Thursday, September 27, 2012

What Was Obama Really Saying At The UN

I did something interesting. I watched and listened to Obama's 30 minute speech at the UN. 
First, I noticed most of the audience was not enthusiastic about his speech. In fact, a few people were snoozing.
I like to use the old Russian trick. The Russian people sometimes got the truth about events in the world by watching the background of news stories. e.g. They watched how people in the West were dressed, what kind of houses they lived in and what kind of cars they drove. By using this technique the Russian people figured out the communists were lying to them. I like to do the same thing when I watch news stories. So why wasn't the bulk of the audience enthusiastic about Obama's speech?
Well, the bulk of the UN is composed of 2nd and 3rd world countries. I think they are beginning to realize that their countries are being forced to sacrifice their national sovereignty to the New World Order. The leaders of these countries have seen what happened to Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Mubarak and what happened in Tunisia, Algeria and Yemen and now what is happening in Syria and is going to happen in Jordan. They see the writing on the wall and are wondering if their leader and government is next on the chopping block.
Secondly, at appropriate spots, I injected the word New Order World and then Obama's coded speech made absolute sense.
Third, The president's UN speech is an example of all that is wrong with his view of this nation and the world it influences. Obama is a New World Order Globalist guy. The USA's national sovereignty means nothing to him. He has and will sacrific our national sovereignty on the altar of his fellow Luciferians, the global governing elite.
Obama told us something ominous in his speech. He said, "The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam." Every Muslim in the world knew what he was saying about Islam, the prophet and the Qur'an. Obama came down on the side of Islam. Islamic eschatology insists that there is no future for the infidels and one is an infidel if one slanders Muhammad. In fact, the central doctrine of Christianity is found in John 14:6 when Yeshua said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes unto the Father, but by me." By proclaiming this and living by it, you are slandering the so-called "prophet of Islam." And this president, who claims he is a Christian, says the future does not belong to those who disagree with Islam. There is no clearer statement by this president as to his religious beliefs and the prophetic direction he is taking America.
Patriots and friends, I am tired of a President who insults Americans, a President that is an apologist for terrorists and murderers looking for an excuse to practice their trade, intolerance and murderous cult.
Finally, I watched the video in question I found it to be crude and of poor quality, however, I would estimate that 96% of what I heard and saw in the video was true about Mohammed.
David Horowitz can spot a radical because he and his parents were radical communists. David's comments about Obama's speech are below.
Barack Obama stood in front of the U.N. and representatives of Iran and other despotisms yesterday and said:  "The Future Must Not Belong To Those Who Slander the Prophet of Islam." 
This was a coded apology for the cartoonish video that this administration continues to believe, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, was the cause of attacks against U.S. diplomatic facilities in Libya and Egypt. The administration's delusion that impoliteness about the Prophet, and not planned Islamic terrorism, is the actual cause of the jihad against us. 

This abject appearance by the President before the U.N. was part of a move inside this administration to appease Muslim nations who have begun an offensive to suffocate free speech about the violence and genocide committed in the name of Islam. The U.S. is slowly but certainly accommodating the view that free speech, when it comes to religious (i.e. Muslim) matters, is suspect. We have reached this point, in large part, because of the growing success of the idea that any criticism of Islam is actually pathology, rather than a legitimate exercise of free speech. It is, in other words, "Islamophobia." 

This all signals the end of the sacred right of Freedom of Speech enshrined in our Bill of Rights. Has Barack Obama forgotten that we are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights and that these rights do not come from our government? 

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