Friday, July 20, 2012

Middle East & Persian Update

Photo of the suicide bomber at Burgas Airport in Bulgaria
First to End Times news and there is tons of it.
FLASH:  The information concerning the suicide bomber at Burgas airport has been apparently updated and the information I have in red below is probably going to be corrected. the man, who was shown wandering around the airport, looked around 36. Investigators have also recovered his driving licence from the US state of Michigan that is thought to be fake. The name on the licence, an image of which was shown on Bulgarian television, is Jacque Felipe Martin of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, born in 1987. Michigan is known to only issue licences to state residents. Bulgarian prosecutor Kalina Chapkanova told private BTV television Friday that the suspect had used the fake licence when he tried to rent a car in the nearby town of Pomorie the day before the attack. The car rental owner turned him down as the document seemed suspicious She also cited witnesses as saying that he spoke English with an accent, possibly an Arab one. "We have interviewed the taxi driver who took him to the airport in the afternoon. He also took a taxi in the morning to carry out reconnaissance," the prosecutor also said. The owners of the car rental agency confirmed that the man who tried to hire a vehicle had very short hair, dark skin and "looked like an Arab." He also did not resemble the photo on the licence, which showed someone with long hair.You will notice in the photo above the man is dressed as a preppie college student or tourist and he is wearing sunglasses. It appears he has carry on luggage. I have an unconfirmed report that the suicide bomber was a released Guantanamo Bay, Cuba detaineee from Sweden but I want to emphasize that the information is unconfirmed. There have been numerous cases of released detainees re-entering the terrorist world and some blowing themselves up. My last mission with the U.S. Army involved apprehending just such a person named Mullah Dadullah who had been released from GTMO and was fighting again in Afghanistan. Mullah Dadullah was killed in a fire fight in Afghanistan. I do vaguely recall we did have a very dangerous terrorist with Swedish citizenship at GTMO but I do not recall and other details about the man at this time.
Israeli tourists were boarding three buses at Bulgaria’s Burgas airport, when one of the buses exploded and caught fire, killing seven and injuring 35. Investigators found a forged US passport with a Michigan address on the remains of the bomber. Israelis on the bus reported seeing a man in Bermuda shorts and a back pack entering the vehicle before the explosion. This is a dangerous precedent because apparently the bomber had no previous terrorist experience. He may have been a terrorist virgin, a home grown U.S. terrorist who slipped in amongst the Israeli tourists. His name was not in terrorist databases, his fingerprints were not in a data base and he had not been identified traveling abroad for terrorist training. The explosion Wednesday killed seven people and injured more than 30. The Bulgarians report that the FBI has not been able to trace the bomber by the documents found on him. Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Barak accused Iran of the attack and pledged a strong response. Sooner or later Israel will respond to this brutal attack. On Saturday Cypriot officials arrested a Hezbollah terrorist who was planning a similar attack on Israelis in Cyprus. Iran, Syria and Hezbollah resolved to step up their terror assaults on “strategic” Israeli targets as the civil war in Syria worsens.
Military sources in Washington told me that US and Israeli officials recenty considered an Israeli Air Force operation to destroy Syria’s chemical weapons stores. Officials are very worried about the security of Syrian WMD. I think it is more likely that NATO air forces would hit Syrian WMD rather than Israel because once again the world will view Israel as the aggressor.
Yesterday Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, said (and I quote) “We know what your first strike will be and we promise you a big surprise.” “The most important weapons we fought with in the July war of 2006 were from Syria, not only in Lebanon but also in the Gaza Strip. We forced more than a million settlers to stay in bunkers and we frightened Tel Aviv. The Americans are trying to break Syria like they did Iraq. unquote
Mahmoud Abbas met with Egyptian President Muhammed Morsi in Cairo yesterday and said that "the doors of the political process with Israel are shut" and that the two sides will not hold bilateral talks. Morsi meets with Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal today. So what does God tell us in Psalm 83 about nations plotting behind Israel’s back. Listen carefully as a Jew cries out to his true God and describes what is coming in the Middle East.
Psa 83:1 (A Song of Asaph.) O God, do not remain quiet; Do not be silent and, O God, do not be still.
2 For, behold, Thine enemies make an uproar; And those who hate Thee have exalted themselves.
3 They make shrewd plans against Thy people, And conspire together against Thy treasured ones.
4 They have said, "Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, That the name of Israel be remembered no more."
5 For they have conspired together with one mind; Against Thee do they make a covenant:
6 The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab, and the Hagrites;
7 Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre;
8 Assyria also has joined with them; They have become a help to the children of Lot. Selah.
9 Deal with them as with Midian, As with Sisera and Jabin, at the torrent of Kishon,
10 Who were destroyed at En-dor, Who became as dung for the ground.
11 Make their nobles like Oreb and Zeeb, And all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna,
12 Who said, "Let us possess for ourselves The pastures of God."
13 O my God, make them like the whirling dust; Like chaff before the wind.
14 Like fire that burns the forest, And like a flame that sets the mountains on fire,
15 So pursue them with Thy tempest, And terrify them with Thy storm.
16 Fill their faces with dishonor, That they may seek Thy name, O LORD.
17 Let them be ashamed and dismayed forever; And let them be humiliated and perish,
18 That they may know that Thou alone, whose name is the LORD, Art the Most High over all the earth.
In SYRIA Assad lost four members of his inner circle – three are dead and one is on his death bed as anti-Assad forces breached one of Assad’s secure compounds. Vice-Presidential aide and former defense minister Gen. Hasan Turkmani, Syrian defense minister Gen. Dawound Rajiha and Bashar Assad’s brother-in-law were killed in Damascus. The lame stream media falsely reported that their deaths were caused by a suicide bomber when in fact their deaths were caused by a hidden bomb in the cabinet conference room. This followed a senior general being assassinated in Aleppo.
It now seems highly suspicious that several high-placed generals bolted Assad’s military and defected to Turkey just before the attack on Assad’s inner circle. It sounds to me like someone sold Assad out. The defecting generals included two security services chiefs who were operations commanders of the Alawite Shabiha militia plus the former head of Syria’s chemical and biological administration who took six other generals with him.
After the attack on his inner circle Assad is preparing a campaign of ethnic cleansing at centers of revolt in the Medan & Tazmon neighborhoods in Damascus.
On 8 July Syria launched a big air-and-sea exercise to simulate outside aggression. The Syrian exercise began with a barrage of dozens of surface-to-sea missiles simulating naval and shore defense against approaching enemy craft and landing forces. At the same time, Iran launched a big air and missile defense exercise to fight off potential aggression from the direction of the Gulf of Oman and the Gulf of Aden, where the US military is clustered.
Military sources told me that this was a simultaneous, coordinated Syrian-Iranian military maneuver. It was synchronized from a joint command & control headquarters in Damascus. At the same time Assad moved his Scud D missiles with cyanide, sarin and mustard gas warheads and shells out of storage. Chemical weapons have already been transferred to Homs, Lata(key)ia and Aleppo for operational use. Assad received a warning from Israel not to move his chemical weapons again or else they would be destroyed. Military sources warned that Israel, Turkey and Jordan should prepare for Syrian missile strikes as the Syrian army practiced shooting missiles at strategic centers in Israel, Turkey and Jordan.
War would quickly assume a regional dimension if Turkey, Israel, the Tamar oil fields and Jordan were to come under Syrian missile assault. Air and missile reprisals against Syrian military or regime centers would carry the danger of Hizbollah retaliation.
In GREECE Military sources report that the Israeli and Greek navies began maneuvers on Monday in the Aegean sea near Milos Island. There was no word on the scale of the exercise or its duration.
In the PERSIAN GULF Military sources report substantial US reinforcements are being rushed to the Gulf with dozens of unmanned subs designed to destroy Iranian mines.
The USS John C. Stennis arrives in August, raising the number of U.S. aircraft carriers in Persian Gulf waters to four including the USS Enterprise, USS Eisenhower and the USS Abraham Lincoln. The French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle will also be on station. Remember 20% of the world’s oil moves through the Strait of Hormuz.
There are now additionally eight U.S. minesweepers in the Persian Gulf. The USS Ponce, a platform for the special operating forces and helicopters is also on station allegedly to fight off Iranian marine units attempting to plant mines in the vital waterway.
Military sources told me that Iran is short of the military strength and equipment necessary for completely sealing off the Strait of Hormuz to all sea traffic, especially oil tankers. The Iranians can plant enough underwater mines to impede & slow marine traffic.
NATO, Israel and Russia are moving large naval forces into the eastern Mediterranean. A flotilla of 11 Russian warships has been detached from Black Sea, North Sea and Baltic fleet bases and is on its way to the Syrian coast for maneuvers; NATO has consigned its rapid response maritime group to the same stretch of sea and five Israeli warships are also deployed there. The Western alliance has also increased surveillance flights over the Mediterranean. So as you can see the entire Middle East and Persian region is a ticking time bomb waiting to go off.
IRAN has said it must raise its uranium enrichment level to 60% from 20% because Western sanctions force Iran to design big nuclear-powered merchant ships as long-haul oil tankers.
Saudi military and intelligence sources said that the US and Israel are on the verge of conventional war with Iran. According to the Saudis the war “is already decided.” The only question is will it be before or after the US presidential election on November 6.

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