Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Images, Maoz Israel, Memes, Wanda Alger, June 26, 2024


Hmmm, Watchman answer: Nero is a mindless vegetable pedo fruit (Nero showered with his daughter!)

In the last week, I've posted several articles and videos in response to the recent focus on mega-pastors being exposed for hidden sins and crimes against children. This has become a heated topic online with many victims speaking out for justice. There is no question that the abuse of children and pedophilia from the pulpit must be called out and atoned for. There is no question that those victimized must be heard and ministered to.

The greatest challenge, however, is how this conversation unfolds. Our adversary, the devil, is trying to hijack these conversations determined to absolutely destroy the church and her witness. In our attempts to see perpetrators take responsibility and receive the appropriate consequence, we must also see what precedents are being set and the larger ramifications of our court system's involvement in these cases. It is my hope in sharing these articles and videos that there can be a deeper consideration into the complexities of this issue - especially from a pastoral perspective

You may have heard the term ‘Righteous Gentiles.

It’s a name bestowed upon those who during WWII stood up for the righteous act of protecting Jews from slaughter. Righteous Gentiles put their own lives and livelihood at risk—and sometimes lost everything while saving Jewish lives. There are children and grandchildren who exist today because someone who didn’t have to—chose to protect the apple of God’s eye when destiny called.

Your giving allows Maoz to be a light to Israelis physically, mentally and spiritually. From distributing Bibles to war-relief supplies to worship music to our network of over 100 congregations, our mission is not just to see Israelis survive—but thrive—and fulfill their destiny of being a light to the nations.

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