Sunday, October 14, 2012

New World Order (NWO) Eyes Syrian Oil

Oil rig in the eastern Mediterranean
The Leviathon and Tamar Oil Deposits

Syria now sits on one of the largest newly found repositories of natural gas and oil that the New World Order (NWO) and international oilsters want to steal.”
The Qataris and other Persian Gulf states don't want competition. They also want to form a Sunni counter balance to the Shia regional power in Iran. The Muslim Brotherhood and its subsidiary Al Qaeda will be used as the conduit to achieve this goal.
The Israelis also blessed with huge quantities of oil and natural gas.
Syria is another Libya. The situation in Syria will be like Iraq  where the Shia were given leadership in an attempt to bring stability to most of Iraq. The NWO has no desire for there to be stability in Syria until they can control Syria's energy future. The Situation is further complicated by the Russians who have aligned with Greece while the Israelis have aligned with the Greeks and Cypriots against Turkey. The Turks have been left out in the cold in regard to oil and natural gas in the eastern Mediterranean.  
The situation in Libya also revolved around Libya's oil and natural gas resources and access to those resources by Europe.
Some analysts believe Romney is in the pocket of rabid war-hawk Zionists and the military industrial complex and  we are headed for war. 

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