Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Genesis 12:2-5 and Pox Americana vs. Pax Americana, June 25, 2024


Another "forever war" began today June 25, 1950 in Korea. There is no peace treaty for the Korean peninsula just an armistice. Then on to the main topics.


The United States was the first country to recognize the provisional government of the state of Israel upon its founding in 1948, and it has for many decades been a strong and steady supporter of the Jewish state. Israel has received hundreds of billions of dollars in U.S. foreign aid in the post–World War II era, 

  • As part of an agreement reached under the Obama administration, Israel receives $3.8 billion annually for its military and missile defense systems.
  • Israel is the largest recipient of U.S. foreign military financing, which has represented around 15% of the country's defense budget in recent years. 

How much U.S. aid does Israel receive? Israel has been the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding, receiving about $310 billion (adjusted for inflation) in total economic and military assistance.May 31, 2024

We Christians frequently cite and believe Genesis 12:2-5 in reference to Israel.

I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed." So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him.

Well, it dawned on me that for 76 years the United States of America has blessed Israel in a number of ways and it seems to me that we have not been blessed, in fact cursed! Except for the scripture below in reference to whorish Israel, I cannot explain this perhaps one of my readers can.

As you know I have written on this topic a few times in the past. In 1948 the world lived in a “Pax Americana” the U.S. had only the Soviet Union as an enemy in the world, now in 2024 we have more enemies than we can shake a stick at and it is “Pox Americana”. We also had a monopoly on the atomic bomb, that is long since gone.

Sadly since 1948 we have seen the U.S. steadily decline morally, culturally, militarily, psychologically and economically. Consider the following facts:

1.   In 1948 the U.S. dollar was the unquestioned reserve currency of the world.

2.   In 1948 the streets of American cities were safe, now you risk your life if you walk in an American city late at night or really any time of the day or night. In 1948 there was no such thing as a “drive by shooting”.  

3.   The value of human life has become cheap in America. Murder is an every day occurrence in our communities.

4.   Homeless people, drug addicts and illegal aliens roam and live on our city streets.

5.   The political climate in America has also deteriorated with widespread corruption; crony capitalism; and mismanagement is rampant at the national level. We spend more money on national defense than the next 10 countries combined and we get in return  inferior armaments and products.    

6.   Abortion has killed millions of babies since 1948, abortionists kill far more people than Hitler murdered..

7.   Since 1948 the U.S. has fought numerous disastrous “forever” wars, e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and Ukraine.

8.   The U.S. is bankrupt financially, saddled with over $34 trillion in national debt. Only God knows what our total debt is "off the books". We are being stolen blind by Ukraine and Israel.

9.   America is ruled by two political parties (“the uniparty”) who do not give a damn about the average American.                 

        Our political leaders and media promote racial and gender division.

It is important to ask ourselves what countries the United States can always count on in times of crisis. Recent events have shortened that list considerably.

Consider this in August 1945 after the defeat of the Empire of Japan the United States of America had no enemies in the world. (The threat of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had not arisen yet.) The United States was the sole paramount, atomic super power in the world. Germany, the Soviet Union and Japan had been utterly devastated. 

Well, how about today? 

Who in the world are friends with the United States? 

For example, Turkey is defying the European Union embargo against Iran by buying Iranian oil. Turkey has the best and most important southern flank army in NATO but is no longer a reliable NATO partner. Turkey, for over 20 years has been spurned by the European Union.  The genocide in Gaza has also angered the Turks. The Turks, recently put their fleet in eastern Med to counter US aircraft carriers and Israel. By the way our aircraft carriers lack personnel, they are short 200 to 500 sailors. The military missed a 75,000 recruiting goal in 2023 but made the goal this year by lowering the goal to 55,000. The Russians have approximately 1.2 million people in their military, we have 450,000!!!    

Latin/South America is drifting away from US hegemony towards BRICS. Venezuela’s Maduro, is closely allied with Iran and other American enemies. 

Russia, under Putin, and China under Xi lead BRICS, a counter force to European Union, U.S. and IMF. BRICS is growing from the original members, Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa to include  Egypt, Argentina, Ethiopia, Iran and Saudi Arabia and UAE. 90 nations now want to join BRICS. The BRICS currency will be backed by Gold and will replace worthless U.S. fiat currency.

The entire Arab world and most of the Muslim world has condemned Israel’s action in Gaza and Yemen has declared war on Israel. Pakistan, a nuclear power, is at best our marginal friend. 

Mohammed bin Salmon (MBS) and Saudi Arabia are drifting away as a US protectorate and is joining BRICS further weakening the doomed US petro dollar. 

A Russian fleet recently visited Cuba bringing back memories of the 1962 blockade of Cuba. By this move Russia said we can play around in the U.S. backyard and strike the U.S. 

European countries, such as France, Great Britain, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, Greece, Portugal, Sweden and Norway, are not reliable NATO partners because they cannot put a large, reliable army on the modern battlefield. The French fleet recently exited the Red Sea humbled by the mighty Houthis. Each European army is very small.

Israel may be America’s only remaining reliable ally and Israel is a pariah on the world stage. Israel is on the verge of developing billions upon billions barrels of oil and natural gas in the Med, some of it belonging to the Gazans. Oil and natural gas may be “the hook” that causes Israel’s enemies to pounce on her for spoils as the Bible prophesies. Add to that the fact that Netanyahu is the best recruiter Hamas has ever had!

Friends and patriots, the era of Pax Americana has become Pox Americana.




China, gee fight a war with China and Russia at the same time.


Russia, the U.S. keeps on poking the battle hardened bear.

N. Korea just received one of Russia's best Topol M missiles

Hamas executed a brilliant military attack on Oct. 7, 2023

Hezbollah can now challenge Israeli air superiority

Yemen, the Houthis are tough fighters, defeating the Saudis and Egyptians in the past.

Syria, Assad is still in power

Libya is a de-stabilized, failed state


Lebanon, if Israel invades southern Lebanon Israel will be defeated like Israel was defeated by Hezbollah in 2006.

Iraq, Islamic militias routinely attack Americans and Israel

Iran has the "bomb".

Venezuela, the next troublesome Russian and Chinese proxy.


Belarus is a Russian ally with nuclear weapons


Ajerbaijan, oil rich




More U.S. enemies will be added soon because the U.S. knows how to make enemies and not influence people! The U.S. is the biggest and best bully in the world and our sanctions hurt us more than the sanctioned nations. We need to get rid of the war criminals, NEOCONS and Dem "war dogs" in our government before tactical nukes explode!

U.S. Secretary of State “dumb ass”Antony Blinken has made big claims, stating that the world is transitioning to a "new world order". He emphasized that the U.S. must lead the way in overcoming increasing threats from Russia and China by working with its allies to build trust among nations for whom the old system failed. “One era is ending, a new one is beginning, and the decisions that we take now will shape the future for decades to come", Blinken said. Watch this video to know more.


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