Reader Comment: Lord, we pray that the Holy Spirit will overcome the devil's power of secrecy and the devil's power of holding these 20 children captive to such evil practices by so many adults, including their own parents. Lord, please bring this case out into the wide open, so that an investigation will take place in the name of Jesus. Please expose the BBC and the police authorities and the judge, who have covered up for this evil Satanic cult. Please raise up the prayers for the truth to come out to everyone in England and in the world, to know of this Satanic cult that exists in their midst, in Hampstead, and in other countries, including the USA, as well. Lord, may these people all be prosecuted and go to prison and may the children receive psychological help and healing and to know of Christ, the true Jesus Christ, not the impostor, the deceiver that they have been given through Christ Church in Hampstead. For the sake of the children, we ask that You intervene quickly to deliver these children from evil and to use this for good, to waking up the churches, so they are no longer lukewarm, and start to be the light we are called to be in this dark world so may will truly repent and be saved. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Thanks for praying with me! God bless you! Maranatha!............ G
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