For those who haven 't heard, Washington State has passed both laws - gay marriage and legalized marijuana.
The fact that gay marriage and marijuana were legalized on the same day makes perfect biblical sense because Leviticus 20:13 says "If a man lies with another man they should be stoned." We just hadn't interpreted it correctly before!
Electronic Frontier Foundation reported on May 6 that Police are now using a license plate camera that is capturing so many plate numbers that a person's location is quickly becoming the new, the ultimate biometric identifier!
can now identify you by your patterns of movement throughout your city.
Can you imagine one police car being able to
capture 14,000 license plate numbers day or night in one shift? This reality
means that the majority of adult American citizens who drive will be on a
nationwide database in a matter of only a few years -- without our consent or
knowledge and without the vast majority of them ever being guilty of a crime.
But, there is even more horror!
a single license plate one time on a public city street may not seem
problematic, but when that data is put into a database, combined with other
scans of that same plate on other city streets, and stored forever, it can
become very revealing. Information about your location over time can show not
only where you live and work, but your political and religious beliefs, your
social and sexual habits, your visits to the doctor, and your associations with
others. And, according to recent research reported in Nature, it’s possible to
identify 95% of individuals with as few as four randomly selected geospatial data
points (location + time), making location data the ultimate biometric identifier.
What is the bottom line to this new technology?
the Boston Marathon bombings, many have argued that the government should take
advantage of surveillance technology to collect more data rather than less. But
we should not so readily give up the very freedoms that terrorists seek to
destroy. We should recognize just how revealing ALPR data is and not be afraid
to push our police and legislators for sensible limits to protect our basic
right to privacy.
to the strategy of the Illuminati. Under the guise of protecting our freedoms,
government is taking them away!
Welcome to the New World Order (NWO.
Lebanese newspaper reported on May 9, 2013 that
Syria's President Assad stated that his government will give the terrorist
group Hezbollah every weapon they need to destroy Israel!
Friends, Syria is going to lose
her capital, Damascus, just as Isaiah 17:1 foretold 2,500 years ago.
Syria will give Hezbollah
everything it needs in weaponry in recognition of its support to Syria and will
follow the terrorist group's model of resistance against Israel. President Assad
refuted any suggestion that Israeli raids on Syrian targets would halt assistance
to the Shiite group Hezbollah in Lebanon.
has a long term relationship with Hezbollah.
Yes, it does in Isaiah 17 |
organization is a long-time ally of the Syrian regime and has sent fighters to
battle alongside Assad's troops against Al Qaeda rebels. Damascus has long
served as a supply conduit for Iran-backed Hezbollah, and Assad said they would
reward the group for their loyalty.
said “For the first time we feel that we and they are living in the same
situation and they are not just an ally we help with resistance.”
has long warned that this weapons cooperation between Syria and Hezbollah is a
"red line" Assad cannot cross.
world has abruptly come to the brink of regional war and Isaiah 17 is being
fulfilled before our eyes.
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