The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Friday, July 26, 2024

RFK Jr. News, July 26, 2024


Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Dear Watchman,
We are excited to invite you to a unique and unscripted digital conversation with Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. this Sunday, July 28th.
This event offers a rare opportunity to discuss the economic challenges facing Americans today, directly with a leading presidential candidate, without the filter of mainstream media.
Date: Sunday, July 28th, 2024
Time: 7:00 - 9:30 PM EDT (Mr. Kennedy will join at 8:00 PM EDT)
Where: Join us on TikTok via this link - Join here
Add to Calendar: Click here to add the event to your calendar.
Join Here
Don’t miss this chance to engage in a meaningful dialogue with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and TikTok influencers. Your voice matters in this important conversation about our nation’s future.
Online Event
We look forward to seeing you there!
Team Kennedy

RFK Jr. Calls for Global AI Treaties to Safeguard Freedom and Transparency

RFK Jr. voices his concerns about the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to enable intelligence agencies to control human behavior and perception. He warns that this technology could fulfill the long-standing ambitions of totalitarian states to manipulate their populations.

In response to these problems, RFK Jr. proposes the following solutions:

  • Strengthening constitutional protections to guarantee fundamental freedoms and rights in the age of AI

  • Ensuring transparency in AI algorithms for users to understand how the technology influences and manipulates them

  • Establishing international treaties to regulate AI development and foster global cooperation

Common Sense Weekly

Welcome back! In this weeks' edition:

  • Is U.S. foreign policy neglecting humanitarian concerns? Learn about RFK Jr.'s take on Caucasus conflicts

  • Are Native American rights being upheld? Discover the challenges and solutions proposed by key Native leaders

  • What's driving the Ukraine conflict? Unpack RFK Jr.'s analysis of complex geopolitical factors

All these and more. Let's begin!

LIVE TikTok Town Hall with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Independent presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will join TikTok influencers this Sunday, July 28, from 7-9:30pm ET (RFK Jr. will join from 8-9:30pm ET) for an unscripted digital conversation about the economic plight facing Americans. The discussion bypasses the mainstream media and puts everyday Americans in direct contact with a leading presidential candidate.

Click Here To Register

Dear Watchman, 
President Biden's decision not to seek re-election sets the stage for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to lead America into a new era.
The political landscape is shifting dramatically, right before our eyes, every day!
When the corrupt DNC machine knew there was absolutely no path to victory with President Biden, they unceremoniously replaced him with Kamala Harris, disenfranchising millions of voters.
RFK Jr. stands in direct contrast to the very corruption that led to his Independent Candidacy. He is a trustworthy advocate for the rights of every citizen.
Voters deserve a real choice!
For months, it's been clear that RFK Jr.'s historic poll numbers underscore the growing support for his vision of transparency, integrity, and a commitment to the American people.
He’s also the only candidate who can beat Donald Trump in November!
We cannot let this opportunity slip away. Our nation's future depends on leaders who prioritize the people's needs over political games.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is that leader.
He is committed to transparency, integrity, and the well-being of every American. He stands ready to tackle the issues that matter most to you and your family.
With your support, we can ensure that RFK Jr.'s voice is heard loud and clear and that his vision for America becomes a reality.
We are asking you to stand with us in this crucial moment with a generous gift.
My Generous Gift
While the DNC machine sorts out its candidate, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is ready to lead America right now. You can help make that happen today.
Thank you for your unwavering support.
Team Kennedy

RFK Jr.-Shanahan Ticket Secures Spot on North Carolina Ballot

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Nicole Shanahan have officially secured their place on the North Carolina ballot, marking a victory for the We The People party. This swing state certification comes despite initial denial and represents RFK Jr.'s second triumph over Democratic National Committee challenges.

With official ballot access in 10 states and submissions pending in 14 others, RFK Jr. is on track to become the first independent presidential candidate achieving nationwide ballot presence under stringent access regulations.

RFK Jr.: U.S. Policy Fails Caucasus, Reform Needed Now!

RFK Jr. discusses Armenian issues, criticizing U.S. foreign policy's focus on geopolitical contests over humanitarian concerns. He calls for accountability for ethnic cleansing and genocide through sanctions and international condemnation. RFK Jr. also scrutinizes Turkey's actions and NATO's role in regional conflicts, and emphasizes the role of the U.S. presidency in shaping foreign policy and addressing these pressing issues.

Native American Leaders on Rights, Sovereignty, and Community Struggles

A panel featuring prominent Native American leaders convene to address pressing issues Native American communities face. They highlight the tribes' difficulty in accessing funding for feasibility studies and overcoming engineering and financial barriers to tribal energy projects. They also tackle the impact of chronic diseases like diabetes on Native populations, exacerbated by poor nutrition and health disparities.

Tribal sovereignty surfaces as a central theme, with the panelists discussing the challenges posed by corporate interests and governmental policies. They also cover the deep connection of native people to their land and ancestral traditions, underscoring the spiritual and historical significance of tribal territories.

Unraveling Ukraine War's Web of Geopolitics and Profit with RFK Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. examines the roles of Russia, NATO, and Western countries in the Ukraine conflict. He expounds on the broken promises regarding NATO's eastward expansion, the 2014 Ukrainian government change, Crimea's strategic significance for Russia, and the failed peace negotiations.

Throughout RFK Jr.'s analysis, he stresses the profound human cost of the conflict, presenting it as a stark reminder of real-world consequences stemming from geopolitical maneuvering.

A Private Reception with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

We are proud to host a private in-person fundraising event during Bitcoin2024 Nashville on Thursday, July 25, 2024, from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM, to support RFK Jr.'s candidacy for President of the United States.

The private reception will include hors d’oeuvres, cocktails, a Q&A, and photo opportunity.

Click Here To Register

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Keynote Bitcoin 2024 Conference

Independent Presidential Candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. will keynote the Bitcoin 2024 conference in Nashville on July 26 at 4 p.m. CT.

Bitcoin 2024 is the go-to event for anyone curious or passionate about Bitcoin — it's an immersive experience aimed at inspiring, educating, and connecting the global Bitcoin community.

Click Here To Join

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