Your Watchman's preliminary conclusions:
1. This was an AntiFa/ISIS operation (ISIS claimed credit twice)
2. Paddock did not "snap"
3. Paddock was a patsy and a "useful idiot"
4. Paddock did not have the expertise or equipment required to shoot over 500 people in 4 minutes
5. Per a U.S. Army infantry expert "On the rifle picture there is an EOTECH red dot sight, it is a combat Optic designed for close in shooting. Really not much use beyond 300yards. The Optic was designed for fast close range shooting."
5. Paddock did not act alone, I suspect roof top shooters
6. Paddock, his guns and his sniper lair were a diversion
7. Paddock did not use a belt driven machine gun
8. Being 64 years old Paddock would have needed a machine gun scope to see well at night
9. It would have been difficult for a 64 year old man to deal with the night time shadows
10. Paddock was probably suicided
11. "Follow the money!" Large amounts of money were being moved via Paddock
12. Paddock checked into Mandalay with Danley's ID and gambled with her ID.
13. We can't trust the FBI to tell us the truth
a. FBI cleared Danley by talking to her on the phone!
b. FBI source said Paddock had AntiFa literature
Kit Daniels reports at Infowars: The Las Vegas shooter didn’t commit suicide as the mainstream media is reporting, but was killed by a FBI hostage rescue team who also found Antifa literature in his hotel room, according to a source linked to the team.
The FBI team took the suspect out after he opened fired on them, according to the source, and
14. afterwards the FBI team found photos taken in the Middle East of a woman linked to the suspect, 64-year-old Stephen Paddock.
15. I'd love to know the coroner's report on the caliber of bullets that hit the people versus the empty cartridges found in the hotel room, if we can believe the coroner (remember JFK's botched autopsy!)
16. I'm at the point now of only believing something I can see with my own eyes, or something that makes sense to me when I first hear it."This was a setup "false flag", there was a second shooter, that shooter probably fired a semi-auto silenced weapon from a highly camouflaged firing position and you would have never heard him. Whether they had both the automatic distracting fire and the real deadly fire be matching calibers, I don't know. But, quite frankly, this day in time, why would they need this when they can fake just about anything and no one really knows.
17. There are no real journalists left in mainstream media as we already clearly know. They are just talking pundits."
18. The CEO of MGM Resorts financially supports anti-Trump causes15. I'd love to know the coroner's report on the caliber of bullets that hit the people versus the empty cartridges found in the hotel room, if we can believe the coroner (remember JFK's botched autopsy!)
16. I'm at the point now of only believing something I can see with my own eyes, or something that makes sense to me when I first hear it."This was a setup "false flag", there was a second shooter, that shooter probably fired a semi-auto silenced weapon from a highly camouflaged firing position and you would have never heard him. Whether they had both the automatic distracting fire and the real deadly fire be matching calibers, I don't know. But, quite frankly, this day in time, why would they need this when they can fake just about anything and no one really knows.
17. There are no real journalists left in mainstream media as we already clearly know. They are just talking pundits."
19. The police in Vegas have already said there was just one shooter. They don't explain how they came to that conclusion. They never do. At their recent press conference, there was another huge omission. They didn't name the weapon the purported shooter was using. Many people (but not the mainstream reporters) want to know. The police spokesman did, in fact, mention people who are saying there were multiple shooters. He was quick to deny such "chatter." On what basis? The police are in charge. They do the investigation. They decide. They're the professionals. Private citizens and independent reporters are mere distractions. He mouthed the worn-out "let us do our job."
20. Multiple shooters in Las Vegas would imply much planning and coordination for a given political purpose. Not a crazy lone act of a crazy man. The whole scene would change in an instant. Everything the public knows would be wrong.
21. This was the beginning of Antifa's war on Trump's supportersimportant videos are at the bottom of this article.
I watched the video below posted by the PalmBeachPost. The total video is 3 minutes and 47 seconds long. This is just my layman opinion but early in the video it sounded like more than one shooter to me but I could be wrong because of acoustic echoing or something else. Also I am not a ballistics or acoustic expert and I do not have the equipment to filter out extraneous noises like the people talking and screaming in the video.
I highly recommend that you watch the old movie "The Conversation" starring Gene Hackman. Hackman stars as an expert eavesdropper who filters out extraneous sounds when listening to people's secret conversations.
I heard 6 bursts of machine gun fire.
Burst 1: from 38 seconds to 49 seconds, approximately 11 seconds
Burst 2: from 1:06 to 1:15 approximately 9 seconds
Burst 3: from 1:36 to 1:43 approximately 7 seconds
Burst 4: from 3:33 to 3:34 approximately 1 second
Burst 5: from 3:35 to 3:36 approximately 1 to 2 seconds
Burst 6: from 3:41 to 3:42 approximately 1 to 2 seconds
Total seconds of firing approximately 30 to 32 seconds.
If you have a differing opinion or a better video let me know. I suspect there are several videos of the 11 second burst.
Lone shooter? Really?
And this is supposed to be more than a convenient fantasy?
Initially, I heard the police say, via my local radio station, that the shooting lasted 4 minutes, then I heard 9 minutes and then today I heard 10 minutes. As I said above, the video I listened to is 3 minutes and 47 seconds long. What are the police and FBI basing their figures on?
I did an amateur analysis of the number of people killed and wounded at the Vegas Concert approximately 573 in roughly four and half minutes, which is one of the original police estimates of the
duration of the attack.
The alleged "lone wolf" killed or wounded
2.1 persons per second. It is doubtful Paddock could have done that. His
distance from the concert, his lack of professional skill, his state of mind,
among other factors, rule against it.
Any competent and
honest law-enforcement analyst would see a huge red flag right away.
But of course,
multiple shooters destroys the official narrative and opens the door to an
investigation that could expose, for example, an intentional false flag
Here is a piece of
Jeff Rense's analysis of rate-of-fire vs. people struck by bullets. It cuts to
the core of the absurd lone shooter assumption:
"...a potential
MAXIMUM of only 360 rounds could be fired at full auto burst with NO
magazine changes in the approximate four minutes or 240 seconds (4 minutes) of the
"So, Paddock
didn't fire 360 rounds in 240 seconds because he had to stop and change
magazines...probably 30 round mags. That would be THIRTEEN magazine
in the 240 seconds.
And it is reported he fired from both broken out windows in the
"Survivors state
there were shooting pauses and that is when they would run."
"Let's say
Paddock managed to get off an amazing 300 rounds in 4 minutes (or 240 seconds)
and hit someone with EVERY ROUND."
"Remember, there
were 573 killed and wounded according to late statistics."
then, fired off the other full-auto 273 rounds also without missing a
single shot?!"
Another man who
apparently has significant professional background re weapons has sent me his
detailed analysis:
"There is NO WAY
in hell that this inexperienced guy was able to hit 500+ people, at a down
sloping range of approximately 250-350 yards using a make-shift weapon modified
to shot automatically. Here are some reasons why and you can check with
other experts to verify my points."
"1. It was dark
and no matter how well lit, there are many shadows to hide in.
2. Simple a
'sear' (pronounced see-er) modification would have only permitted one entire
magazine to shoot all at once with no select fire (being able to start and
3. There are
some devices (like AutoGlove and Bump Fire) that can simulate full automatic
fire, but they cannot be used accurately or effectively. Now the police say Paddock had Bump Fire.
4. Even if the
shooter was able to somehow obtain a full normal functioning automatic rifle,
anyone with military experience can tell you that the rifles are difficult to
control when firing more than 3 round bursts - especially a .308 or AK47
type. This is because the rifle will uncontrollably rise if automatic
fire is constant. Your Watchman has fired an AK47 several times and an AK47 does fire high.
5. After the
first 15 or so seconds, the crowd scattered and took cover.
6. I don't have
a count of how many pieces of empty brass (fired rounds) they have recovered,
but knowing how many shots were fired compared to how many people were hit will
tell you the hit ratio. If this guy did this in 20 seconds, we needed him
desperately in Afghanistan!
7. To fire 500 aimed
shoots and swap out magazines would have taken him about 15-20 minutes, and
there is no way that each shot would have hit someone - more than likely would
have missed."
"To put in
perspective.... Say a guy purchases an expensive bolt action rifle in .308 with
a nice expensive scope. Without experience, someone would have to mount
the scope for him and do a rough sighting in with a laser. This
individual then takes this rifle to a range in broad daylight with no stress
and using a bench rest and breathing techniques and all the time in the world
and fires at a target 300 yards. It is possible, but doubtful if that
person could hit a large refrigerator at that range UNLESS they had LOTS OF
PRACTICE and EXPERIENCE. For every 1 minute (1/60th of a degree) of angle
change at the rifle, the bullet would vary by 3 inches at 300 yards. For
this untrained guy to be wildly shooting with a high heart rate at
nighttime? Well, bullets would be going everywhere!"
I fully understand
that the estimates of 573 killed and wounded, and the police statement that all
the shooting took place in four and half minutes, may be off. These figures may
not be precise. If Your Watchman's figure is close Paddock would have gotten off 90 rounds in approximately in one minute. or 45 rounds in 30 seconds. Remember, 240 seconds divided 60 seconds equal 4 minutes. Now, I could be wrong; let me know if my math is incorrect.
Nevertheless, Rense's number are a good and proper starting point. And even allowing for later adjustments,
the evidence for multiple shooters and against a lone amateur like Paddock is very strong.
So why won't
law-enforcement take notice?
Because, in certain
cases with great consequences, the overall agenda and the direction of an
investigation are set from offices far higher than the positions of the actual
detectives and agents on the scene.
"This is what we
want to know. Only this. Everything else is off limits."
But it's not off
limits for us.
The PalmBeachPost Video. is Bill Still's take on the Las Vegas shooting.
The video below from Alex Jones is very important; it has two types of machine guns firing; and the owner of Mandalay Bay, MGM Grand Resorts and its CEO James Murren, pictured above, matches donations to anti-Trump organizations.
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