Saturday, October 13, 2012

End Times Gospel And Middle East/Persia Update

David Rockefeller of the New World Order

Russian President Putin cancelled his scheduled visit to Turkey after Turkish fighters forced a Syrian civilian A320 Airbus en route from Moscow to Damascus to land in Ankara Wednesday night. Moscow has demanded clarifications from Turkey, reporting that 17 Russians were aboard the Syrian aircraft.  The Syrian government has accused Turkey of “air piracy.” Turkey reported 12 big parcels of military communications devices were aboard the Syrian plane. The Turks have declared Syrian airspace “unsafe,” and have taken the first step toward creating a no-fly zone over Syria. War tensions over Syria continue to escalate today, Turkey’s armed forces have been placed on a state of high alert and its chief of staff pledged stronger response to any hostile act by Syria. The Turks have been carving out, day by day, a 10-kilometer buffer strip inside Syria.
Israeli intelligence and air force waged a cyber and electronic battle last Saturday (Oct. 6) with Hizbollah and Iran. Hezbollah or Iran sent a satellite-guided unmanned large helicopter into Israeli air space via the Mediterranean. For 30 minutes, control of the helicopter swung back and forth between Israeli cyber operators and Hezbollah. The helicopter had surveillance equipment for recording and beaming back to its controllers the electronic signatures of the Dimona nuclear reactor’s air defenses and the American X-band radar station in Israel – the “forward eyes” of the US-Israeli shield against Iranian ballistic missile attack. Four months ago, on July 20, Hizballah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah said in a speech, “The resistance movement will surprise Tel Aviv in any future war.” Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadey, commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard’s Corps said on Sept. 23 that his country was not waiting to be attacked but ready to carry out preemptive operations against the US and Israel. The Israelis were caught by surprise by this unmanned electronic helicopter attack.
U.S. troops sent to the Jordan-Syria border are helping build a headquarters in Jordan to bolster its military capabilities, suggesting deepening US military intervention in the Syrian conflict but French President Francois Hollande’s is resolved to lead a NATO revolt against Obama’s Syrian policy.

In the U.S. a number of people have died from fungal meningitis linked to steroid injections. This reminds me of what Prince Phillip of Great Britain recently said. He said when he dies he wants to come back as a deadly virus so he can reduce human population in the world. Friends, evil people are clearly in charge of this world and they are reducing population by a variety of evil means. The deadly outbreak of meningitis is linked to steroid injections produced by the New England Compounding Center in Mass. The patients received injections into their spines as a treatment for lower back pain. Meningitis is a swelling or inflammation of the membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord
Friends the stories I mentioned above are clearly spiritual warfare involving millions of people. We are engaged in the greatest spiritual war in the history of man. The Luciferian goal is to deceive the entire world and they are succeeding. It was deception that led to Adam and Eve’s fall and it is deception that is leading to our fall. Listen to what God says in the following verses:
2 Th 2:3  Let no man DECEIVE you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
2 Th 2:10  And with all DECEIT of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
Verse 11  And for this cause God shall send them strong DELUSION, that they should believe a lie:
God says in Rev 19:20  And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he DECEIVED them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.
Rev 12:9  And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVETH the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
1 Tim 4:1  Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to SEDUCING spirits, and doctrines of devils;

1 John 2:18  Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

1 John 4:1  Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

The deceptions come in all shapes and sizes and from all directions 24 hours a day 365 days a year. They are the result of bad seed sown in the uninformed, illiterate and unquestioning minds. These people are like parrots in a pet shop. They have been programmed and trained at colleges to regurgitate false information and baseless charges that have been implanted in their minds. They are the unwitting victims of globalist, New World Order (NWO). Their leaders are deliberately planted as moles into the nation’s political, social, entertainment, financial and religious fabric. The purpose is to mislead, manipulate and undermine our republic’s national sovereignty. Remember truth is not the objective with the NWO. The goal is neutralize any opposition or perceived threats e.g. Ron Paul, Herman Cain, Barry Goldwater, The Tea Party and Eugene McCarthy. They want to make the opposition to look foolish, uneducated and out of touch with the real world. The globalists must isolate the enemy, make them feel guilty, make them apologize for telling the truth and make the opposition crawl back into their hole and vanish into obscurity. Truth is made to look insane. We truly live in a spiritual matrix. This causes most people not to discuss controversial topics, they want to be politically correct, non-offensive and tolerant. No one wants to be perceived as a conspiracy theorist, a right wing nut job or a Ron Paul supporter.
Of course, this tactic was used successfully by communists and Nazis to neutralize and isolate their opposition but they were not the originators. Satan in the Garden of Eden asked Adam and Eve. Did God really say you could not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Did you hear God correctly. Satan is the greatest liar and deceiver. His purpose is bring each one of us to a premature death and take us to hell. It is satan who introduced death to mankind.
Does 2+2 always =4. Of course, it does but the globalists like Obama and the NWO types have done everything in their power to convince us that such logic is in fact insane. George Orwell in his book 1984 has a scene where the Party spokesman is trying to persuade a person that the 2+2 answer is anything the nation’s leaders say it is. And I quote “You are a slow learner, Winston,” Winston replies, “How can I help it? He blubbered. “How can I help seeing what is in front of my eyes? 2+2=4.  O’brien responds “Sometimes, Winston. Sometimes they are 5. Sometimes they are 3. Sometimes they are all of them at once. Winston, you must try harder. It’s not easy to become sane.”
Friends, the events in North Africa and the Middle East are manipulated by a cabal for the purpose of establishing the satan’s 7th kingdom written about in the book of Revelation. Satan’s plan that began with Nimrod is to destroy all sovereign nations and create a one world government. For example, govt. economic statistics are fabricated lies to manipulate elections, lie to the people and form partisan govt. policy. To see the real truth is a constant struggle and the Bible is the most useful tool to gauge truth. The Luciferians press on, regardless of facts and truth.
Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg wrote the following on the web and I added some items. You know you are a conspiracy theorist
If you are capable of critical thinking.
If you distrust the lame stream media.
If you like nature.
If you think it’s a good idea to spend Friday after Thanksgiving with your family rather than camping outside Best Buy to get a cheap plasma TV made in communist China.
If you think Building #7 came down at free fall speed, yet it was never hit by a plane and all the floors were not on fire.
If you think drones in America are for use against our citizens.
If you would like to be able to board a plane without a mandatory radiation bath and strip search.
If you read a book in the last year.
If you think you have a right to protest against a tyrannical govt.
If you think the War on Terror and the war on drugs is a scam.
If you think the anger in the Middle East is caused by the NWO who knows how to stir up emotional Muslins.
If you think anger in the Middle East is related to our foreign policy rather than Muslims who hate individual freedom and our Bill of Rights.
If you think Obama is a Muslim because he said the future of the world should not belong to people who insult Mohammed and he wears a Shahada ring on his hand.
If you think Obama is globalist because he said publicly he is a globalist.
If you think the Republican and Democratic parties are run and directed by globalists.  One party marches one step to the one world govt. while the other party takes two steps to one world govt.
If you think believing in the Constitution is not a terrorist act.
If you have heard of the Bill of Rights and can even name what some of our God given rights are.
If you question whether our government loves you.
If you think the right to bear arms is so that citizens can fight back against a tyrannical govt.

If you do not own a TV or home school your children.
If you don’t think NDAA is the name of Snoop Dog’s latest CD.
If you think the socialist elite, the rich, powerful and connected people should be subject to the rule of law and go to jail if they commit crimes. e.g. Eric Holder, Richard Nixon, Tim Geitner and banksters.
If you think corporations are not people.
If you think Warren Buffet is a phony and a crony capitalist.
If you know that owning gold was made illegal by FDR in 1933 and that a citizen had 3 weeks to turn his or her gold in. That gold was confiscated by a tyrannical govt and it was illegal to own until 1975 under Richard Nixon.
If you believe politicians that push for war should be sent to fight on the front lines or their children should go in their place.
If you want your food to be labeled GMO so that you can make your own decisions on what you are eating.
If you grow your own food or buy raw milk.
If you think food and energy costs should be included in the inflation calculations.
If you think the Federal Reserve should be audited or abolished.
If you think the Fed is owned by private banksters like the Bank of England.
If you wonder why your government has purchased millions of rounds of ammunition including millions of rounds of sniper ammunition and you do not believe it is for an Al Qaeda invasion of the U.S.
If you believe the attack on Randy Weaver at Ruby Ridge was wrong.

If you think the attack on David Koresh and his followers at Waco was wrong.

If you think there were bombs placed inside the federal building in Oklahoma City.

If you think Lee Harvey Oswald was patsy.

If you think 9-11 was a conspiracy

If you think the 2000 election was fixed.

If you believe the globalists want to create a world system of financial control in private hands in order to dominate the world and keep people as feudal slaves.

If you believe that godless Jews are the worst enemies of Godly or Torah Jews.

If you believe the current wars in the Middle East are for the express purpose of exterminating true Christians in the region.
If you answered yes to more than 5 questions you are a conspiracy theorist. Friends, I am not a conspiracy theorist, I am a historical realist and a searcher for the truth in this world of lies.
Listen to what David Rockefeller said in his memoirs in 2002 on page 405: and I quote “For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized the opportunity to attack the Rockefeller famiy……Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as internationalists and with conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure –one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” unquote
For well over a century, several of the crises that have rocked America have been of questionable origin. They are called “inside jobs”. In the intelligence arena we call them “black ops”, “crisis initiation” and “false flags”. They have the approval of leaders at the highest levels of our government and our allies. Here are some examples: the sinking of the Maine in Havana harbor in 1898; the 1929 stock market crash;  Pearl Harbor; the Skull and Bones assassinaton of JFK; LBJ’s phony Gulf of Tonkin incident; Clinton’s Waco murders; George Bush’s 9-11; The Gulf War in 1990, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan; the 2008 financial melt down etc. etc. The NWO is trying to provoke Iran and Israel into war as I speak and Turkey is the NOW’s proxy in this deception. The architects of the NWO are addicted to blood, it is one of the principal means they will use to reduce the world’s population. H.L. Mencken called these “false flags” Hobgoblins – they are imaginary and man-made. They are designed to distract the public, cause people to rally behind the flag, keep the citizens alarmed and clamorous to be lead to safety and security under the ruse of Homeland Security and the unpatriotic Patriot Act.
Friends the Iranians are not going to compromise or be provoked into a war so the globalists think it is best if someone else started the war for the Iranians. There are other means of pressure besides sanctions. We and our allies have engaged in a covert war with the Iranians for over two years. We and our allies have used assassinations, banking controls, drought, sanctions etc. in order to make Iran submit to the NWO and now we are engaged in a covert war in Syria, Iran’s ally in order to provoke Iran and Israel into a war. The Luciferians and international banksters will find a way to get a war with Iran started. I do not know what  method will be used but the Iranians will be made the bad guy to start war. Japan faced the same dilemma in Aug 1941 and the Japanese chose the path to war.  The NOW uses the Hegelian dialectic of division to achieve their goal.
The U.S. will not see a religious revival because we are the capital of the NWO and we are in the midst of the “great falling away”. God says in John 3:19-21:  And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
Verse 20  For every one that doeth evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.
Verse 21  But he that doeth truth cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
The globalists do not want to repent of their sins, they do not want to take a knee to almighty God.
God says in Isa 59:13  In transgressing and lying against the LORD, and departing away from our God, speaking oppression and revolt, conceiving and uttering from the heart words of falsehood.
Verse14  And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter.
Satan and his demons cannot be defeated by mere mortal, human beings. In fact, this is not our job or responsibility. God will take care of that. As my website the grassroot conservative says at the top from Ephesians 6:12 thru 17: “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” We must put on the whole armor of God that we may be able to withstand evil. We must protect our loins with scriptural truth and put on the breastplate of righteousness. We must take the shield of faith with which we shall quench the fiery darts of the wicked. We must take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.
In the end the Lord said: every knee shall bow to me….every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father see Romans 14:11 and Philippians 2:10.
The book of Acts and Matthew 24 are our manuals for the End Times. I call upon you to be aware 2 Cor 2:11 to be alert see 2 Cor 2:11; to establish authority see Luke 10:19; to put on the armor of God see Eph 6:10 and I call you to action. Most of you know God is out there but you do not know how to get to Him. That is because most people do not have the spirit of God inside them. You are living in the fast and fallen lane. You are not taking the time to smell the Roses. Put down you head phones, I-pads, I-phones, computers, TVs, cell phones. God is tired of your emails and texts He wants to talk to you one on one. He loves you more than anyone else.
God says Heb 2:14  For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.
Jesus conquered satan, sin and death. He has guaranteed us eternal life. Who are you going to call on in your hour of need? Only Jesus Christ and the word of God can save you. Buddha was a seeker, not a savior. Only Jesus Christ said I am the resurrection and the life. Christ loves us and satan gave us the death gene. Jesus Christ will never leave you and the name of Jesus Christ causes demons to stutter, stumble and shutter in fear. Jesus Christ knows all your addictions and sins, there is no problem outside his realm and power. Friends, you hear me say it repeatedly, we are all running out of time. Today will someone’s last day alive on earth who is listening to this program right now. I plead with you, if you are not saved settle it today. Lay your burden down, no burden is too great for Jesus.
In the U.S. the evil deception has been under way for a very long time. We are being deceived from the very White House and the Republican candidate is also deceptive. In short, our national sovereignty is sacrificed by globalists. You have heard on this program about geo engineering or chemtrails. Last week we found out about contaminated steroids that have caused a Meningitis outbreak in the U.S.  Some people and scientists blame vaccinations for autism and other childhood illnesses.

For example, USDA has been under fire recently when multiple investigations uncovered deliberate tampering with both plants and animals alike. One investigation, based on USDA documents revealed USDA’s role in the massive slaughter of birds.

USDA was also fully aware that a highly-popular herbicide was killing U.S. bees. The USDA has also threatened the genetic integrity of the nation’s crops. Information has surfaced regarding the USDA’s illegal approval of Monsanto’s biotech crop of sugar beets.

In December of 2010, the bird mystery struck the world. Reports of mass fish and bird die-offs were coming in from Texas to Sweden. The first occurrence in the series of strange events started in Arkansas, where 3,000 birds fell from the sky. In the following days and weeks, similar incidents were reported with no solid explanation. The reason has now been found, thanks to documents found on the USDA’s website. The birds were victims of a  government program called Bye Bye Blackbird. The Bye Bye Blackbird program was created in the 1960's to poison and kill so-called nuisance birds for farmers. Many of these birds don’t pose any immediate threat to farmers.

The Bye Bye Blackbird program is solely responsible for the mass killings of millions of birds across the nation. In 2009 alone the USDA poisoned and killed over 4 million birds. 22,276 blackbirds were intentionally euthanized. Here is USDA’s data for just 2009:

Brown-headed cowbirds: 1,046,109

European Starlings: 1,259,714

Red-winged blackbirds: 965,889

Canadian Geese : 24,519

Pigeons: 96,297

Grackles: 93,210

Starlings European: 1,259,714

Don’t forget birds have been killed since the 1960's.

According to Natural News : A Nebraska farmer complained that the starlings were defecating in his feed meal. Now he did not cover his feed meal but rather called the USDA and ask them to poison thousands of birds. The USDA complied, they put out a poison called DRC-1339 and allowed thousands of birds to feed on that poison.

“Cows are supposed to eat grass but farmers now feed cows grain and corn. When one ecological element gets out of balance (feeding grain to cows, for example), it then causes another problem that must be dealt with in some other destructive way (such as poisoning the birds). This cycle of disharmony continues and escalates until entire ecosystems are out of whack. Then the USDA shows up with a pickup truck full of poison bait and goes to work poisoning animals. Friends, man is destroying harmony with nature and treating nature as the enemy.” God commands us to be good stewards of the earth.

In recent years the honey bee population has plummeted in North America. This is important because bee pollination is crucial for the fertilization of many crops.

Recently, however, a document was leaked revealing that a bee-killing pesticide put in use by the EPA is to blame. Other records have emerged showing that the USDA was fully aware of the pesticide’s threat not only to bees, but humans. The two-month-old report released by the USDA itself unveiled that the toxic insecticide used on plants is not only a threat to insects’ central nervous systems, but also a threat to the internal systems of humans.

Imidacloprid, one of the neonicotinoid family of pesticides introduced over the past 15 years, is probably responsible for Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the phenomenon in which bees abandon their hives en mass.

A Harvard study provides “convincing evidence” of the link between imidacloprid and CCD. Two other studies, from Britain and France, published last week in the journal Science, found that neonicotinoids were linked to the declines in bees and other pollinating insects in Europe and the US.

Neonicotinoids are “systemic” – meaning they do not just sit on the surface of a plant but are taken up into every part of it, including the pollen and nectar, where they can be ingested repeatedly by bees and other pollinating insects.

Twice in the past three years, the Government has been asked to suspend the use of the new generation of neonicotinoid pesticides. On each occasion the request was ignored by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

The Monsanto Company leads the genetically modified food market or GMO. Sugar Beets make up for about half of the nation’s sugar supply. The approval of these beets was made in 2005, granting Monsanto the right to plant genetically modified sugar beets that could withstand sprayings of the herbicide marketed as Roundup. The USDA hadn’t conducted a thorough review of the biotech crop, making the approval flagrantly illegal.

If you thought Monsanto’s lack of testing on their current GMO crops was bad before, the USDA says that it is changing the rules so that genetically modified seed companies like Monsanto will get ‘speedier regulatory reviews.

The USDA seems to be recklessly endangering life on this planet. It is only a matter of time before more secretive documents come out highlighting the USDA’s shameless lack of respect for life. The USDA has not been forced to openly admit to these claims due to a lack of mainstream media attention.

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