Monday, July 16, 2012

Turkish Update Tubal and Meshech

Where The People of Tubal Lived In Modern Turkey 

Where The People of Meshech Lived In Modern Turkey
Turkey has been actively selling gold over recent months--so much so that it has caught the eye of traders and commentators alike. Bullion Vault, an online gold market analysis and gold investment research company reported July 12 that Turkey had exported $4.02 billion worth of gold between January and May. The information was confirmed in several independent stories, and the intrigue grows with each report. Iran is the purchaser of Turkey's gold--some $3 billion worth, amounting to nearly 60 tons. In turn, Turkey is buying millions of tons of oil from Iran despite a commitment to uphold US and European Union oil sanctions against Iran.

Iran is using the gold to buy food supplies such as wheat. In a typical end time "Beast"-like move, the European Union, toothless as it is, has banned the trade of gold bullion, oil and diamonds with Iran. Turkey is an associate member of the European Union and has applied for full membership. It is, however, skirting the sanctions issue by using gold to pay for Iranian Oil. According to Bullion Vault, the Vice Chairman of the Istanbul Gold Refinery Gokhan Aksu says, "Iran is very keen to increase the share of gold in its total reserves." This seems to demonstrate that a ban on buying foodstuffs is inconsequential when using gold as the currency. And Iran can further advance its nuclear program using gold.
It is obvious to many analysts that Turkey, while playing the West as a secular democratic ally, is in actuality using its Islamic political influence and economic capital to bring Iran and other Islamic states into its orbit. Turkey is considered a power broker in the Middle East that has gravitated from an ostensible secular democracy toward Islam in recent years. Another twist is that while the occupant of the Oval Office has publicly promoted sanctions against Iran, he has granted Turkey a temporary waiver exempting it from US sanctions, according to Reuters June 28 and July 6 reports, indicating the US exempted all 20 of Iran's top oil buyers from the sanctions because they slightly reduced oil imports from Iran.
In reality, Turkey has sidestepped the US and European sanctions on Iran by paying for oil with gold. Not many years ago analysts would have scoffed at the idea that Turkey, the gemstone of secular democracy in an Islamic dominated region, would go rogue and begin siding with fundamental Islamist regimes. Recall to memory, however, that only 90 years have passed since Turkey dissolved the Islamic Caliphate that ruled the entire region. Now it appears to be in a revival with the help of the US, and Turkey plays a major role both politically and prophetically. Remember Ezekiel 38:3 where YHVH says, "Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal." Magog, Meshech and Tubal are located in modern day Turkey.

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