Saturday, April 13, 2013

North Korean Update

Map of North Korea

The N. Korean situation is full of misrepresentation, hysteria and Illuminati propaganda. These evil people want to get the U.S. into another war that wastes U.S. treasure and blood. 
Israel National News reported that North Korea is giving signs that it may test a three-stage rocket on or before this Monday, April 15.
World Net Daily has been warning that the North Koreans are going to attack America with an Electro-Magnetic Pulse bomb (EMP). Is that possible?
North Korea appears to be preparing a fourth nuclear test as well as a provocative missile launch, South Korea said on Monday, despite an unusually blunt call from China for restraint. Unification Minister Ryoo Kihl-Jae told lawmakers there were "signs" that another test was in the pipeline, with intelligence reports showing heightened activity at the North's Punggye-ri atomic test site.
“We are trying to figure out whether it is a genuine preparation for a nuclear test or just a ploy to heap more pressure on us and the U.S. said a senior South Korean government official.
Intelligence reports suggest Pyongyang has readied two mid-range missiles on mobile launchers on its east coast, and is aiming at a test-firing before the April 15 birthday of late founding leader Kim Il-Sung.
The mid-range missiles mobilized by the North are reported to be untested Musudan models with an estimated range of around 1,860 miles (3,000km) that could theoretically be pushed to 2,485 miles with a light payload. That would cover any target in South Korea and Japan, and possibly even American military bases on the Pacific island of Guam. The North has no proven inter-continental ballistic missile (ICBM) capability that would enable it to strike more distant US targets, and many experts say it is unlikely it can even mount a nuclear warhead on a mid-range missile."
Some analysts are reporting that North Korea might use its demonstrated three-stage missile capability to launch an EMP warhead high above the United States and set it off, destroying the electronics of most of Eastern and Midwestern America.
Some analysts believe this scenario to be highly unlikely for the following reasons:
1) EMP weapons were widely reported during the early days of President Clinton. Since then, key electronics for both defense and economic centers have been hardened to protect the electronic systems. The EMP explosion is an old scare.
2) The North Korean nuclear scare is designed by the Illuminati, as part of their global plan to overthrow this old civilization so that the New World Order could be established. Listen to the wording of this part of the plan:
"THE SCRIPT HAS NOW BEEN WRITTEN ... A hair-raising nuclear confrontation in Korea may, towards the end of the period, threaten man's very survival"(Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script", p. 223)
Notice that this nuclear scare from North Korea is part of the Illuminati Plan. A script has been written that the North Korean dictator, Kim Jong-un, is being forced to follow. He is not a madman following his own desires or impulses. He will not miscalculate and he will not make a mistake which could cause the situation to "run out of control".
As usual in the outworking of the Dialectic of the Elite, the Illuminati controls both sides of this conflict. While the result may become bloody ultimately, it will not become bloody before the time has arrived for every other part of the Elite Plan is ready to launch 
Therefore, I expect that this nuclear scenario from North Korea will end in less than climactic fashion because the Illuminati is not ready to bring this script to its planned bloody conclusion. We might learn that North Korean ballistic missiles can reach the United States, and that might cause consternation, but nuclear warheads are unlikely to fly against Western targets.3) An EMP attack and/or nuclear warhead explosions against South Korea, Japan, or the United States will immediately cause the economies of all three nations to instantly collapse. This is NOT the Illuminati Plan, for the present time.

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