Friday, July 20, 2012

Obama - The Anti-colonialist

The Leader &and Founder of Hamas

Obama raised controversy when he allowed representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to attend his speech in Cairo, Egypt. Obama the anti-colonialist clearly articulated his Utopian mission: “I have come here to seek a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world; one based upon mutual interest and mutual respect; and one based upon the truth that America and Islam are not exclusive, they overlap, and share common principles - principles of justice and progress; tolerance and the dignity of all human beings."
Sadly, Obama does not know Islamic history. Islam is an exclusive religion and divides the world into two camps: The House of Islam (believers) – Dar es Salam and The House of War (non-believers) – Dar es Harb, each House is exclusive.
The lame stream media and political analysts did not foresee nor seem to care that this speech by Obama would reverse America's long-standing Middle East policy in favor of Islamists.
In every Middle Eastern country where the US-backed Arab Spring revolutionaries deposed and overthrew governments, Sharia Law has taken over or is about to take over. Islamic Sharia Law parties use democratic elections to establish themselves. Gaza is good example. When Israel ceded Gaza to the Arabs and Israeli settlers were forced from Gaza, Islamists there used their opportunity for democracy to elect Hamas representatives. Sharia law police and thugs now harass citizens for not complying with Sharia law. Meanwhile Hamas continues to shell Israel daily and conduct terrorist operations on the border of Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) supports these organizations. The MB creed is as follows: "Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way. Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope." The MB believes that Sharia Law should be globally established and is attempting to unite Islam under a new global Caliphate. Obama embraced and legitimized the MB as a major foreign policy partner. This decision by Obama will have long term dire consequences for the citizens of the United States and bring a Middle Eastern war to the region. There is no peaceful coexistence with Sharia law adherents. It is their way or the highway.
Obama is using the MB to further radicalize the nations surrounding Israel. The latest ongoing victim is Syria where a large population of Christians and Shia Alawites will suffer the consequences when Bashar Assad is thrown out and the Sunnis take over in Syria. Assad isn't getting any sympathy from the lame stream U.S. media which constantly trumpets he is killing his own people. No, he is not killing his own people. Assad is an Shia Alawite and his enemies are Sunnis who oppose his brutal regime. The Alawites are a minority in Syria and of course the Sunnis are a majority. Again if you understand Islam - Shias and Sunnis do not like each other and Sunnis consider Shias heretics who are to be burned at the stake.
Today, Thursday 19 July analysts on the Glenn Beck TV program called for U.S. intervention in Syria. I say to these young analysts how about you go first since you are the so-called experts. A U.S. escapade in Syria, in my opinion, will only lead to further loss of U.S. blood and treasure and in the end probably accomplish nothing except radical Islamists taking over Syria. The old anti-war cry use to be no blood for oil well how about no blood for Islam?
Ultimately uncompromising Sharia Muslims will come against Israel and Jerusalem. I do not know when this will happen but I expect it will be in my life time. There is a promise from God in Zechariah 12:9, "I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem."
Obama raised controversy when he allowed the Muslim Brotherhood to become a U.S. foreign policy partner. This decision by Obama will have long term dire consequences for the citizens of the United States. There is no peaceful coexistence with Sharia law adherents. It is their way or the highway.
Obama is unwittingly using the MB to further radicalize the nations surrounding Israel. The latest ongoing victim is Syria where a large population of Christians and Shia Alawites will suffer the consequences when Bashar Assad is thrown out and the Sunni radicals take over in Syria.
Ultimately uncompromising Sharia Muslims will come against Israel and Jerusalem. I do not know when this will happen but I expect it will be in my life time. There is a promise from God in Zechariah 12:9, "I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem."

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