The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

False JEWISH Beliefs & Practices, Aug. 31, 2024


Who is the Messiah?


The Messianic Age in Judaism

RFK Jr. talks about leading the CIA and assassinations, Aug. 31, 2024


RFK Jr: Teaming up With Trump, Pavel Durov’s Arrest, CIA, and the Fall of the Democrat Party

1,714,123 views Aug 26, 2024

When Bobby Kennedy endorsed Donald Trump last week, he burned his boats. There’s no turning back for him, or for American politics. Here’s his first interview since that happened.


Friday, August 30, 2024

Have You Heard Of Turning Point Action? Aug. 30, 2024


Turning Point Action

Fellow Patriot,


When Joe Biden dropped out...


When the Left-wing Elite rushed to crown a new candidate...


The entire race to Election Day TOTALLY RESET.


Fellow Patriot, at Turning Point Action -- which is leading the biggest, boldest BALLOT-CHASING operation on the Right -- it's GAME ON. Are you with me?


Because this effort is so important, a special Turning Point Action supporter will DOUBLE every gift you gift through MIDNIGHT on August 31.

President Trump at the Chase the Vote Townhall

Above: I was honored to welcome President DONALD TRUMP to Turning Point Action's Chase the Vote Townhall.


Already this year, generous grassroots supporters have helped Turning Point Action:

  • Launch CHASE THE VOTE, the BIGGEST and BOLDEST ballot-chasing operation EVER on the Right.

  • Put "boots on the ground" in MUST-WIN states, including ARIZONA, WISCONSIN, and MORE.

  • Hire, train, and deploy FULL-TIME BALLOT CHASERS, with more ballot-chasing activists joining up EVERY SINGLE WEEK.
Turning Point Action ballot chasers

Above: With YOUR generous gift today, Turning Point Action can keep recruiting, hiring, and training BALLOT CHASERS in BATTLEGROUND STATES.


Now -- with LESS THAN 100 DAYS to go before Election Day 2024 -- EVERYTHING has changed.


But this is what we've been preparing for, and that's why we're going to do EVEN MORE to get out the vote and WIN!


Fellow Patriot, I want to double down on EVERYTHING that Turning Point Action is doing to CHASE THE VOTE and WIN in 2024 Can I count on your most generous gift right now?

The Left is in total meltdown, while our patriotic, peaceful movement is STRONGER and MORE UNITED than ever before.


But with the stakes this high ... and with the entire 2024 Election changing with LESS THAN 100 DAYS to go ... we've got to STAY FOCUSED and WORK EVEN HARDER.


To stand with me, please make your most generous 2X GIFT to help Turning Point Action go ALL OUT to CHASE THE VOTE and WIN in 2024.


It's game on -- now let's go!

Charlie Kirk


Turning Point Action

Charlie Kirk

"We Are Going To Stop This Crime", Geo-engineering 90 Second Alert! Aug. 30, 2024


All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard.

Dane Wigington

“Stayin Alive" Adds RFK Jr. Next We Need Tulsi, Aug. 30, 2024

"The Dream Team"

The Stunning American Prophetic Mystery: Trump & Jehu and The Coming Election, Aug. 30, 2024



265,380 views Premiered Aug 27, 2024

False Flag On The Horizon! Aug. 30, 2024

No one is ready for what’s COMING this Fall Gerald Celente warns 


Go to the 16 minute 41 second mark on the video where Gerald discusses a false flag event.


Keep in mind, historically military and emergency drills accompany false flag events.  


Starting September 3, Latvia will launch large-scale national military exercises called Namejs 2024, which will continue until October 8. These exercises will also involve NATO allied forces, citing Delfi.

The exercises are organized by Latvia's National Armed Forces and will involve around 11,000 Latvian soldiers and reservists, along with military personnel from NATO allied forces, including the US, Estonia, Lithuania, and Canada.


A Brief History Of Censorship In The U.S. Aug. 30, 2024




America prides itself in valuing the freedom of speech, but the country has a long history of bruising fights to protect and uphold that right as guaranteed under the First Amendment of the Constitution. Starting with the Founding Fathers in the 18th century, free speech was put to the test when President John Adams restricted the right to criticize a government official.

Stacker has compiled a look at key moments and milestones in the history of censorship in America, consulting academic papers, historical accounts, legal cases, industry records, and news reports.

Many attempts at limiting free speech in the United States have come during times of war. Criticism was sharply curtailed during World War I, when vocal opponents to U.S. policy were jailed and deported. Not long before that, newspaper editors and reporters were arrested in the North for opposing the Civil War, and reports from the front were heavily censored. In World War II, newspapers were complicit in protecting U.S. interests and suppressing public information.

But it has been sexual relations that has sparked the most passionate arguments over the limits of free speech, whether it is in explicit novels, graphic pornography, classic Greek plays, Shakespeare, poetry, or just the culture's puritanical tendencies.

Movies and comic books have adopted systems to censor themselves as means of averting full-fledged censorship by authorities. Comic book stories were accused of sending risqué messages to children, and even the cartoon character Betty Boop started wearing longer skirts to avoid criticism.

Still today, schools across the country grapple with keeping books on their library shelves and in classroom curriculum over seemingly incessant objections that they are profanity-riddled or obscene and inappropriate. Throughout the years, the U.S. Supreme Court has drawn the lines around just what merits protection as free speech—lines that have shifted considerably over the years.


1722: Benjamin Franklin caught up in brother’s censorship

In 1722, Benjamin Franklin’s older brother, James, printer of “The New-England Courant,” was jailed for several weeks for publishing criticism of the government, and the younger Franklin, then 16, was named publisher for the extent of the jail term. James Franklin ran afoul of the authorities again in 1723, went into hiding, and published under his younger brother’s name again.

1798: Criticism of US government officials made illegal

Under President John Adams in 1798, it was made illegal to criticize a government official unless the claims could be backed up in court. More than two dozen people were arrested under the statute, but they were pardoned by incoming President Thomas Jefferson two years later.

1821: Fictionalized memoirs of a prostitute are banned

The novel “Fanny Hill,” a fictionalized account of a prostitute’s memoirs, was written in 1748 and banned in 1821. The prohibition was not overturned until a Supreme Court decision in 1966—nearly a century and a half later.

1846: Abolitionist newspaper put out of business

Antislavery crusader Cassius Clay founded a newspaper, “The True American,” in Kentucky to promote his abolitionist views. A pro-Confederate mob called the Committee of Sixty broke into the newspaper and stole its equipment, including its presses. The paper went out of business a year later, in 1846.

1861: Reporters, editors arrested during Civil War

During the Civil War from 1861 to 1865, newspaper reporters and editors were arrested in the Union if they wrote about opposing the draft or discouraged enlisting in the army. Some were detained, and others were sent to the Confederacy. Telegraph dispatches from reporters at battlefield scenes were censored as well.

1863: Anti-Civil War speaker sent South

In 1863, former Ohio congressman Clement Vallandigham gave a speech critical of President Abraham Lincoln and called for a peaceful end to the Civil War. Vallandigham was arrested and found guilty of disloyalty and sympathy for the enemy by a military tribunal. He was imprisoned, then banished to the Confederacy.

1873: Comstock Act permitted searches of mail

In 1873, Congress passed the Comstock Act, named after its main supporter, Anthony Comstock, a devout Christian and head of the New York Society for the Suppression of Vice. The Comstock Act permitted searches of the mail, without legal warrants, for obscene material. It included contraceptives as obscene.

1903: US laws targeted immigrant freedom of speech

The 1903 Immigration Act barred entry into the United States of anarchists. The law suppressing immigrants’ political views followed the 1901 assassination of President William McKinley by an accused anarchist, Leon Czolgosz. The reach of immigration laws expanded over the next decades, leading to the Cold War McCarran-Walter Act in 1952 that banned entry and allowed for deportation of immigrants whose views were deemed to be subversive.

1915: Ohio film censored win in Supreme Court decision

The Supreme Court decided in its Mutual Film Corporation v. Industrial Commission of Ohio ruling of 1915 that movies were not protected as free speech under the First Amendment. The Mutual Film Corp., which leased and sold films, had sued the Ohio censorship board that claimed the right to review and approve films. The court ruled against the film company, deciding that the state’s law was not unconstitutional.

1918: Sedition Act used to quell World War I opposition

The Sedition Act of 1918 limited the rights to free speech during war, making it a crime to "willfully utter, print, write, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurrilous, or abusive language about the form of the Government of the United States." President Woodrow Wilson supported it to tamp down opposition to World War I and the draft. The act targeted resisters, pacifists, socialists, and anarchists, and more than a thousand cases filed by the government resulted in convictions before it was repealed in 1920.

1919: Anarchist Emma Goldman deported

Anarchist Emma Goldman was deported in 1919 after a series of legal battles over her political views, lectures and speeches advocating for women’s rights, union rights, and freedom of speech and opposing the military draft. She moved to the Soviet Union and then not long afterward to Great Britain.

1920: American Civil Liberties Union was born

The American Civil Liberties Union was founded in 1920. Its creation followed a series of raids, on orders of Attorney General Mitchell Palmer, that rounded up and deported thousands of people on grounds that they were radicals. The ACLU declared its interest in protecting rights under the U.S. Constitution, including freedom of speech and press.

1920: James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’ banned as obscene

The New York publishers of James Joyce’s “Ulysses” were convicted under the anti-obscenity Comstock Act in 1920, fined, and ordered to stop publication of the complex novel over its sexual content. The ruling fueled interest in the book by the Irish writer, which was published two years later in Paris. Random House won the right to publish it in a U.S. federal court ruling in 1934.

1929: Hemingway’s books challenged, repeatedly

In 1929, Scribner’s Magazine was banned in Boston for running Ernerst Hemingway’s “A Farewell to Arms” on grounds that it was too sexual. Hemingway’s “The Sun Also Rises” was banned in Boston a year later, and, in 1941, the U.S. Post Office decided his “For Whom the Bell Tolls” was pro-Communist and could not be shipped in the mail.

1930: Movie industry adopted self-censoring Hays Code

The film industry in 1930 adopted the Hays Code, calling for movies to be "wholesome" and "moral" as a means of self-policing to avoid outright government censorship. The production code banned lustful kissing, suggestive dancing, nudity. Movies could not mock religion, depict illegal drug use, show interracial romance, or even portray detailed crimes that could be imitated. The Code held sway for decades, but its effectiveness declined after World War II, with family-oriented competition from television and more scintillating foreign films.

1920: ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’ lost in US Senate

“Lady Chatterley's Lover” by English author D.H. Lawrence aroused the wrath of U.S. Sen. Reed Smoot, who denounced it in a 1930 speech when the Senate was considering loosening restrictions of book imports under the Smoot–Hawley Tariff Act. The Republican senator from Utah won his battle after threatening to read obscene passages from the book on the floor of the Senate. The ban was lifted in a federal obscenity trial in 1959.

1941: War Powers Act established Censorship Office

During World War II, as part of the 1941 War Powers Act, President Franklin Roosevelt created the Office of Censorship, which issued guidelines for the media to determine for itself if the information being published would be valuable to the enemy. Under the voluntary censorship, newspapers did not publish photographs of dead U.S. troops, kept secret information about plans to drop the atom bomb, and did not write about the president’s ill health. The mail was read and censored as well.

1946: Supreme Court ruling ends postal censorship

In the early 1940s, the U.S. Post Office denied less costly second-class postage privileges to Esquire magazine. The Postmaster General had decided postage rates could be determined by whether a publication contributed to the “public good” and found that the magazine’s jokes and pinups failed the test. A unanimous 1946 Supreme Court decision put an end to the postal censorship and, with the ruling, extended the protection of free speech beyond political to popular speech.

1952: Supreme Court, in reversal, protected movies

In 1952, a legal ruling on a film “The Miracle,” written by Roberto Rossellini and directed by Federico Fellini, ended decades of U.S. censorship. The film had been denounced by the Catholic Church as sacrilegious, prompting New York authorities to rescind its license, and the film’s distributor took the case to court. The Supreme Court decided movies were protected under the First Amendment, reversing its 1915 opinion that did not grant them such protection.

1954: Comic books policed for gay, violent messages

Comic books were the focus of censorship arguments over whether they exerted a dangerous influence on children. Publishers in 1954 created the Comics Magazine Association of America and a Comics Code Authority Seal of Approval that policed the use of horror, crime, sex, and violence. The code was heavily influenced by the book "Seduction of the Innocent," by German psychiatrist Fredric Wertham, who found a gay subtext in the stories of Batman and Robin and claimed Wonder Woman was a lesbian.

1955: Post office found classical Greek play obscene

The U.S. Post Office in 1955 seized a rare volume of “Lysistrata,” a Greek play written by Aristophanes about women withholding sex to force men to end war. The postmaster general said it was obscene and lewd. After a battle led by famed First Amendment attorney Edward De Grazia, the post office backed off before a trial was held.

1955: Elvis Presley’s moves, music censored

Florida police in 1955 threatened to arrest Elvis Presley if he did not stand still while performing, and two years later, his performance on “The Ed Sullivan Show” was filmed from the waist up due to opposition over his suggestive moves. In 1960, his songs were among those banned from radio stations that were refusing to play music considered to be sexually explicit.

1957: Roth court case set new obscenity standard

A U.S. Supreme Court ruling in 1957 set out a new obscenity test with the case of Samuel Roth, a bookseller in New York accused of sending obscene circulars and an obscene book through the U.S. mail. The standard set out under Roth v. United States was whether “the average person,” applying community standards, would find the entire work obscene.

1963: Comic Lenny Bruce convicted of obscenity

Comic Lenny Bruce was arrested on stage and convicted in 1963 of obscenity in Chicago. The following year, he was arrested in New York for violating an obscenity law. He was convicted and sentenced to four months in jail, but he remained free on bail and died of a drug overdose in 1966, at 40.

1964: Supreme Court ruled in favor of 'Tropic of Cancer'

The U.S. Supreme Court in 1964 ruled in favor of publication of the sexually explicit novel "Tropic of Cancer" by Henry Miller. The court decision found that the book merited First Amendment protection because it had some redeeming social value, making a distinction from obscenity that was "utterly without redeeming social value."

COVID Lockdown Censorship Was JUST THE START! With Neil Oliver - SF 439 


This video is about what is happening globally—an attempt to centralize global power using multiple crises/creating fear to manipulate people to give up liberties. 

The creation of the internet was funded by DARPA (U. S. military/industrial complex) in order for surveillance, to gather mass information on everyone….(perhaps the reason why using the internet has been free)

It is necessary now for people to realize what is really happening in order to stand against the tyranny, by being able to ferret out the truth and retaining higher ideals….

For example, consider the anti-humanity scams:  the Covid pandemic, climate change, gender confusion, transhumanisn, aliens and UFOs, just some of the lies that authorities are using 

A great psychological warfare….a great takedown of nation states….a great takedown of traditional political systems….a great takedown of family/community relationships….a great takedown of the freedom to debate ideas….a great takedown of economic well being and transfer of wealth to the mega wealthy.

If you deceive masses, people are so embarrassed that they believed the lies, that they don’t want to talk about being deceived so they are complicit to the “scam” and fall into talking about and focusing on the next crisis that is presented. 

Three hundred years of humanism and anti-God indoctrination has brought us to this point.

Therefore, evil progresses…. Until the system itself is taken down by God. He intervened against Babylon, Noah’s flood, etc...........J

The Battle For Kursk, Aug. 30, 2024


For Russia, recovering Kursk is no walk in the rose garden

by Gilbert Doctorow


Follow up to Recovering Kursk

by Gilbert Doctorow

Kursk, Belgorod, Bryansk — Is Pres. Putin Preparing for Istanbul-II?

by John Helmer, Moscow



Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Kim Clement Prophesied In 2014 About RFK Joining The Republicans, Aug. 29, 2024


It is hard to believe Kim has been dead for 8 years!


Go to the 30 minute 10 second mark of the video, pastor discusses a biblical scenario where Putin and the Russians enter the U.S. and arrest the "deep state black hats". I assume that would be some type of UN action, perhaps in conjunction with actions against zionist Israel. Hmmmmm.......  

New Russian Anti-Woke Visa

Tulsi Endorses Donald Trump for President, Aug. 28, 2024


964,940 views Aug 26, 2024

Donald Trump invites Tulsi Gabbard on stage during the National Guard Association speech, where she officially endorses him for President of the United States.

Good Dems are abandoning the Demoncratic Party for Trump

Attending Wreath Laying Ceremony With Donald Trump

9,317 views • Aug 27, 2024

I attended the wreath laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery alongside Donald Trump and many others, in honor of the 13 U.S. service members were killed during the Afghanistan pull out ordered by the Biden Administration.

Kamala Harris Has No Plan

87,184 views • Aug 23, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard criticizes Kamala Harris's DNC speech and reminds us to take a look at her record, to know

Kamala Harris Will Put America Last

62,175 views Aug 22, 2024

Tulsi shares her experience with Kamala Harris as Donald Trump prepares to Debate Kamala Harris on September 10th.