Monday, July 22, 2024

What the Media Won't Tell You About JD VANCE, July 22, 2024


Reader Comments: Watchman, it seems JD Vance saw himself as a misfit at Yale, not coming from a wealthy family. So I doubt he was a part of Skull and Bones for the elite. However, I think we should not be fooled by either party. They seem to both want the New World Order but according to their own agendas.

I think this meeting in September is a collaborative effort for most governments today. This is a post from Telegram, Bubba News.

September 22-23, 2024 the UN πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡³ will host the “Summit of the Future” where nations will sign the “Pact of the Future”, creating the coming One World 🌍 government.

The Summit of the Future website says the Pact for the Future will be “a WORLD SYSTEM."  

UN member states are also likely to vote to CHANGE the UN itself very radically — what some are calling UN 2.0 

Additionally, a UN document on the Summit of the Future titled, What Would it Deliver?, calls for “A GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM That Works For All." (The Great Reset) 

With the zero-draft of the "Pact for the Future" and the Climate Governance Commission’s 2023 report, the CLUB OF ROME calls on ALL nations to declare a PLANETARY EMERGENCY 🚨 and adopt a Planetary Emergency Plan. 

The Club of Rome was founded in 1968 and plays a major role in the development of the World Economic Forum (WEF). 

It’s all coming together in real time y’all.

Rapture Ready, πŸ™✝️πŸ™

Watchman: amen sister!

102,331 views Jul 16, 2024

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