The Watchman On The Wall

The Watchman On The Wall
Eph 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Verse 13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

RFK Jr. Watch The Real Debate! June 26, 2024


Neither "Chicken Shit is versed on the issues like RFK Jr.! That is why "Goofy and Orange Man are afraid to debate him"

Welcome to fascist, crony capitalist America where CNN gets to decide who debates!!!! 

CNN desperate for narrative control as Fifth Generation Warfare targets humanity
Mike Adams

CNN is now desperately trying to control the upcoming presidential debate narrative, threatening all podcasters and live streamers with legal action if they post clips that make Joe Biden look bad.

The desperation to try to protect the image of a feeble-minded dementia patient pretending to be "president" is off the charts.

Today my broadcast focuses on mind control, gaslighting, fifth generation warfare and the weaponization of content against humanity.

Plus, we feature a hard-hitting interview with "Deep State Marauder" Ivan Raiklin, who is putting together a deep state arrest list and who says the mass arrests of treasonous actors will be live streamed for the world to witness.

Find it all in today's Brighton Broadcast News here:

As you know, Presidents Trump and Biden have colluded with CNN to block our voices in the upcoming debate.
However, we refuse to be silenced, and with your help, we can ensure our message is heard loud and clear.
This Thursday night, join us at for the three-way debate America deserves, presented LIVE and powered by the free speech defenders over at X.
The Real Debate
Here’s how you can help show our strength in numbers and send a message to corrupt cable news:
    1. Share RFK Jr.’s Tweet: Help us spread the word by sharing our tweet on your social media platforms. Let’s create a wave of support that can't be ignored and show the power of our collective voice
    2. Host a Viewing Party for Gather friends, family, and fellow supporters to watch the debate live. This is a fantastic opportunity to engage more people in our movement and discuss the issues that matter. Have buddies supporting one of the other two guys? Even better! The Real Debate is all about restoring healthy public discourse and healing our divisions, whomever ends up earning your vote in November. Let’s lead by example and put country before party to make Thursday’s debate a win for America.
Your actions are crucial. Our previous State of the Union address reached over a hundred million more views than President Biden’s, thanks to supporters like you.
With your continued dedication, we can surpass our past successes and send an unequivocal message to the corporate media.
Together, we can make this debate a groundbreaking event and a powerful statement against media corruption.
Thank you for your commitment and energy.
Team Kennedy
That is the motto of "Chicken shits,"  "Daffy Duck and Goofy"

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