Thursday, September 27, 2012

We Need Coal

ignore the political origin of this video because it is true about coal. We currently pay about six cents a kilowatt hour for electricity in the USA. If Obama's coal plan is adopted our cost will go to 24 cents a kilowatt hour. Quite simply that cost will throw the U.S. into a depression. I am not using scare tactics that is a "coal hard fact". About 150 coal plants have already shut down in our nation. Keep in mind one of the major reasons Spain went into a financial down spin was because the Spanish government chose to go to "green" jobs, now the Spaniards pay one of the highest costs for electricity in Europe. At this point in technological development so-called "green" jobs do not pay.
Finally, the USA sits on an abundance of coal that can be safely cleaned and used. Coal also provides jobs. Friends let's use our coal because it is less money that goes to the Middle East.

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