Saturday, October 13, 2012

Havlish 9/11 Case Update

Some people believe Osama has been dead since 2002
Al Qaeda's current leader the Egyptian Ayman al-Zuwahiri; He was also a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and Egyptian Islamic Jihad; some people believe the New World Order (NWO) via British MI-6 funds the Muslim Brotherhood
1.   In December 2011 in a blockbuster ruling Judge George Daniels of the Southern District of New York  found in the Havlish case that Iran was involved with al-Qa’eda in the 9/11 attacks.

Hamidreza Zakeri, formerly with the Islamic regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and National Security, (MOIS) testified at the federal district court in Manhattan in the Havlish v. bin Laden civil lawsuit, and he provided proof that Iran had materially aided and supported al-Qaeda before and after 9/11.
Keep the following facts in mind about the Havlish Case.
          July 04 families of 9/11 victims (Havlish) sue in U.S. court and their law firm conducted an Investigation that disclosed Iranian involvement in 9/11
          Legal staffers discovered a classified NSA analysis of Iran’s aid to 9/11 hijackers
          8 to 10 “muscle” hijackers made repeated trips to Iran between Oct 2000 & Feb 01
          Hijackers flew to Iran from Saudi Arabia, Damascus, (my time in Iraq) and Beirut
          Hijackers accompanied by “senior Hezbollah operatives” who were agents of Iran
          CIA tried to get 9/11  analysis expunged from 9/11 commission report
          CIA detected some hijacker movements but did not figure out significance of the terrorist’s movements and activities
          CIA saw movement as travel through Iran, not travel to Iran
          The 9/11 commission would not touch this issue and claimed it was  out time & money
          Congressional intel committees refused to touch the Iran terrorist link
          The Havlish Families made appeals for review of original classified documents
          Havlish attorneys hired Ken Timmerman to investigate Iranian links & he found the following:
          1. Iran helped design the 9/11 plot
          2. Iran provided support to identify & train hijacker operatives
          3. Iran helped hijackers to evade U.S. & Pakistani surveillance on  trips to Afghanistan 4. The hi-jackers trained in Afghanistan
          5. hi-jackers swore"bayat" absolute allegiance  to UBL
          6. hi-jackers received final order of mission from UBL
          7. Iranians escorted hijackers thru Iranian borders
          8. Iranians did not stamp passports
          9. Iran evacuated hundreds top AQ operatives from Afghanistan to Iran after  9/11
          10. Iran provided & still provides safe havens and financial support to AQ terrorists
          Currently there are 40 wanted Saudi Arabian AQ terrorists in Iran
          AQ used Iran as an operational base for terror attacks e.g. May 03 bombings Riyadh, S.A.
          CIA officials panicked, some worried that their failure to act on 9/11 indicators and warnings in 2000 and 2001 would come to light and ruin their reputations and post-CIA careers
          CIA agents made several attempts to suborn two overseas Havlish witnesses
          Aug 2010, CIA agent told Havlish witness CIA wanted to “break” the Havlish  suit against Iran; CIA considered witness’s testimony crucial to lawsuit’s success
          A CIA Agent asked the same witness to recant his testimony, CIA official promised to provide witness with fresh passports for himself / family & new identities, a job & a 2 year salary guarantee
          Dec 2010 CIA official showed another witness documents that were copied & stolen from Havlish; agent took witness to a U.S. embassy & interrogated him for 5 hours
          Stolen Havlish documents included internal memos, PP, & excerpt from videotaped testimony from a witness
          None of the documents were public nor did witnesses own them
          The Havlish law firm protected the documents & became concerned for the security threat to witnesses
          A  CIA agent asked another witness retract his testimony & offered him a substantial monetary payment
          Timmerman reported tampering to Congressional oversight committee & incidents ceased
          FINDING: Shiite thugocracy in Iran will cooperate with Sunni extremists “An enemy of my enemy is my friend”
          Since 03 U.S. military & intel have found Iran providing weapons, money & military training to Mahdi Militia, AQ, Taliban Hezbollah & other insurgent groups 
          Treasury stated Iran is arming and training  AQ & Taliban
          recently, Treasury designated a group of AQ financiers as terrorist sponsors operating from Iran

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