Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama's Mentor - The Commie Frank Marshall Davis

The Bohemian Red Frank Marshall Davis

New research by Joel Gilbert into Communist Party member Frank Marshall Davis’ seedy history in Hawaii has bolstered the filmmaker’s theory that Davis was the biological father of Barack Obama.

Gilbert has uncovered handwritten letters by Davis that strongly suggest the acknowledged Obama mentor’s pornographic sex novel “Sex Rebel: Black” was based on Davis’ personal life.
Davis refers to the 1968 book as his “thoroughly erotic autobiography” in a letter to Margaret Burroughs, the well-known African-American artist, whose steamy affair with him, Davis explains, was included in the novel.
Burroughs, a former Chicago Park District commissioner, co-founded the DuSable Museum of African American History in 1961. The museum serves today as the current depository of an important collection of Davis letters and manuscripts.
New research by Gilbert has also established that the Davis residence at 2994 Kalihi Street in Honolulu had a seedy past in the sex trade, dating back to the early 1950s, when Davis first moved into the house.

Imagine an American man so devout in his Communist beliefs, that during the Cold War the FBI placed him on its security index – meaning that if an armed conflict were to have erupted between the U.S. and the Soviet Union, Federal authorities would have looked to him as a prime suspect for treason.

Now imagine that man mentored the leader of the free world.
On July 17th, Mercury Ink and author Paul Kengor, PhD, will introduce the world to the real Frank Marshall Davis – the card-carrying member of the Communist Party U.S.A, and who all accounts indicate was Barack Obama’s closest role model and mentor. Devoid of outrageous conspiracy theories or sensational claims, Kengor painstakingly documents the historical facts of this dynamic, at times even sympathetic character, who walked the path from Republican roots clear through to the radical fringe of unfettered Marxism.
Presently, certain news and commentary outlets are focusing on the more outrageous aspects of Frank Marshall Davis’ life, such as his self-admitted penchant for perverse sexual escapades as well as for taking photos of naked women (including of Stanley Ann Dunham, Obama’s mother). In fact, the recently released documentary, “Dreams From My Real Father,” even posits that Davis is the president’s true biological father. While much of Davis’ bizarre fetishes and sexual peccadilloes provide subject matter worthy of consideration, Kengor believes that his book, “The Communist,” focuses on the substantive ideological, rather than sensational aspects of Davis’ past.
At the end of the day, according to Kengor, mentors matter – and in no small amount. The book opens by explaining how Ronald Reagan and Hillary Clinton’s role models were extremely influential in each of their lives, respectively. In fact, typically the first task of any biographer is to examine the mentors of the subject he or she is writing about. Oddly, when it comes to our current president, left-wing biographers have somehow avoided this topic altogether.

During Barack Obama’s first presidential campaign, the media and members of the far left ignored discussing his influences and role models, leaving conservatives in shock over how lax the vetting process turned out to be for the man who would come to hold the highest office in the land. As The Communist reveals that the “transformative change” Obama promised to deliver (and did) eerily find their origin in the words and deeds of his closest mentor.

And therein lies the rub. Examining the mentor is perhaps one of the most significant aspects of the presidential vetting process. Those who came before Obama all acknowledged the profound impact their mentors had on them, both growing up, and into adulthood. Of course the reason is clear – exploring who a presidential nominee’s influences are provides key insight into that candidate’s world-view.
Kengor notes that although both Ronald Reagan and Hillary Clinton’s role models were indeed of great import to each of them, their names were rarely mentioned in each of their biographies. Ironically, however, Obama mentioned “Frank” by name no less than 22 times in his memoir, “Dreams From My Father.”
“We’ve had 44 presidents and they’ve all had mentors,” Kengor told me during an exclusive Blaze interview. “Yet never before in the entire 200-plus year [presidential] history of this country, have we had a president with a mentor who was a card carrying member of the Communist Party.
Kengor takes issue with the fact that no liberal biographer acknowledges that Frank Marshall Davis was Obama’s mentor, yet those same biographers have never denied that Don Jones mentored Ronald Reagan, just as Ben Cleaver guided an impressionable, young Hillary Clinton until her departure to university. Perhaps the reason no one cares, according to Kengor, is because both Cleaver and Jones “loved America” and were not “pro-soviet members of the Communist Party.” He believes journalists, biographers, and the media in general are guilty of “scandalous neglect” when discussing Barack Obama.

“The problem with Obama,” said Kengor, “is that he was never vetted, so you have skeletons in the closet.” He explained that while there has been no shortage of coverage from the right in exposing Obama’s ties to Reverend Jeremiah Wright or the Weather Underground’s Bill Ayers, “no one talks about Davis, and Davis was far more radical [than either Ayers or Wright].”
In fact, Kengor maintains that Ayer’s most radical university lecture, or Wright’s most flagrant sermon pales in comparison to any of the volumes Frank Marshall Davis espoused in his columns for various Communist newspapers across the country.
“When you read his columns it’s very clear you are dealing with a Communist Party U.S.A. member
from the ‘Daily Worker’ crowd — a loyal Soviet patriot.

“To think he had an influence on the president.”
“Imagine if there was a GOP nominee with a mentor this extreme to the right. They would never have escaped the media scrutiny.”
Historically, Kengor observed a pattern among the left in which its adherents are never vigilant when it comes to Communism. Even American Civil Liberties Union founder, Roger Nash Baldwin, wrote a book entitled, “Liberty Under the Soviets” demonstrating progressives’ sympathy for all things Communist.
As we near the July 17th release date of “The Communist” The Blaze will be releasing two more “sneak preview” articles detailing some of the shocking revelations Kengor discovered along the way.
For instance, you will learn that Frank Marshall Davis actually started out as a member of the GOP, reviled Democrats (in particular Harry Truman and Franklin Delano Roosevelt) and only turned to Communism after being fully duped by a Soviet propaganda campaign that convinced him the USSR had abolished racism of all kinds.
You will also see laid out in black and white, the stark parallels between Frank Marshall Davis’ words and deeds and those of the Obama administration — from universal health care to the catch phrases, “hope and change” and “forward!” (all of which find origin in Obama’s Communist mentor).
If it sounds too unbelievable to be true, just remember the adage: “Truth is stranger than fiction.” The book can be found online here and here.
Kengor's video about his book is below.
After establishing why presidential mentors have, historically, been of great import and consequence, Kengor goes on to explain how this devout Marxist actually began his political path as a Republican, often stumping for GOP presidential contenders on their respective campaign trails. Of course, especially at the time, the GOP represented the party of Lincoln while Democrats comprised the Southern racists so reviled by black Americans.

Oddly, Davis took a turn for the hard-left after being duped into believing that the racism he experienced as a black youth growing up in Kansas, and, later on into adulthood, was the product of a diseased Capitalist system, and that only the Soviet Union had managed to crack the code of equality, thus creating a racism-free utopia for all.
Yes, you read that correctly. Frank Marshall Davis became a card-carrying member of the Communist Party U.S.A. after being successfully indoctrinated by a clever Soviet-led propaganda campaign that targeted members of the American black community. The former USSR achieved this seemingly impossible feat by manufacturing what were known as Potemkin villages (or Potyomkin villages). These stage props were created to showcase an “ideal” agrarian society flourishing under the banner of Marxist-Leninism.
In the Potemkin, workers appeared thrilled with their positions in life, homogeny fostered “tolerance,” agricultural output was bountiful, and majestic birds soared on high through perpetual skies of blue. Indeed, on the surface, it seemed Mother Russia had successfully birthed a picture-perfect existence.
To ensure such a golden propaganda opportunity was not missed, Soviet officials courted progressive Americans, ultimately taking them on highly orchestrated tours of the Potemkin. On cue, rubes such as Paul Robeson, a close friend of Frank Marshall Davis and renowned singer, returned from the excursion with praise on their tongues and a reaffirmed commitment to Communism in their hearts.

One of the most interesting points Kengor notes in the book is how American Communists were absolutely consistent in their inconsistency. For example, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt finally signed onto World War II, Davis, along with his Marxist counterparts cursed the president’s very existence, dubbing him a “fascist warmonger and xenophobe. The vitriol was spawned by the fact that at that time, Joseph Stalin had already signed a pact with Adolf Hitler, thus a war with the Rhineland meant a war with the Motherland.
It wasn’t until Hitler betrayed Stalin and invaded Russia that Frank Marshall Davis and his minions wholeheartedly signed onto the American war effort to defeat Nazism and lauded Roosevelt the toast of the Daily Worker.
Mind you, when Hitler banded together with Stalin, American Communists, many of whom were Jewish, abandoned the party in droves (and for obvious reason). Thus, the idea that members of the black community could ever have supported, for any reason, Hitler and his Third Reich, speaks volumes about their blind, even self-destructive devotion to the Communist agenda.

“I want liberals to realize that the Communist weren’t their friends”, Kengor told me during an interview. “They need to realize that they [Soviets] used liberals” and saw them as “dupes.”
For some reason or other, despite being preyed upon as merely pawns in a Soviet public relations campaign, despite being expendable even to the point of imprisonment and death, the Frank Marshall Davis’ of the U.S. remained steadfast in their commitment. What was in it for them still remains to be seen, but through Davis’ writings for American Communist newspapers in Chicago and later in Honolulu, the Soviets perhaps saw him as one of the most useful idiots of all.
In the next installment of our behind the scenes look into “The Communist,” which will be released on July 17, author Paul Kengor and The Blaze will share some of the stark parallels between the Obama administration’s policies, positions and slogans, and the writings and beliefs of Frank Marshall Davis. From the terms “forward!” and “change” to the use of “social justice pastors,” the revelations will shock even the staunchest Obama critic.


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