When scientists start using phrases such as "the worst
drought" and "as bad as you can imagine" to describe what is
going on in the western half of the country, you know that things are bad.
Thanks to an epic drought that never seems to end, we are witnessing the
beginning of a water crisis that most people never even dreamed was possible in
this day and age.
The state of California is getting ready to ban people from watering their lawns and washing their cars, but if this drought persists we will eventually see far more extreme water conservation measures than that. And the fact that nearly half of all of the produce in America comes out of the state of California means that ultimately this drought is going to deeply affect all of us.
Food prices have already been rising at an alarming rate, and the longer this drought goes on the higher they will go. Let us hope and pray that this drought is permanently broken at some point, because otherwise we could very well be entering an era of extreme water rationing, gigantic dust storms and crippling food prices. The following are 20 signs that the epic drought in the western half of the United States is starting to become apocalyptic...
#1 According to the Los Angeles Times, downtown Los Angeles is now the driest that it has been since records began being kept all the way back in 1877.
#2 The California State Water Resources Control Board says that nearly 50 communities are already on the verge of running out of water.
#3 In a desperate attempt to conserve water, the state of California is considering banning watering lawns and washing cars. Once implemented, violators will be slapped with a $500 fine for each offense.
#4 It has been reported that a new social media phenomenon known as "drought shaming" has begun in California. People are taking videos and photos of their neighbors wasting water and posting them to Facebook and Twitter.
#5 Climate scientist Tim Barnett says that the water situation in Las Vegas "is as bad as you can imagine", and he believes that unless the city "can find a way to get more water from somewhere" it will soon be "out of business".
#6 The water level in Lake Mead has now fallen to the lowest level since 1937, and it continues to drop at a frightening pace. You can see some incredible photos of what has happened to Lake Mead right here.
#7 Rob Mrowka of the Center for Biological Diversity believes that the city of Las Vegas is going to be forced to downsize because of the lack of water...
The drought is like a slow spreading cancer across the desert. It's not like a tornado or a tsunami, bang. The effects are playing out over decades. And as the water situation becomes more dire we are going to start having to talk about the removal of people (from Las Vegas).
#8 In some areas of southern Nevada, officials are actually paying people to remove their lawns in a desperate attempt to conserve water.
#9 According to Accuweather, "more than a decade of drought" along the Colorado River has set up an "impending Southwest water shortage" which could ultimately affect tens of millions of people.
#10 Most people don't realize this, but the once mighty Colorado River has become so depleted that it no longer runs all the way to the ocean.
#11 Lake Powell is less than half full at this point.
#12 It is being projected that the current drought in California will end up costing the state more than 2 billion dollars this year alone.
#13 Farmers in California are allowing nearly half a million acres to lie fallow this year due to the extreme lack of water.
#14 The lack of produce coming from the state of California will ultimately affect food prices in the entire nation. Just consider the following statistics from a recent Business Insider article...
California is one of the U.S.'s biggest food producers — responsible for almost half the country's produce and nuts and 25% of our milk and cream. Eighty percent of the world's almonds come from the state, and they take an extraordinary amount of water to produce — 1.1 gallons per almond.
#15 As underground aquifers are being relentlessly drained in California, some areas of the San Joaquin Valley are sinking by 11 inches a year.
#16 It is being projected that the Kansas wheat harvest will be the worst that we have seen since 1989.
#17 The extended drought has created ideal conditions for massive dust storms to form. You can see video of one female reporter bravely reporting from the middle of a massive dust storm in Phoenix right here.
#18 Things are so dry in California right now that people are actually starting to steal water. For example, one Mendocino County couple recently had 3,000 gallons of water stolen from them. It was the second time this year that they had been hit.
#19 At the moment, close to 80 percent of the state of California is experiencing either "extreme" or "exceptional" drought.
#20 National Weather Service meteorologist Eric Boldt says that this is "the worst drought we probably have seen in our lifetime".
Most people just assume that this drought will be temporary, but experts tell us that there have been "megadroughts" throughout history in the western half of the United States that have lasted for more than 100 years.
If we have entered one of those eras, it is going to fundamentally change life in America.
And the frightening thing is that much of the rest of the world is dealing with water scarcity issues right now as well. In fact, North America is actually in better shape than much of Africa and Asia. For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled "25 Shocking Facts About The Earth’s Dwindling Water Resources".
Without plenty of fresh water, modern civilization is not possible.
And right now, the western United States and much of the rest of the world is starting to come to grips with the fact that we could be facing some very serious water shortages in the years ahead.
The state of California is getting ready to ban people from watering their lawns and washing their cars, but if this drought persists we will eventually see far more extreme water conservation measures than that. And the fact that nearly half of all of the produce in America comes out of the state of California means that ultimately this drought is going to deeply affect all of us.
Food prices have already been rising at an alarming rate, and the longer this drought goes on the higher they will go. Let us hope and pray that this drought is permanently broken at some point, because otherwise we could very well be entering an era of extreme water rationing, gigantic dust storms and crippling food prices. The following are 20 signs that the epic drought in the western half of the United States is starting to become apocalyptic...
#1 According to the Los Angeles Times, downtown Los Angeles is now the driest that it has been since records began being kept all the way back in 1877.
#2 The California State Water Resources Control Board says that nearly 50 communities are already on the verge of running out of water.
#3 In a desperate attempt to conserve water, the state of California is considering banning watering lawns and washing cars. Once implemented, violators will be slapped with a $500 fine for each offense.
#4 It has been reported that a new social media phenomenon known as "drought shaming" has begun in California. People are taking videos and photos of their neighbors wasting water and posting them to Facebook and Twitter.
#5 Climate scientist Tim Barnett says that the water situation in Las Vegas "is as bad as you can imagine", and he believes that unless the city "can find a way to get more water from somewhere" it will soon be "out of business".
#6 The water level in Lake Mead has now fallen to the lowest level since 1937, and it continues to drop at a frightening pace. You can see some incredible photos of what has happened to Lake Mead right here.
#7 Rob Mrowka of the Center for Biological Diversity believes that the city of Las Vegas is going to be forced to downsize because of the lack of water...
The drought is like a slow spreading cancer across the desert. It's not like a tornado or a tsunami, bang. The effects are playing out over decades. And as the water situation becomes more dire we are going to start having to talk about the removal of people (from Las Vegas).
#8 In some areas of southern Nevada, officials are actually paying people to remove their lawns in a desperate attempt to conserve water.
#9 According to Accuweather, "more than a decade of drought" along the Colorado River has set up an "impending Southwest water shortage" which could ultimately affect tens of millions of people.
#10 Most people don't realize this, but the once mighty Colorado River has become so depleted that it no longer runs all the way to the ocean.
#11 Lake Powell is less than half full at this point.
#12 It is being projected that the current drought in California will end up costing the state more than 2 billion dollars this year alone.
#13 Farmers in California are allowing nearly half a million acres to lie fallow this year due to the extreme lack of water.
#14 The lack of produce coming from the state of California will ultimately affect food prices in the entire nation. Just consider the following statistics from a recent Business Insider article...
California is one of the U.S.'s biggest food producers — responsible for almost half the country's produce and nuts and 25% of our milk and cream. Eighty percent of the world's almonds come from the state, and they take an extraordinary amount of water to produce — 1.1 gallons per almond.
#15 As underground aquifers are being relentlessly drained in California, some areas of the San Joaquin Valley are sinking by 11 inches a year.
#16 It is being projected that the Kansas wheat harvest will be the worst that we have seen since 1989.
#17 The extended drought has created ideal conditions for massive dust storms to form. You can see video of one female reporter bravely reporting from the middle of a massive dust storm in Phoenix right here.
#18 Things are so dry in California right now that people are actually starting to steal water. For example, one Mendocino County couple recently had 3,000 gallons of water stolen from them. It was the second time this year that they had been hit.
#19 At the moment, close to 80 percent of the state of California is experiencing either "extreme" or "exceptional" drought.
#20 National Weather Service meteorologist Eric Boldt says that this is "the worst drought we probably have seen in our lifetime".
Most people just assume that this drought will be temporary, but experts tell us that there have been "megadroughts" throughout history in the western half of the United States that have lasted for more than 100 years.
If we have entered one of those eras, it is going to fundamentally change life in America.
And the frightening thing is that much of the rest of the world is dealing with water scarcity issues right now as well. In fact, North America is actually in better shape than much of Africa and Asia. For much more on this, please see my previous article entitled "25 Shocking Facts About The Earth’s Dwindling Water Resources".
Without plenty of fresh water, modern civilization is not possible.
And right now, the western United States and much of the rest of the world is starting to come to grips with the fact that we could be facing some very serious water shortages in the years ahead.
The current warfare between Hamas
and Israel shatters several myths that have been accepted as gospel by many in
the international community and the media.
Myth 1: The primary cause of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is the occupation of the West Bank and Israel’s settlement policy.
Reality: The reality is that Hamas’s rocket attacks against Israeli cities and civilian targets have little to do with Israel’s occupation and settlement policy on the West Bank. Even if Israel were to make peace with the Palestinian Authority, the rocket attacks from Gaza would not stop.
Myth 1: The primary cause of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians is the occupation of the West Bank and Israel’s settlement policy.
Reality: The reality is that Hamas’s rocket attacks against Israeli cities and civilian targets have little to do with Israel’s occupation and settlement policy on the West Bank. Even if Israel were to make peace with the Palestinian Authority, the rocket attacks from Gaza would not stop.
These Hamas attacks are incited by
the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Syria and others opposed to the very concept of
the nation state for the Jewish people. The best proof of this reality is that
these attacks began as soon as Israel ended its occupation of Gaza and uprooted
all the civilian settlements from that area. Israel left behind agricultural
hothouses and other equipment that the residents of Gaza could have used to
build a decent society.
Moreover, there was no siege of Gaza at that time. Gaza was free to become a Singapore on the Mediterranean. Instead, Hamas engaged in a coup d’état, murdering many members of the PA, seizing control of all of Gaza, and turning it into a militant theocracy. It used the material left behind by the Israelis not to feed its citizens but to build rockets with which to attack Israeli civilians. It was only after these rocket attacks that Israel began a siege of Gaza designed to prevent the importation of rockets and material used to build terrorist kidnap tunnels.
There are good reasons why Israel should change its settlement policy in the West Bank and try harder to achieve peace with the PA.
But even if that were to be accomplished the rockets from Gaza would continue and Israel would have to take the kind of military steps any democracy would take to protect its civilians from lethal aggression.
Myth 2: What is being experienced now is a “cycle of violence”, with equal blame on both sides.
Reality: The reality, of course, is that there is no comparison – legally, morally, diplomatically or by any other criteria – between what Hamas is doing and how Israel is responding.
Hamas is willfully and deliberately committing a double war crime by targeting Israeli civilians and using Palestinian civilians as human shields. The deliberate targeting of civilians, as Hamas admits – indeed boasts – it is doing, is a clear war crime.
Moreover, there was no siege of Gaza at that time. Gaza was free to become a Singapore on the Mediterranean. Instead, Hamas engaged in a coup d’état, murdering many members of the PA, seizing control of all of Gaza, and turning it into a militant theocracy. It used the material left behind by the Israelis not to feed its citizens but to build rockets with which to attack Israeli civilians. It was only after these rocket attacks that Israel began a siege of Gaza designed to prevent the importation of rockets and material used to build terrorist kidnap tunnels.
There are good reasons why Israel should change its settlement policy in the West Bank and try harder to achieve peace with the PA.
But even if that were to be accomplished the rockets from Gaza would continue and Israel would have to take the kind of military steps any democracy would take to protect its civilians from lethal aggression.
Myth 2: What is being experienced now is a “cycle of violence”, with equal blame on both sides.
Reality: The reality, of course, is that there is no comparison – legally, morally, diplomatically or by any other criteria – between what Hamas is doing and how Israel is responding.
Hamas is willfully and deliberately committing a double war crime by targeting Israeli civilians and using Palestinian civilians as human shields. The deliberate targeting of civilians, as Hamas admits – indeed boasts – it is doing, is a clear war crime.
Hamas has aimed its lethal rockets
at Beersheba, Tel Aviv, Haifa and Jerusalem. This is a war crime.
Moreover, it is firing these
rockets from hospitals, schools and houses in densely populated areas, in order
to cause Israel to kill Palestinian civilians. This too is a war crime.
This has been called Hamas’s “dead baby strategy.” It deliberately puts Israel to the tragic choice of attacking the rockets and killing some children who are used as human shields, or refraining from attacking the rockets and thereby placing its own children at risk. Israel has generally chosen the option of refraining from attacking legitimate military targets, but when any human shields are inadvertently killed or injured, Hamas stands ready to cynically parade the dead civilians in front of television cameras, which transmit these gruesome pictures around the world with captions blaming Israel.
Hamas has adamantly refused to build bomb shelters for its civilian population. It has built shelters but has limited access to them to Hamas terrorists. This is precisely the opposite of what Israel does – building shelters for its civilians and placing its soldiers in harm’s way.
Most recently Hamas has forced or encouraged civilians to stand on the rooftops of military targets so as to prevent Israel from attacking these entirely appropriate targets. Indeed a lawsuit is now being brought in Israel, against the Israeli military, urging it to ignore these human shields and to attack the military targets.
The argument is that unless the military targets are attacked, Israeli civilians will die, and a democracy has the obligation to prefer the lives of its own civilians over the lives of enemy civilians. Thus far the Israeli military has refrained from attacking military targets that are protected by human shields. There is absolutely no symmetry between the war crimes committed by Hamas and the entirely appropriate military response by the Israel Defense Forces.
Myth 3: Mahmoud Abbas is part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Reality: Mahmoud Abbas has become part of the problem, especially in recent days. He has supported Hamas in its war crimes against Israeli civilians and has characterized Israel’s self-defense actions as “genocide” against all of the Palestinian people. I have met Abbas and found him to be a decent man who genuinely wants a peaceful solution to the conflict, but he is not a man of courage who is prepared to stand up and tell the Palestinian people the truth about the current conflict.
His willingness to join together with Hamas in a governmental partnership demonstrates both his weakness and his willingness to be complicit with evil. He speaks out of two sides of his mouth, one side when he speaks in English to Western media and diplomats, and the other when he speaks in Arabic to the Palestinian street, which he knows contains many supporters of Hamas. His public support for Hamas has made it far more difficult for Israel to arrive at a negotiated solution with the PA. It has also made it more difficult for Hamas to stop the rocket barrage and agree to a cease-fire.
The entire civilized world should be standing behind Israel as it defends itself against war crimes. That so many continue to support – or remain silent about – those who commit these war crimes tells us something deeply disturbing about their values and prejudices.
This has been called Hamas’s “dead baby strategy.” It deliberately puts Israel to the tragic choice of attacking the rockets and killing some children who are used as human shields, or refraining from attacking the rockets and thereby placing its own children at risk. Israel has generally chosen the option of refraining from attacking legitimate military targets, but when any human shields are inadvertently killed or injured, Hamas stands ready to cynically parade the dead civilians in front of television cameras, which transmit these gruesome pictures around the world with captions blaming Israel.
Hamas has adamantly refused to build bomb shelters for its civilian population. It has built shelters but has limited access to them to Hamas terrorists. This is precisely the opposite of what Israel does – building shelters for its civilians and placing its soldiers in harm’s way.
Most recently Hamas has forced or encouraged civilians to stand on the rooftops of military targets so as to prevent Israel from attacking these entirely appropriate targets. Indeed a lawsuit is now being brought in Israel, against the Israeli military, urging it to ignore these human shields and to attack the military targets.
The argument is that unless the military targets are attacked, Israeli civilians will die, and a democracy has the obligation to prefer the lives of its own civilians over the lives of enemy civilians. Thus far the Israeli military has refrained from attacking military targets that are protected by human shields. There is absolutely no symmetry between the war crimes committed by Hamas and the entirely appropriate military response by the Israel Defense Forces.
Myth 3: Mahmoud Abbas is part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Reality: Mahmoud Abbas has become part of the problem, especially in recent days. He has supported Hamas in its war crimes against Israeli civilians and has characterized Israel’s self-defense actions as “genocide” against all of the Palestinian people. I have met Abbas and found him to be a decent man who genuinely wants a peaceful solution to the conflict, but he is not a man of courage who is prepared to stand up and tell the Palestinian people the truth about the current conflict.
His willingness to join together with Hamas in a governmental partnership demonstrates both his weakness and his willingness to be complicit with evil. He speaks out of two sides of his mouth, one side when he speaks in English to Western media and diplomats, and the other when he speaks in Arabic to the Palestinian street, which he knows contains many supporters of Hamas. His public support for Hamas has made it far more difficult for Israel to arrive at a negotiated solution with the PA. It has also made it more difficult for Hamas to stop the rocket barrage and agree to a cease-fire.
The entire civilized world should be standing behind Israel as it defends itself against war crimes. That so many continue to support – or remain silent about – those who commit these war crimes tells us something deeply disturbing about their values and prejudices.
Mahmoud Abbas |
Dear Mahmoud,
As these seem to
be idle days for you—the only definitive statement from Fatah, as your future
coalition chums in the Hamas are busy pummeling Israel with hundreds of rockets
targeting civilians, was to join in on the fun and
launch a few missiles of its own—I thought you might have time to ponder some
existential questions. Just one, really, but one that really matters: What’s
your vision for the future of Palestine?
It’s not really a theoretical question.
Because this ain’t your first rodeo, you know that sooner or later the
artillery is going to die down, and when it does much of the civilized world
will again rush to your doorstep and urge you to consider yet another variation
on a permanent agreement with Israel. If the past is any indication, they would
likely be offering you much by way of incentives; but none of them, probably,
would ask you the only question that truly matters for a head of state in
waiting, namely just what would a future Palestine look like.
Your counterpart
on the other side of the Green Line seems to have an answer. Giving an
uncharacteristically candid press conference last week, Benjamin Netanyahu said
that Israel did not want “another Gaza in Judea and Samaria,” which was why
“there cannot be a situation, under any agreement, in which we relinquish
security control of the territory west of the River Jordan.”
Can you blame Bibi for feeling grim? The
thought of more missiles and more fundamentalist zealots even closer to home is
terrifying. And when Israelis try to imagine a putative independent Palestinian
neighbor to the east, all they can think about is terror and violence.
And that,
Mahmoud, is largely your fault. Without engaging in the region’s favorite
pastime, the casting of blame, you must acknowledge that you’ve done very
little, since you took office nearly a decade ago, to communicate what kind of
society you had in mind once your national aspirations were met and Palestine
was born. All we’ve seen from you are vignettes of a wasteful, corrupt, and
repressive government met with derision by its own people. And all we’ve heard
from you are accusations that all of your nation’s ills were the direct result
of the Israeli occupation. Neither, naturally, do much to inspire confidence.
The burden of
proof, then, is now on you. And it’s a heavy one. You could argue, as I’m sure
many of your liberal sympathizers would, that the right to self-determination
is universal and requires no preconditions. That’s a debatable proposition in
classrooms and newsrooms, but it hardly passes muster when it comes to the cold
reality of geopolitics. In the real world—and anyone who has survived as long
as you have under such demanding circumstances surely knows that well—the
calculations are far less sentimental. For most Israelis, the calculation is
whether they would rather end the occupation—a proposition most of them support—and
risk a failed state run by Hamas or worse right next door, or maintain a
military presence in the West Bank, at a considerable economic and emotional
cost, and know that their well-being is far more likely to be upheld. If asked
to choose between keeping up checkpoints or risking the rise of ISIS, most
rational people—even those who, like me, strongly oppose the
occupation—wouldn’t think twice.
Which brings me back to the vision thing.
If you are serious about your historic mission, if you’re interested in
anything but basking in the eternal sunshine of constant victimization while
running a war of attrition against Israel, if you’re at all worthy of
leadership, then speak up. The coalition partners you’ve chosen have shown
themselves again and again to be nothing but murderous maniacs who had no other
agenda save for bathing their own people and Israel’s in blood. If you want
anyone to believe you’re any different, tell us about Palestine.
And please, don’t give us any more about
Israeli culpability. Most intelligent human beings, and, again, most Israelis,
realize the highly problematic nature of placing other people under military
governance. Instead, it’s time to do what you’ve never done and tell us what to
expect of your nascent state.
Would it be a
democracy? Would it guarantee, as the Palestinian Authority had failed to, the
freedoms of expression and of the press? Would it treat women with respect, or
would it foster the same rigid patriarchy that is currently responsible for 37
percent of Palestinian women being subject to domestic violence by
their husbands? Would it respect the rights of LGBT Palestinians to live and
love as they please, or would it persecute them? Would it curb its killers and
its brutes? Would it prosecute the mighty when they transgress, and protect the
innocent from undue harm?
The answers to these questions matter. They
matter a whole lot, to Israelis and Palestinians both. If you truly want to
move past retribution, you should speak up, the sooner the better.
For inspiration, you could do no better
than Israel’s founding father, David Ben-Gurion. Side by side with fighting for
sovereignty, the tuft-haired leader understood, to borrow a useful phrase from
an American poet, that in dreams begin responsibilities. That is why he used
force only sporadically and didn’t hesitate to take the most extreme measures
against those he believed didn’t. That is why he helped set up a host of robust
state-run industries responsible for anything from delivering milk to building
homes. That is why he wrote and spoke extensively about the society he had in
mind, one that combined the passion of Zionism with the promise of equality.
And that is why he succeeded so brilliantly: Despite the yoke of the British
occupation, despite the antipathy of the international community, he thrived
because he had a clear vision for the future.
Your people, Mahmoud, deserve the same.
Anyone who is really serious about a future free Palestine should demand that
you show yourself capable of building the kind of state Palestinians, like
people everywhere, crave, which is to say one that is prosperous and free. In
your inaction, in your silence, all we hear are more rockets.
Yellowstone National Park and the
surrounding area in North America is the site of some of the most powerful
volcanic eruptions to have ever occurred on Earth. Scientists are trying to
understand this super volcano beneath Yellowstone. Thanks to new seismic sensors
that have been installed in this area over the past decade, they now have
better tools to visualize what lies beneath the surface. The latest string of
research has found that the reservoir of magma – molten or semi-molten rock –
under Yellowstone is about 2.5 times bigger than previously thought. This
research was published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters on May 9, 2014.
last major eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano occurred some 640,000
years ago. It sent ash across the whole of North America, affecting our
planet’s climate. If the Yellowstone super volcano were to erupt today, it
would have major, perhaps catastrophic, consequences.
The magma
reservoir in Yellowstone sits several kilometers above a hotspot in the mantle,
and it captures much of the molten rock that rises to the surface. This molten
rock is called “melt.” To visualize the size of the magma reservoir and
estimate the amount of melt it contains, scientists used a technique called
seismic tomography that measures how fast seismic waves from earthquakes travel
through Earth’s crust. Areas where these waves slow down are indicative of
warm, partially melted rock.
scientists analyzed seismic waves from 4,520 earthquakes that occurred in
Yellowstone during 1984 to 2011. From these data, they were able to calculate
the size of the magma reservoir. It was found to be 90 kilometers (56 miles) long and about 5 to 17
kilometers (3 to 11 miles) deep, which is 2.5 times bigger than
earlier estimates. The magma reservoir is believed to be the largest known
magma reservoir in the world.
They also found
that magma reservoir contained about 5 to 15% melt, which is lower than an
earlier estimate of 32% melt. Magma typically does not erupt unless it has high
melt contents of 50% or more, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. The scientists are
hoping to conduct future studies on the pore structure of the magma reservoir,
which would help them to better understand the eruption potential.
Yellowstone volcanic field mostly developed during three enormous eruptions
that occurred 2.1 million years ago, 1.3 million years ago, and 640,000 years
ago. Yellowstone presently contains numerous geysers and hotsprings.
new research at Yellowstone was conducted by Jamie Farrell and Robert Smith of
the University of Utah, and Stephan Husen and Tobias Diehl of the Swiss
Seismological Service. Funding for the research was provided by The Brinson
Foundation, Carrico funds, and the University of Utah.
Bottom line:
New research published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters on May 9, 2014 has found that the
magma reservoir beneath Yellowstone is about 2.5 times bigger than original
estimates. It is believed to be the largest known magma reservoir in the world.
It was just announced that a military jet was flying near the downed Malaysian jetliner and OSCE monitors at the crash site contrdict Obama's TV speech from 20 minutes ago and say the rebels are not blocking their work at the site of the crash.
Below is evidence that Ukrainian ‘recording’ a fabrication.
Do you smell
a rat?
But, there’s
Who instructed or guided MH-17 To Fly Over Dangerous
Now, we find
out the MH-17 had been diverted from its normal flight corridor.
Why was
MH-17 flying a path that diverged from its normal routine flight pattern?
When you add the fact that the pilots of
MH-17 were in continual contact with Ukrainian air traffic control, you start
to consider the worst.
Who guided the Malaysian passenger jet on a different flight path |
The Sinister Malaysian Passenger Jet Plot
There are murkier details that point
to something far more sinister.
First, Kiev Wrote Records Before the plane crashed.
The first problem arises when you see how
fast that the Ukrainian government in Kiev sent out their ‘evidence’ that it
was the Russians/Separatists that shot down MH-17. I was surprised at how fast they came out with an audio recording
of what happened. But, there’s a problem with their recording.
It was created
Below is a screen shot of the creation
details of the ‘Ukrainian Evidence’:
this email about the crash of the Malaysian airliner was prepared before it crashed |
It appears
that the downing of this airplane isn’t quite the accident that it appears to
be. All other planes Avoided Ukraine That Day according to
The DailyMail.co.uk.
If every
other aircraft was avoiding Ukraine…
Why did
Ukrainian air traffic controllers instruct MH-17 to fly over the airspace that
they knew was dangerous – an airspace that had already shot down an airplane
the day before?
Possible Assassination Attempt
RT News reports: Malaysian Airlines MH17 plane was travelling
almost the same route as Russia’s President Vladimir Putin’s jet shortly before
the crash that killed 295, Interfax news agency reports citing sources. “I can
say that Putin’s plane and the Malaysian Boeing intersected at the same point
and the same echelon. That was close to Warsaw on 330-m echelon at the height
of 10,100 meters. The presidential jet was there at 16:21 Moscow time and the
Malaysian aircraft – 15:44 Moscow time,” a source told the news agency on condition
of anonymity.
“The contours of the aircrafts are similar, linear dimensions are also very similar, as for the coloring, at a quite remote distance they are almost identical”, the source added. [link to rt.com]
Is it possible that the Malaysian plane that went down was meant to be his? Did they try to assassinate him? Watch the facts stated in the videos below, because it certainly appears that way!
“The contours of the aircrafts are similar, linear dimensions are also very similar, as for the coloring, at a quite remote distance they are almost identical”, the source added. [link to rt.com]
Is it possible that the Malaysian plane that went down was meant to be his? Did they try to assassinate him? Watch the facts stated in the videos below, because it certainly appears that way!
To add one
more ominous point, there’s this from Russia Today: Reports
that Putin flew similar route as MH17
Putin was flying home on part of the same route as MH-17, about thirty minutes
ahead of the doomed Malaysian Boeing 777. Could this
have been an assassination attempt?
The Spanish Air Traffic Controller
We also have
this report: A Kiev
air traffic controller is a citizen of Spain and was working in the Ukraine. He
was taken off duty as a civil air-traffic controller along with other
foreigners immediately after a Malaysia Airlines passenger aircraft was shot
down over the Eastern Ukraine killing 295 passengers and crew on board.
The air
traffic controller suggested in a private evaluation and basing it on military
sources in Kiev, that the Ukrainian military was behind this shoot down. Radar
records were immediately confiscated after it became clear a passenger jet was
shot down.
By the way, my hat is off to DAHBOO7,
for pointing out the problems with the events surrounding the downing of
Malaysia Airlines Flight MH-17. He did a good job explaining some of the
suspicious elements surrounding this situation. He got me pointed in the right
direction, and I appreciate that.
Good job, Justin.
As I Said Yesterday…
As I said
yesterday, as MH-17 was loading up and getting ready to take off:
As the
global, NWO Elites put their plans into operation, as they struggle with each
other over who will
control the world… Do they
understand what these loose cannons could be doing?
It’s an
interesting thought, and there are more loose cannons than just Islamic
terrorist wannabes.
Lots of
little things happen to mess up plans and stratagems. Lots of things. The Illuminati are following God's plan to their destruction. Sometimes I don’t think that the Illuminati
really know what they’re doing. They’re really just dim-witted monkeys
playing with matches, while cannons roll around loose on deck. But, there is
Someone who DOES know what He’s doing.
someone is God. The
monkeys have lit a match…
…but, God is in control.
The illuminati diverted the Malaysian passenger jet? Look at the proof in the videos below.
David and Uriah |
Watch the video below called Where are the men of God?
In the video below Senator Rand Paul speaks to end U.S. foreign money going to Hamas.
Militants from the radical
jihadist group the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria have set fire to a
1,800-year-old church in Iraq’s second largest city of Mosul, a photo released
Saturday shows.
The burning
of the church is the latest in a series of destruction of Christian property in
Mosul, which was taken by the Islamist rebels last month, along with other
swathes of Iraqi territory.
ISIS thugs destroy Jonah's tomb |
A video
posted on YouTube July 9 shows a tomb being destroyed with a sledgehammer which GOVERNMENT
said was “almost certainly” the tomb of Biblical prophet Jonah.

Mosul’s Christians fled the city en masse before a Saturday deadline issued by
the al-Qaeda-inspired Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) for them to either
convert to Islam, pay tax, leave or be killed.
Al Arabiya
correspondent in Iraq Majid Hamid said the deadline set by the jihadist group
was 12 p.m. Iraqi time (10 a.m. GMT). Hamid reported that many Christians fled
the city on Friday. It is not clear if any remained after the deadline.
Louis Sako told AFP on Friday: “Christian families are on their way to Dohuk
and Arbil,” in the neighboring autonomous region of Kurdistan. “For the first time in the
history of Iraq, Mosul is now empty of Christians,” he said.
said messages telling Christians to leave the city by Saturday were blared
through loudspeakers from the city’s mosques Friday.
A statement
dated from last week and purportedly issued by ISIS that took over the city and
large swathes of Iraq during a sweeping offensive last month warned Mosul’s
Christians they should convert, pay a special tax, leave or face death.
Iraq was
home to an estimated 1 million Christians before the 2003 U.S.-led invasion
that ousted former President Saddam Hussein. Since then, militants have
frequently targeted Christians across the country, bombing their churches and
killing clergymen. Under such pressures, many Christians have left the country.
Church officials now put the community at around 450,000.
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