Thursday, June 27, 2024

Israel's Zionists Are Not God’s Chosen People, June 27, 2024


3,255 views Jul 7, 2021

0:40 - What is Liberal Theology?

4:30 - Are the Seventh Day Adventists a true church?

8:49 - Is Israel Still God’s Chosen People?


RFK Jr. The Rigged Presidential Debate, June 27, 2024


Kennedy-Shanahan 24
Dear alan & connie singler,
As you know, Presidents Trump and Biden have colluded with CNN to block our voices in the upcoming debate.
However, we refuse to be silenced, and with your help, we can ensure our message is heard loud and clear.
This Thursday night, join us at for the three-way debate America deserves, presented LIVE and powered by the free speech defenders over at X.
The Real Debate
Here’s how you can help show our strength in numbers and send a message to corrupt cable news:
    1. Share RFK Jr.’s Tweet: Help us spread the word by sharing our tweet on your social media platforms. Let’s create a wave of support that can't be ignored and show the power of our collective voice
    2. Host a Viewing Party for Gather friends, family, and fellow supporters to watch the debate live. This is a fantastic opportunity to engage more people in our movement and discuss the issues that matter. Have buddies supporting one of the other two guys? Even better! The Real Debate is all about restoring healthy public discourse and healing our divisions, whomever ends up earning your vote in November. Let’s lead by example and put country before party to make Thursday’s debate a win for America.
Your actions are crucial. Our previous State of the Union address reached over a hundred million more views than President Biden’s, thanks to supporters like you.
With your continued dedication, we can surpass our past successes and send an unequivocal message to the corporate media.
Together, we can make this debate a groundbreaking event and a powerful statement against media corruption.
Thank you for your commitment and energy.
Team Kennedy

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

hmmmm........ Who owns the banks???? June 28, 2024

Reader comment: Watchman, the crash will be horrific, the J..... Bankers grab all the chips as they kick over the table. They will print to no avail, then use the SDR. At the point the public refuses the SDR,  they will use silver and gold backing our new currency after it revalues at astronomic values. Well, the saying you will own nothing (Klaus Schnob) will come into play.........xxxxxxxxx

Watchman answer: Banksters like the Rothschilds, J.P. Morgan, Bank of England, Goldman Sachs, etc.

The same Banksters have bankrupted the U.S. and are financing the disastrous wars in Ukraine and Gaza! 

People like Nero and Trump and their associates are their willing pawns sacrificing us on the front lines of their idiotic wars. Further, they are leading us down the path to financial depression that will, once and for all destroy our once great constitutional republic.

dead in WW1

 There were 20 million deaths and 21 million wounded. The total number of deaths includes 9.7 million military personnel and about 10 million civilians.

dead in the Russian Civil War

As many as 10 million lives were lost as a result of the Russian Civil War, and the overwhelming majority of these were civilian casualties. Thousands of perceived opponents of the Bolsheviks were murdered by the Cheka, and life among the peasants was miserable

dead in WW2

Estimates for the number of people who died in World War II range from 50–85 million, or about 3% of the world's population in 1940. This includes both military and civilian fatalities, as well as deaths from war-related disease and famine. 


NY Fed Warns Of Risk To Major U.S. Banks, Something Amiss In The Banking System


Monday June 24, 2024

There is something "amiss" in the U.S. banking sector, says Gareth Soloway, Chief Market Strategist at, warning that big institutional players are "unloading" the stocks of big banks.

"I'm hearing a lot of chatter about the big banks unloading bad debt right now, trying to get ahead of some sort of crisis looming," Soloway tells Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News. "Because interest rates are so high, the amount of losses in mortgage-backed securities potentially rival what we saw in 2008 and 2009. In addition, the commercial real estate market is in tatters. And these are all things that banks are holding on their balance sheets."

There has also been a technical breakdown in the stocks of some of the bigger banks, including JPMorgan, according to Soloway.

"This trend line breakdown just started on JPMorgan, Citigroup has already broken down," Soloway added. "There are signs that something is amiss within the banking system, whether it's the bear flag in the KRE or in these bigger banks. There are some bigger players that are unloading the big banks here."

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell commented (lied about) on the banking sector at the June press conference following the central bank's two-day monetary policy meeting.

"The banking system has been solid, strong, well-capitalized lending. We've seen good performance by the banks. We had turmoil early last year, but banks have been focusing on bringing up their liquidity, bringing up their capital, and having risk management plans in place. So, the banking system seems to be in good shape," Powell said.

Soloway reacted to Powell's comment by pointing out that the Fed Chair would never come out and say there is a big issue in the banking system. "Think about the fire that would spread in the market crash that would ensue if he said that," Soloway noted.

Soloway's warning comes as the New York Fed's Liberty Street Economics blog cautioned of U.S. big banks facing growing spillover risks from non-banks.

During periods of increased market volatility, liquidity demand accelerates, putting pressure on banks as non-banks look for loans and lines of credit. This could trigger "vectors of shock transmission and amplification, forcing authorities to intervene and do so en masse," the post said, adding that the disruptions "could be rather severe."

At the same time, the Federal Reserve pointed to weaknesses in four of the biggest banks on Wall Street regarding how they would handle their own failures.

According to a joint statement released Friday by the U.S. central bank and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the regulators spotted shortcomings in the so-called "living wills" of JPMorgan, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs Group, and Citigroup.

The image above is J.P. Morgan from the game of Monopoly

Banking Crisis, Stage Two


Monday June 10, 2024

The bottom line is Stage II of the banking crisis is here, and the effects will be devastating to financial institutions and the stock market as a whole.

Either a single bank failure or a systemic crisis could happen at any moment.

Step one is to get gold. That will see you through the storm.

I’m sure you recall the banking crisis of March to May 2023.

It began with the collapse of the little-known Silvergate Bank on March 8. This was followed the next day by the collapse of the much larger Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) on March 9. SVB had over $120 billion in uninsured deposits.

Bank deposits over $250,000 each are not covered by FDIC insurance. Those depositors stood to lose all their money over the insured amount. This would have led to the collapse of hundreds of startup tech businesses in Silicon Valley that had placed their working capital on deposit at SVB.

There were also much larger businesses such as Cisco and at least one large cryptocurrency exchange that had billions of dollars on deposit there. Those businesses would have taken huge write-downs based on the size of their uninsured deposits.

On March 9, the FDIC said that indeed the excess deposits were uninsured, and depositors would get “receivership certificates” of uncertain value and zero liquidity instead.

By March 11, the FDIC reversed course and said all deposits would be insured. The Federal Reserve intervened and said they would take any U.S. Treasury securities from member banks in exchange for par value in cash even if the bonds were only worth 80% of par (which most were).

The Mother of All Bailouts

That Sunday night they also closed Signature Bank, a New York-based bank with crypto links. The damage wasn’t done. On March 19, the Swiss National Bank forced a merge of UBS and Credit Suisse, one of the largest banks in the world. Credit Suisse was on the edge of insolvency.

Finally, on May 1, First Republic Bank, with over $225 billion in assets, was ordered closed by the government and sold to JPMorgan.

It was the mother of all bailouts and seemed to leave stock market investors unfazed. The issue was, and is: Once you’ve guaranteed every deposit and agreed to finance every bond at par value, what’s left in your bag of tricks? What can you do in the next crisis that you haven’t already done — except nationalize the banks?

After five bank failures in two months and a trillion-dollar bailout by the government, the crisis seemed over. But that was false comfort. I wrote at the time that the crisis wasn’t over, that it was just halftime.

Investors are relaxed because they believe the banking crisis is over.

That’s a huge mistake.

History shows that major financial crises unfold in stages and have a quiet period between the initial stage and the critical stage.

When Slow-Motion Crisis Turns Real-Time

It happened during the Global Financial Crisis when the original distress in August 2007 that seemed contained was followed by the failures of Bear Stearns, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Lehman Bros. from March to September 2008.

The average duration of these financial crises is about 20 months. This new crisis began 15 months ago. It could have five more months to run, if not longer.

On the other hand, this crisis could reach the acute stage faster. That’s because of technology that makes a bank run move at the speed of light. With an iPhone you can initiate a $1 billion wire transfer from a failing bank while you’re waiting in line at McDonald’s. No need to line up around the block in the rain waiting your turn.

In other words, the second stage of the crisis could erupt in even more dramatic fashion sooner than later. This slow-motion crisis can become a real-time crisis very quickly.

The Dollar Itself Is at Stake

In addition, the regulatory response is faster because they’ve seen this movie before. That begs the question of whether regulators are out of bullets because they’ve already guaranteed almost everything so they don’t have more rabbits to pull out of the hat.

This could be the crisis where the panic moves from the banks to the dollar itself. If savers lose confidence in the Fed (we’re almost there) not only will the banks collapse, but the dollar will collapse also. At that point, the only solution is gold bullion.

It’s also important to distinguish between individual bank failures and a systemic banking crisis. When individual banks fail, the depositors and creditors are usually protected but stockholders can get wiped out.

In a systemic banking crisis, the contagion goes from bank to bank quickly, and the entire system has to be rescued with some combination of blanket deposit guarantees and unlimited QE.

In the worst case, you either have to shut the banks (which FDR did in 1933) or nationalize them which some countries have done from time to time.

Is Stage II Here?

Either a single bank failure or a systemic crisis could happen at any moment. The actual trigger is a bit mysterious and mostly psychological because the fundamental problems have been there all along.

Well, it seems that the quiet period is over and we are entering Stage II of the banking meltdown.

According to the latest data from the FDIC, many banks could be at risk of failure as unrealized losses reached $517 billion in the first quarter of 2024, up from $478 billion in the last quarter of 2023. 40 banks with over $1 billion in assets have already reported unrealized losses higher than 50% of their equity capital. Over 200 smaller banks with lesser assets have issued the same reports.

The bottom line is Stage II of the crisis is here, and the effects will be devastating to financial institutions and the stock market as a whole.

We may not be able to prevent the crisis, but we can see it coming and prepare accordingly to preserve our wealth. Step one is to get gold. That will see you through the storm.

Macron of France, the former bankster for the Rothschilds
In 2008, Macron paid €50,000 to buy himself out of his government contract. He then became an investment banker in a highly-paid position at Rothschild & Cie Banque.

Israel has murdered 60 of Haniyeh relatives, June 26, 2024


Hamas’ Ismail Haniyeh Defies Israel After Sister, 9 Other Relatives Killed In IDF Strike In Gaza; in total Israel has murdered 60 of Haniyeh relatives.  

Watchman comment: If Israel or any terrorist group or nation killed members of my family I would fight them immediately. I was pissed after my fellow Americans were killed in the 9/11 attacks and served in the U.S. Army for 4 years, almost all of it overseas. 

June 26, 2024

Malak Haniyeh, above,  died from injuries sustained in an Israeli strike that killed other Haniyeh family members. 

Images, Maoz Israel, Memes, Wanda Alger, June 26, 2024


Hmmm, Watchman answer: Nero is a mindless vegetable pedo fruit (Nero showered with his daughter!)

In the last week, I've posted several articles and videos in response to the recent focus on mega-pastors being exposed for hidden sins and crimes against children. This has become a heated topic online with many victims speaking out for justice. There is no question that the abuse of children and pedophilia from the pulpit must be called out and atoned for. There is no question that those victimized must be heard and ministered to.

The greatest challenge, however, is how this conversation unfolds. Our adversary, the devil, is trying to hijack these conversations determined to absolutely destroy the church and her witness. In our attempts to see perpetrators take responsibility and receive the appropriate consequence, we must also see what precedents are being set and the larger ramifications of our court system's involvement in these cases. It is my hope in sharing these articles and videos that there can be a deeper consideration into the complexities of this issue - especially from a pastoral perspective

You may have heard the term ‘Righteous Gentiles.

It’s a name bestowed upon those who during WWII stood up for the righteous act of protecting Jews from slaughter. Righteous Gentiles put their own lives and livelihood at risk—and sometimes lost everything while saving Jewish lives. There are children and grandchildren who exist today because someone who didn’t have to—chose to protect the apple of God’s eye when destiny called.

Your giving allows Maoz to be a light to Israelis physically, mentally and spiritually. From distributing Bibles to war-relief supplies to worship music to our network of over 100 congregations, our mission is not just to see Israelis survive—but thrive—and fulfill their destiny of being a light to the nations.

RFK Jr. Watch The Real Debate! June 26, 2024


Neither "Chicken Shit is versed on the issues like RFK Jr.! That is why "Goofy and Orange Man are afraid to debate him"

Welcome to fascist, crony capitalist America where CNN gets to decide who debates!!!! 

CNN desperate for narrative control as Fifth Generation Warfare targets humanity
Mike Adams

CNN is now desperately trying to control the upcoming presidential debate narrative, threatening all podcasters and live streamers with legal action if they post clips that make Joe Biden look bad.

The desperation to try to protect the image of a feeble-minded dementia patient pretending to be "president" is off the charts.

Today my broadcast focuses on mind control, gaslighting, fifth generation warfare and the weaponization of content against humanity.

Plus, we feature a hard-hitting interview with "Deep State Marauder" Ivan Raiklin, who is putting together a deep state arrest list and who says the mass arrests of treasonous actors will be live streamed for the world to witness.

Find it all in today's Brighton Broadcast News here:

As you know, Presidents Trump and Biden have colluded with CNN to block our voices in the upcoming debate.
However, we refuse to be silenced, and with your help, we can ensure our message is heard loud and clear.
This Thursday night, join us at for the three-way debate America deserves, presented LIVE and powered by the free speech defenders over at X.
The Real Debate
Here’s how you can help show our strength in numbers and send a message to corrupt cable news:
    1. Share RFK Jr.’s Tweet: Help us spread the word by sharing our tweet on your social media platforms. Let’s create a wave of support that can't be ignored and show the power of our collective voice
    2. Host a Viewing Party for Gather friends, family, and fellow supporters to watch the debate live. This is a fantastic opportunity to engage more people in our movement and discuss the issues that matter. Have buddies supporting one of the other two guys? Even better! The Real Debate is all about restoring healthy public discourse and healing our divisions, whomever ends up earning your vote in November. Let’s lead by example and put country before party to make Thursday’s debate a win for America.
Your actions are crucial. Our previous State of the Union address reached over a hundred million more views than President Biden’s, thanks to supporters like you.
With your continued dedication, we can surpass our past successes and send an unequivocal message to the corporate media.
Together, we can make this debate a groundbreaking event and a powerful statement against media corruption.
Thank you for your commitment and energy.
Team Kennedy
That is the motto of "Chicken shits,"  "Daffy Duck and Goofy"

Will Voters Turn the World Upside-Down? June 25, 2024


By J.B. Shurk

Watchman Comments: The U.S. 2024 election is already rigged!

“Chicken Shits” Nero (or his body double) and The Orange Man are afraid to debate RFK Jr. because RFK Jr. is versed on the issues and they are not.

Who gave CNN the authority to dictate which political candidates get to debate? The “Uniparty” and CNN make King George III look like a saint.

71% of Americans want RFK Jr. at the debate. It is just another reason I haven’t watched CNN in years and I will boycott this upcoming lame, sham of a debate.

I am confident that if the Orange Man or Nero win the 2024 there will be widespread voter remorse.

As for European politicians good riddance to all those political bums except Nigel Farag and Victor Orban!


Genesis 12:2-5 and Pox Americana vs. Pax Americana, June 25, 2024


Another "forever war" began today June 25, 1950 in Korea. There is no peace treaty for the Korean peninsula just an armistice. Then on to the main topics.


The United States was the first country to recognize the provisional government of the state of Israel upon its founding in 1948, and it has for many decades been a strong and steady supporter of the Jewish state. Israel has received hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S. foreign aid in the post–World War II era, 

  • As part of an agreement reached under the Obama administration, Israel receives $3.8 billion annually for its military and missile defense systems.
  • Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, which has represented around 15% of the country's defense budget in recent years. 

How much U.S. aid does Israel receive? Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance.May 31, 2024

We Christians frequently cite and believe Genesis 12:2-5 in reference to Israel.

I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.

Well, it dawned on me that for 76 years the United States of America has blessed Israel in a number of ways and it seems to me that we have not been blessed, in fact cursed! Except for the scripture below in reference to whorish Israel, I cannot explain this perhaps one of my readers can.

As you know I have written on this topic a few times in the past. In 1948 the world lived in a “Pax Americana” the U.S. had only the Soviet Union as an enemy in the world, now in 2024 we have more enemies than we can shake a stick at and it is “Pox Americana”. We also had a monopoly on the atomic bomb, that is long since gone.

Sadly since 1948 we have seen the U.S. steadily decline morally, culturally, militarily, psychologically and economically. Consider the following facts:

1.   In 1948 the U.S. dollar was the unquestioned reserve currency of the world.

2.   In 1948 the streets of American cities were safe, now you risk your life if you walk in an American city late at night or really any time of the day or night. In 1948 there was no such thing as a “drive by shooting”.  

3.   The value of human life has become cheap in America. Murder is an every day occurrence in our communities.

4.   Homeless people, drug addicts and illegal aliens roam and live on our city streets.

5.   The political climate in America has also deteriorated with widespread corruption; crony capitalism; and mismanagement is rampant at the national level. We spend more money on national defense than the next 10 countries combined and we get in return  inferior armaments and products.    

6.   Abortion has killed millions of babies since 1948, abortionists kill far more people than Hitler murdered..

7.   Since 1948 the U.S. has fought numerous disastrous “forever” wars, e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine.

8.   The U.S. is bankrupt financially, saddled with over $34 trillion in national debt. Only God knows what our total debt is "off the books". We are being stolen blind by Ukraine and Israel.

9.   America is ruled by two political parties (“the uniparty”) who do not give a damn about the average American.                 

        Our political leaders and media promote racial and gender division.

It is important to ask ourselves what countries the United States can always count on in times of crisis. Recent events have shortened that list considerably.

Consider this in August 1945 after the defeat of the Empire of Japan the United States of America had no enemies in the world. (The threat of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had not arisen yet.) The United States was the sole paramount, atomic super power in the world. Germany, the Soviet Union and Japan had been utterly devastated. 

Well, how about today? 

Who in the world are friends with the United States? 

For example, Turkey is defying the European Union embargo against Iran by buying Iranian oil. Turkey has the best and most important southern flank army in NATO but is no longer a reliable NATO partner. Turkey, for over 20 years has been spurned by the European Union.  The genocide in Gaza has also angered the Turks. The Turks, recently put their fleet in eastern Med to counter US aircraft carriers and Israel. By the way our aircraft carriers lack personnel, they are short 200 to 500 sailors. The military missed a 75,000 recruiting goal in 2023 but made the goal this year by lowering the goal to 55,000. The Russians have approximately 1.2 million people in their military, we have 450,000!!!    

Latin/South America is drifting away from US hegemony towards BRICS. Venezuela’s Maduro, is closely allied with Iran and other American enemies. 

Russia, under Putin, and China under Xi lead BRICS, a counter force to European Union, U.S. and IMF. BRICS is growing from the original members, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to include  Egypt, Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran and Saudi Arabia and UAE. 90 nations now want to join BRICS. The BRICS currency will be backed by Gold and will replace worthless U.S. fiat currency.

The entire Arab world and most of the Muslim world has condemned Israel’s action in Gaza and Yemen has declared war on Israel. Pakistan, a nuclear power, is at best our marginal friend. 

Mohammed bin Salmon (MBS) and Saudi Arabia are drifting away as a US protectorate and is joining BRICS further weakening the doomed US petro dollar. 

A Russian fleet recently visited Cuba bringing back memories of the 1962 blockade of Cuba. By this move Russia said we can play around in the U.S. backyard and strike the U.S. 

European countries, such as France, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Sweden and Norway, are not reliable NATO partners because they cannot put a large, reliable army on the modern battlefield. The French fleet recently exited the Red Sea humbled by the mighty Houthis. Each European army is very small.

Israel may be America’s only remaining reliable ally and Israel is a pariah on the world stage. Israel is on the verge of developing billions upon billions barrels of oil and natural gas in the Med, some of it belonging to the Gazans. Oil and natural gas may be “the hook” that causes Israel’s enemies to pounce on her for spoils as the Bible prophesies. Add to that the fact that Netanyahu is the best recruiter Hamas has ever had!

Friends and patriots, the era of Pax Americana has become Pox Americana.




China, gee fight a war with China and Russia at the same time.


Russia, the U.S. keeps on poking the battle hardened bear.

N. Korea just received one of Russia's best Topol M missiles

Hamas executed a brilliant military attack on Oct. 7, 2023

Hezbollah can now challenge Israeli air superiority

Yemen, the Houthis are tough fighters, defeating the Saudis and Egyptians in the past.

Syria, Assad is still in power

Libya is a de-stabilized, failed state


Lebanon, if Israel invades southern Lebanon Israel will be defeated like Israel was defeated by Hezbollah in 2006.

Iraq, Islamic militias routinely attack Americans and Israel

Iran has the "bomb".

Venezuela, the next troublesome Russian and Chinese proxy.


Belarus is a Russian ally with nuclear weapons


Ajerbaijan, oil rich




More U.S. enemies will be added soon because the U.S. knows how to make enemies and not influence people! The U.S. is the biggest and best bully in the world and our sanctions hurt us more than the sanctioned nations. We need to get rid of the war criminals, NEOCONS and Dem "war dogs" in our government before tactical nukes explode!

U.S. Secretary of State “dumb ass”Antony Blinken has made big claims, stating that the world is transitioning to a "new world order". He emphasized that the U.S. must lead the way in overcoming increasing threats from Russia and China by working with its allies to build trust among nations for whom the old system failed. “One era is ending, a new one is beginning, and the decisions that we take now will shape the future for decades to come", Blinken said. Watch this video to know more.