Friday, September 28, 2012

New Map Strategy Part 1

Obama bows to the Saudi King, the Saudis financed Obama's Harvard Education

In Israel I believe something extremely important happened this past Sunday. To the best of my knowledge, for the first time in Jewish history Jews and their Christian brothers around the world all prayed at the same time for the Messiah return. If this isn’t a sign of the “End Times” I don’t what is. Lord I pray that you return right now. Yeshua, too many human beings are suffering horribly on this earth at the hands of the evil one – Satan.  
We just celebrated Rosh Hashanah, the Feast of Trumpets and Yom Kipur and the Feast of Tabernacles is September 30.
Once again I remind you of what God says in Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Also God says in 2 Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god (satan) of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them. 
Now I will write about a topic the lame stream media will never cover. It is called the "The Pentagon's New Map". It is the product of the New World Order (NWO).
In Israel "The Commander of the IDF’s Central Command, Major General Alon discussed the upheaval which has occurred throughout the Middle East during the past two years which has created what he calls a new geo-strategic map ....Carefully notice his words. The general said that Arab upheaval in the region has created a "new geo-strategic map".
General Alon added "Regarding the instability in the Palestinian Authority controlled areas in past  weeks the IDF has noticed an escalation in local incidents, possibly indicating the beginning of a Palestinian 'Arab Spring' ........To ensure IDF success, a constant alert readiness for a possible escalation in Judea and Samaria or other zones is crucial. Notice the wording this Israeli general chose to use to discuss the volatile situation: a "new geo-strategic map" and " the forest is very flammable, and matches are spread throughout the terrain'.” Indeed, the map of North Africa and the Middle East is being re-drawn as I write.
In that regard I have some breaking news. The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) has scheduled 10 October for the start of mass protests against King Abdullah II. MB has ordered its members to start mobilizing 50,000 people to demonstrate until the king accepts MB’s demands. MB is demanding a constitutional monarchy and electoral reform. I think this development in Jordan is part of what General Alon was talking about.  The King has been a good friend to the U.S. and if we lose him and the nation of Jordan the situation will be critical.
The "Arab Spring" these past two years has occurred because the New World Order or you wish the Illuminati has a strategy called "The Pentagon's New Map".   The New World Order used “The New Map” in 2003 when America and its allies invaded and conquered Iraq's army.   “The Pentagon New Map” re-appeared in 2011 as the "Arab Spring" Movement  arose.
"The Pentagon's New Map" is not a pie in the sky statement, it is a book written by professor Thomas P.M. Barnett from the U.S. Naval War College. Barnett is also a Senior Strategic Researcher.

Keep in mind professor Barnett works for an Illuminati think tank and my thoughts on the "Pentagon's New Map" strategy are below. 

Daniel 7:23-25, "He gave me this explanation: 'The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom that will appear on earth. It will be different from all the other kingdoms and will devour the whole earth, trampling it down and crushing it. The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a time.
According to Illuminist thinking, there are only two types of nations in the world today:
1. Nations who are already functioning in the new NWO or who are clearly and firmly going in that direction -- the "Functioning Core"

2. Nations who are not now functioning in the NWO and are not likely to do so in the foreseeable future, unless they are kicked into it by U.S. or NATO troops, or by the threat of invasion. These nations are called the "Non-Integrating Gap".

The strategy being followed by the United States and the European Union globalists is to "shrink the gap".
The “Pentagon’s New Map Strategy” is currently being employed in Northern Africa and the Middle East.

“People’s Power” unrest has swept through “Northern Africa and the Middle East”, forcing strongmen of every stripe to either step down or announce major “reforms.” The speed with which the governments of Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Egypt have been swept from power has been truly breathtaking! Now Assad in Syria is twisting in the wind and King Abdullah in Jordan will be shortly.
The protests, riots, demonstrations and rebellion  in North Africa and the Middle East are neither spontaneous nor accidental.  This is all part of an Illuminati Plan that is being worked out and that, when they have run their course, a key part of the “Club of Rome” plan will have been set in place, and a key Bible prophecy will have been significantly closer to reality.

The Club of Rome has broken the world down into 10 super regions, I call them by their Bible name 10 Kingdoms. These 10 Kingdoms answer to the anti-christ.

Rev 17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast (anti-christ).

Note carefully on the map that Kingdom 7 does not include Turkey. I think Turkey must be included in Kingdom 7 so that the satanic Islamic caliphate can be "re-born". The caliphate will stretch from Morocco on the Atlantic Ocean to Turkey on the Black Sea. It will be the Ottoman Empire re-incarnated with minor differences.
The “Club of Rome” has redrawn the world map and the entire world has been redrawn into 10 super kingdoms. 
Regional Kingdom #7 is the precise area of Northern Africa and the Middle East where the NWO is currently putting their satanic plan into play. Most of the Arabs in Kingdom 7 are not aware of what is going on. They are merely pawns in the hands of the world's elite. The leaders of the NWO know that the Arabs and Muslims are easily excited and easily whipped to a frenzy. The emotions of the Arabs and Muslims are being used against them. 

Using planned unrest, the NWO is deposing old strongmen and dictators. Any leader who resists the NWO will be attacked by the allies of the NWO. The means of attack are just some of the following: the UN, International Monetary Fund, UNESCO, The G-8, NATO, international banking system, the International Court, and NGOs. Saddam Hussein was a good case in point. Now do not misunderstand me, Saddam was a thug but he refused to relinguish Iraq's sovereignty to the U.S. and its NWO allies.
 When a country becomes part of a Regional Kingdom, its leaders and citizens completely lose national sovereignty. It is the natural desire of man to hold on to power, e.g. Saddam Hussein in Iraq or Gaddafi in Libya so these leaders resisted change and the NWO. Assad is resisting the NWO in Syria.  The new leaders in super region #7 can no longer make decisions based on national sovereignty.
The NWO will not allow "old style leaders" to do what is right or wrong based upon a narrow reading of their country’s short-term needs, and long-term strategic goals. Hence the NWO must eradicate or remove them and if necessary put them on trial as war criminals e.g. Serbian leaders.

The threatened "old style leaders" desperately trying to staunch the flow toward their overthrow by announcing incentives designed to put money in the pockets of their people. In North Africa the bread subsidy is critical and it's removal played a factor in some of "old style leaders" overthrow.  In short, "old style" leaders can try to buy off their citizens in order to stay in power. These incentives do not appease the “alleged” reformers, since the entire event is scripted and is designed to replace "old style leaders", strong-willed sovereign monarchs or dictators with easily deceived and manipulative "democracies." It is important to remember that this is the reason the U.S. has a Constitutional Representative Republic". We were founded on the Godly principle that man is evil to the bone and government is not to be trusted.

It is very important not look at the unfolding of these events in Kingdom 7 as a struggle between Pro-West vs. Anti-West or you will miss the point of this NWO drama. The Pro-Western leaders of Lebanon and Egypt have been overthrown; likewise, the anti-West government of Libya fell and the anti-western government in Syria may fall shortly and the pro-Western kingdom of Jordan.

Who is next in the frying pan? The pro-Western governments of Jordan, Morocco, Oman and the rest of the Persian Gulf states. The anti-Western governments of northern Sudan is also "(Although the continent of Africa is not included in Kingdom 7 almost every nation in Africa is under NWO pressure and will form Kingdom 8.)
You will notice that the Club of Rome does not include Turkey in Kingdom 7.  I believe Turkey should be included in the 7th kingdom. Turkey is already a member of the NWO and is acting as the NWO's proxyin trying to oust Assad in Syria.
The NWO order has been stymied in forming Kingdom 1 but the NWO stooge Obama and his regime has made great strides for the NWO

It is crucial to remember that the issue is simply whether the reigning strongman, king or dictator of a country is willing to surrender his national sovereignty to the NWO in Kingdom #7. If a leader is willing to give up his national prerogatives, he will likely not be overthrown e.g. the monarchy in Saudi Arabia; but, if he resists this pressure, he will be overthrown, by military action if nothing else can bring him down e.g. Assad in Syria and Abdullah in Jordan.

The “Pentagon’s New Map” strategy requires Washington and its NWO allies to take “ strategic possession” of the land against whom this strategy is currently being aimed. The NWO is currently taking real ownership of strategic security in the following areas: the eastern Mediterranean Sea that is rich in oil and natural gas; the strategic ocean water near Yemen and Djibouti; the Indian Ocean; Somalia; the Suez Canal; Saudi Arabia facing out on the Red Sea; the Gulf of Aden; the Arabian Sea/Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz! Part II Of "New Map Strategy will follow shortly.

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