Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Obama Silently Disarming America


The numbers below are rudimentary and I do not believe they are accurate in terms of how many nukes each nation possesses. They are used to demonstrate how Obama plans to silently disarm America without our knowledge. I think this will be one of his major objectives in his second term. For example, I believe the U.S. has far more than 1500 nukes. Like LBJ before him Obama often says one thing publicly and then does something else privately, usually via Executive Order. If you are expecting our military to fight this - forget it - Obama has co-opted our military and he is the commander in chief!
COUNTRY                                   NUKES ON HAND         OBAMA'S DESIRED REDUCATION
U.S.                                                     1500                                        150
France                                                   300                                         300
Great Britain                                          225                                         225
Israel                                                       80                                           80
Iran                                                           ?                                             ?
Pakistan                                                   90                                           90
India                                                        90                                           90
China                                                     240                                         240
Russia                                                  1500                                       1500
N. Korea                                                 90                                           90

Obama is many things but Dinesh D'Souza believes he is first and foremost an anti-colonialist who views the United States as a big bad bully who stole our wealth from other nations. In short, the U.S. is the rogue nation on the world scene and the U.S. must be downsized and humiliated. Obama feels it is his duty to right America with the world. Obama views capitalism as a form of theft that is used against poor nations.
Consider this since 2007 America has lost 40% of its wealth. How much wealth will we have left if Obama gets another 4 year term?
I offer as strong circumstantial proof of Obama's anti-colonialism Obama's association and mentoring by the following people or what D'Souza calls Obama's Founding Fathers:
1. Frank Marshall Davis, a fervent Communistt and sexual Bohemian who mentored Obama from age 10 to 17, slept with Obama's swinging mother and schooled Obama to hate America.
2.  Bill Ayers, fervent revolutionary, anti-American terrorist who served with Obama on the Annenberg board. Ayers father, a socialist corporate Consolidated Edison executive funded Obama's education.
3. Professor Said (deceased) from Columbia University, a pro-Palestinian and fervent anti-American.
4. Robert Unger, radical socialist Brazilian revolutionary who taught Obama at Harvard.
5. Jeremiah Wright, Obama's surrogate father and spiritual father; Obama had to dispose of Wright because he threatened Obama's false public image. Wright schooled Obama in Black Liberation Theology or "God Damn America!"
Lastly below is D'Souza's excellent video 2016 about Obama.
God Bless America!


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