Monday, July 22, 2024



Reader comments: I disagree on your assessment of Kamala’s citizenship. My research shows that anchor babies are natural born US citizens. They may be citizens of other countries but I think that’s irrelevant for purposes of whether she’s a us citizen. 

Makes you wonder though how all these people whose citizenship is questionable become presidential nominees. Mitt Romney’s dad, Romney, McCain, Obama, I’m sure others

Others questioned include Chester Alan Arthur, Ted Cruz, Barry Goldwater.

Watchman comments: I have been saying for some time that Joe Biden is the head of a crime family, as many of you know, and almost all of the time the only way the Mafia can get rid of a head of a crime family is to kill him. Hence, don't be surprised if Biden dies suddenly. The cover story for his death possibly could be Covid. Remember the U.S. is like the corrupt Roman Empire where murder of important officials was almost routine.  

I am in total agreement with Pastor Steve and God, Biden's 3 1/2 years is up! Go to the 4 minute 39 second mark on the video and Pastor begins to discuss Kamala. A brief graphic flashes quickly showing her as the 47th President.

I agree with Pastor Cioccolanti's prophesy that Kamala will briefly be President 47 and then Trump the 48th.

I have said this many times, I believe Pastor Cioccolanti is truly anointed by God and delivers an accurate prophetic word.

Cioccolanti's 15 Years of PROPHECIES Being Fulfilled


What's GOD Saying About Kamala; Watch Pastor Cioccolanti's vitally important video below. 

 4,100 VIEWS July 22, 2024

Circumstantial evidence indicates her family are members of the evil, secret British Pilgrim Society and as an immigrant not eligible to be President. However, constitutional law means nothing to the evil cabal.  

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