whole scenario smells. Why would the bomb squad pick the Boston Marathon to practice? It seems to me the Marathon has to be the busiest weekend and Monday for the Boston police and fire department with so many people in Boston for the event. It also has to be busy for the FBI. 

The explosions were relatively small for a false flag, and most false flags target children in order to maximize the emotional leverage after the event. The fact that these explosions did not target children is perhaps evidence that it may not have been a false flag at all.

We do know this, terrorism always works in the favor of the state. It makes presidents look presidential, and it gives the government an excuse to crack down on civil liberties all across the country.

Be wary of who ultimately gets blamed for this, especially if it's a veteran or patriot. I would be willing to bet the government will roll out another hapless patsy doped up on Zoloft or some other psychiatric drug. In past events the victim's father were involved with the New World Order. Remember, the greatest honor one can give satan is to sacrifice your child to him. 
The sad thing is most Americans will believe the government lie and continue to bury their heads in the sand. We are being deceived now, just think how total the satanic deception will be during the "Great Trib!"

A consultancy agency with government and police connections was running an exercise for an unnamed company that revolved around the London Underground being bombed at the exact same times and locations as happened in real life on the morning of 7-7-2005. On a BBC Radio 5 interview that aired on the evening of the 7th, the host interviewed Peter Power, Managing Director of Visor Consultants ... Peter Power was a former Scotland Yard official, working at one time with the Anti Terrorist Branch."

"Power told the host that at the exact same time that the London bombings were taking place, his company was running a 1,000 person strong exercise which drilled the London Underground being bombed at the exact same locations, at the exact same times, as happened in real life."
Since the area of the bombings has thousands of CCTV cameras recording nearly everything going on in "real time", it is highly probable that British agents in that area would be picked up on camera. How, then, does one explain pictures of an agent dropping a bag in precisely the same area where an explosion later occurred?

The answer is simple: very matter-of-factly announce that "anti-terror" exercises were occurring at the same location, following the same scenario as what the "terrorists" were actually carrying out. Thus, if someone notices a British agent dropping a suspicious bag at a location where a bomb exploded shortly thereafter, the cover story is in place and deflects suspicion -- at least for a vast majority of a population whose mindset simply will not allow for a "government provocateur" operation, for no one wants to think their government is capable of launching a deadly attack on its own citizens read about "Operation Northwoods: Proof Positive That American Government Leaders Are Quite Willing To Create A Plan Which Will Kill Fellow Americans"

Of course, this parallels a similar "anti-terror exercise" the CIA admitted it was conducting at the same time the 9/11 attacks were underway! This is precisely what happened on the morning of 9/11/2001. The CIA was conducting drills of flying hijacked planes into the WTC and Pentagon at 8:30 in the morning. It is clear that at least five if not six training exercises were in operation in the days leading up to and on the morning of 9/11. This meant that NORAD radar screens showed as many as 22 hijacked airliners at the same time. NORAD had been briefed that this was part of the exercise drill and therefore normal reactive procedure was forestalled and delayed. The large numbers of 'blips' on NORAD screens that displayed both real and 'drill' hijacked planes explain why confused press reports emerged hours after the attack stating that up to eight planes had been hijacked."
The CIA, Russia's KGB, and Britain's MI6 intelligence services have been caught "red-handed" in the past in carrying out "government provocateur" operations that were blamed on other factions. This type of operation is known as a "wet operation", which means people are going to bleed and die. This featured news story captures the essence of these massive "government provocateur" operations -- "... From Putin blowing up his own apartment buildings to Israel being behind Hamas, the evidence is consistently clear that large scale terrorism is always state sponsored." 

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