Friday, July 20, 2012

Electro-Magnetic Pulse Bomb or Solar

Electro-Magnetic Pulse Bomb

Range of EMP Attack

An EMP attack can originate from our Sun

EMP would fry modern society's  electrical circuits & cause widspread brownouts 

A Relatively New Concept an E Bomb

Did you know that a solar storm in 1921 knocked the entire national telegraph system completely offline?  Notice I wrote telegraph because this was before the world had a worldwide wireless internet system, modern silicon chips, electric circuits, TV, fiber optics and cell phones.

Did you know a relatively minor solar storm in 1989 caused an enormous blackout in Quebec?
And here's more bad news the Wall Street Journal predicted that solar storm eruptions will get really bad over the next 12 months and many are warning that our electric grid is extremely vulnerable.
A solar storm or an electro-magnetic pulse bomb EMP attack would cause blackouts that would last months and leave major parts of the USA uninhabitable.

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